CHAPTER 8 || the culprit

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Hoseok sat in his car seat eating his fish sandwich while his feet tapped on the ground aggressively, Jimin glanced over at him " you okay kitten?" He asked placing his hand on the boy's thigh

Hoseok smiled "yea , I'm so excited" he openly admitted , Jimin chuckle deeply "it's just work , it's not like a play date or anything" he says , the younger nodded "I know but it's still exciting to see where you work" he says nibbling at his sandwich

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows "isn't that your lunch that I packed? you already ate breakfast" he said , hoseok's eyes widened as he shoved the whole sandwich into his mouth before Jimin could take it

The older sighed "aish , what am I going to do with you" he reached over and ruffled the younger's hair

"Well , we're here" he said pulling into the parking lot of the huge building , he parked and unbuckled his seatbelt . He grabbed his work bag and slid out of the car walking to the other side to unbuckle Hoseok as he couldn't do it himself

Hoseok sat patiently as Jimin freed him , as soon as he did he grabbed his own lunch bag and hopped out of the car almost falling but Jimin caught him just in time "be careful sport" he said , hoseok giggled and moved himself so Jimin could close the door behind him

As soon as he did they were off to the tall building

As soon as they entered Hoseok was hit with a variety of smells both good and bad , he glanced around and there were a lot of people staring in his direction , he wasn't sure if they were looking at him or at his master but he tried to ignore them as best as possible

They entered an elevator and Jimin stepped forward pressing floor 10 , suddenly Hoseok felt like he was moving upwards , he clung to Jimin and squeezed his eyes shut not wanting to see how high they were going because the elevator was unfortunately a clear one

After a long while he heard a loud ding sound , he opened his eyes and Jimin took his hand "come on , my office is this way" he says leading the younger , hoseok couldn't understand why they were so many clear glass in the building as it was so high above ground

It made him nervous

The suddenly came to a hault and the older started fishing something out of his pocket , he took out the key and unlock the door

They silently entered the office , it was mostly filled with jimin's familiar scent but there was an unfamiliar feminine one that he couldn't quite ignore

Jimin took off his blazer and put it on a coats hanger before he sat around his desk "you can sit here , there , or there" he pointed at the seat next to him , a chair opposite of his desk and a desk in the far corner of the room

Hoseok obviously chose the one next to the older , he sat in the rotating chair at leaned over to sniff Jimin trying not to make it too obvious, it's just that the older's smell always made his feel calm and relaxed , a sort of homey feeling

"Snow asked me to be her mate" Hoseok said out of the blue , Jimin whipped his head a around with wide eyes "really?" He asked seemingly interested , the younger hummed "what did you say?" He asked

Hoseok sighed "I said no" Jimin frowned a bit "do you feel bad for rejecting her?" He asked , the boy starred into nothingness for a while "no , I didn't feel bad" he admits "I made sure she didn't feel bad as well" he glanced up at Jimin who then smiled "that's good"

"Well I have some work to do , why don't you go scope out the place" he suggests , hoseok frowns "I'll get lost" he says , Jimin chuckled "when you're ready tell anyone in the area that you're with park Jimin and that you're trying to get back to his office , they'll bring you back here" he tells the boy

Hoseok stood from his seat and took his juice box from his lunch box "oh here" Jimin passed his some paper bills "if you want anything , there are a lot of vending machines around" he says , hoseok furrowed his eyebrows taking the money "but I don't know how to use money or a vending machine" he says

Jimin sighed "ask someone to help you out" Hoseok nodded before shoving the money into his overall jean short pocket exiting the older's office

Once he got into the hall he glanced around , he realized there weren't much people on the top floor as it was so quiet , he started walking in the opposite direction from which he came opening his juice box , sticking the straw into the hole before putting it in between his lips and sucking

The cold liquid made him shiver as he hummed a cartoon theme song that had been stuck in his head for quite a while

He came to the end of the hall only there being a single door , curious he turned the door handle to see if it was opened and surprisingly it was

He swong it open and walked inside , it was an ordinary office but no one was inside , it carried a depressing Aura because of how dark and lifeless it looked

It was neat and tidy except for the bin that was overflowing with coffee cups

He walked around the desk and slid into the huge leather chair , he leaned back and spun around a few times until his vision got fairly blurry, he was all giggly until the chair came to a abrupt halt , the culprit being the hand that was firmly on the chair's forearm

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