CHAPTER 5 || female

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"Come on Hoseok" Jimin called , the boy sat comfortably on the floor with his eyes pasted on the tv "I thought I told you to turn that off" Jimin grabbed the remote and pressed the big red button , the screen instantly turned blank

Hoseok's eyes darted to him and he pouted , Jimin rolled his eyes "don't give me that face , I already told you that we were going to visit namjoon hyung today" Hoseok huffed "why?" He asked , Jimin sighed "because we need to discuss something over dinner and I don't have anyone to watch you right now because both jungkook and taehyung are busy with school work"

"but I don't need them to watch me , I can stay by myself" Hoseok said , Jimin laughed historically "I'd come back to my house In ruin , you're coming and you can't talk me out of this , plus I heard he has a new cat that you can be friends with" the boy instantly purked up "another cat like me?" He asked

Jimin sighed "from what Ive heard he's just a normal cat but you can still be friends right?" He asked , hoseok gave him a blank stare one that was very judgmental "can you change back into your cat form it will be easier to take you to the car" Jimin said , being that he finally said something that made sense Hoseok hummed

With a bright beam of light he was back to his furry form , Jimin threw on his coat and grabbed his keys "come on , we're already late" he said as he picked Hoseok up in his arms , he got back a sarcastic 'meow' for some reason


"I need you to be on your best behavior , do you hear me mister?" Jimin asked , hoseok tsked "whatever" he folded his arms over his chest and turned away from the older , jimin's eyes slightly widened "was that an attitude?" He asked

"So what if it was" Hoseok spat back "listen here you litt-" the older was cut off mid-sentence "oh you're finally took your merry.......little time" namjoon said leaning on the door frame "Nami" Hoseok squealed attacking the older into a hug

"Hi buddy" namjoon chuckled lifting the small boy in his arms "how are you? Is Jimin treating you good?" He asked , hoseok glared at Jimin and huffed "he wouldn't let me stay home and watch tv"

Namjoon dramatically sighed and shook his head "Jimin why wouldn't you let him stay home and watch tv you're so mean" he said , jimin's lips fell into a straight like and his eyes squinted "namjoon you know I can't leave him alone at home , why are you even on his side? You never take sides"

"Well now I do" he smirked finding this all too amusing "joon" They suddenly heard a voice call from further inside "are you not going to let him in?" The said voice asked

"Come in jackass" namjoon said turning into the house with Hoseok on his hip comfortably playing with his newly dyed blue hair "did Jimin tell you? We recently got a new cat" namjoon said

Hoseok hummed , he had smelt the cat all over him since he first came at the door

they walked into what seemed to be a living room area and the older sat Hoseok down on the sofa

A little later Jimin had entered the room "you okay champ?" He asked sitting along side the younger , hoseok exhaled "when are we going home?" He asked but before Jimin could reply hoseok's eyes shone a bit

The older furrowed his eyebrows when he started sniffing the air and purring , hoseok's eyes darted around until they landed in a Snow White cat with unusual beautiful blue eyes

It ran up to the younger and hopped onto his lap "aww he likes you" Jimin cooed , the younger furrowed his eyebrows "it's a she"

"What?" Jimin asked , the boy petted the cat as it rubbed against him "it's a female" he glanced a Jimin , the older let out a 'O' sound

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"What?" Jimin asked , the boy petted the cat as it rubbed against him "it's a female" he glanced a Jimin , the older let out a 'O' sound

Suddenly a purple haired male entered the room and quickly gasped "Jimin is this your son?" He asked running over to attack Hoseok's face , pinching his cheeks and bopping his nose "he's soooo cute" the boy slapped his hands away "stop touching my face with your dirty paws" he snapped glaring into the older's soul

Jimin held the younger back "hey , hey calm down" he petted hoseok's hair , something he knew would instantly calm him "and he's not my son , he's my pet"

"What do you mean 'your pet?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows , jimin's eyes widened now that jin had said it , it sounded way kinkier than he intended "no I mean he's actually a cat that can turn into a human , vice versa"

Jin looked at him with deep concern "Jimin are you okay? Do you hear yourself?" He asked , namjoon exhaled as he entered the room "I hadn't told him about anything yet chim"

Jimin rolled his eyes "nice of you to pop that pill now , after you made me look like a runaway psych ward patient" he sighed

"Your cat is female , not male . She wanted me to tell you that" Hoseok said out of the blue , all eyes darted to him "that impossible , the vet assured it was a male" namjoon said , the younger sighed "well she isn't and it annoys her that you think she's a male"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows "what is he? a cat whisperer?" He asked , they bursted out laughing "something like that"

The rest of the night was spent with Hoseok playing around with his new furry friend while the rest of the adults spoke business , though no one was ready for what would happen the next day

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