CHAPTER 12 || encounter

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"Do you want this one?" Jimin asked holding up the box of cat food , hoseok who was sitting in the cart swinging his legs leaned over a sniffed it . He wiggled his nose and sneezed , immediately after his eyes widened in surprise  "what was that?" He asked

Jimin chuckled placing the box back on the shelf "it's a sneeze" he says pushing the cart along turning into the next isle "it happens when your body doesn't like something" he points at the boy's chest , hoseok's big Bambi eyes widened in awe "so my body didn't like that cat food?" He asks

Jimin hummed "that's correct" Hoseok leaned back and snatched a bag of ramen out of the cart then sniffed it , his body tensed and he squeezed his eyes shut as he was awaiting a sneeze , a few seconds passed until he finally relaxed "master my body likes this" he giggled , Jimin chuckled "apparently it does"

"Hey master" Hoseok called , the older hummed stopping the cart in the cereal isle "when are you going to bring me to work with you again?" He asks , Jimin froze mid grabbing the large box of Cheerios . He turnt to the younger who was hugging the small bear whom he calls pickles to his chest

"never" he says grabbing the box of cereal aggressively throwing it into the cart along with a couple others , hoseok frowned "but I want to see Mr grumpy" he whined , Jimin bit his inner cheek before exhaling "well that's rather unfortunate isn't it?"

Hoseok huffed "he was right , you are an idiot" he muttered under his breath , the older's eyes widened and he glanced down at the boy who had a angry pout on his face "what did you just say?" He asked

"I said , he was right , you are an idiot" he repeated with much more sass , Jimin smirked "you're right" he says walking up to the cart , he took up some of hoseok cat food and started walking into the opposite direction leaving the younger by himself "where are you going?" The boy asked

Jimin smirked "since I'm such an idiot I'm going to put back all your fish , milk , nuggets and cat food" Hoseok's eyes widened and he hopped off the cart "no , no , no" he chanted running after the older "please master , I'm sorry , no"

He wrapped his short arms around jimin's waist in attempts to stop him from walking but the older continued "im sorry , I'm sorry , you're not an idiot , I'm sorry" he said , Jimin stopped and spun back around "that's what I expected"

"Don't ever say that again" he flicked the younger's forehead , hoseok whined "okayyyy"

"Let's go" they walked back to the cart "why do you even want to see yoongi? he's a douche" Jimin said lifting the younger by under his arms placing him back into the cart "no he's not , he's grumpy but very kind" the boy says grinning

Jimin couldn't help but roll his eyes "whatever"

He wasn't very 'kind' when we were together

The older sighed , his shoulders slumping at the thought "he's a bad influence hobi , I still don't want you hanging out with him" he says , the younger's eyebrows drew together "no he's not" he protests

"hmmmm , remind me because I've forgotten.....what did you call me just a minute ago?" He asked , hoseok's eyes narrowed "idiot" he muttered "and who did you hear that from?" The older asked

"Yoongi but-" the older cut him off "end of discussion , you will not speak , look or even breath next to or anywhere near him do you hear me?" He asked , before hoseok could open his mouth someone spoke

"that's a bit much Jimin"

The older squeezed his eyes shut knowing that voice all too well "yoongiiii" Hoseok giggles Hopping off the cart , he ran to the older engulfing him into a warm hug which he awkwardly reciprocated "hi hoseok" a light shade of pink colored his cheeks

"What are you doing here yoongi?" Jimin asked folding his arms , yoongi glanced around a few times acting as if he was looking for something "last time I checked this is a public grocery store and everyone is welcome" he said , sarcasm present in his tone 

"You said you didn't like this one and that you'd never be caught dead in here because its quote on quote 'tacky" Jimin says "how sweet that you remember the tiny details in our  conversations , I'm truly touched" yoongi placed his hand over his chest where his heart supposedly was

"It wasn't a tiny detail because you made a pretty big deal out of it" Jimin said , yoongi exhaled burying his hands inside his pocket "well things and times change" he retorted

"Whatever" Jimin rolled his eyes "come on hobi" he said , the younger skipped to him hopping back onto the cart "bye Mr grumpy" he waved as Jimin began pushing the cart "say bye pickles" he says to his teddy "byeee" he said in a tiny voice waving the bear's paw back and forth acting as if it was the bear himself that was saying it's farewells

As Jimin was turning the corner he flipped yoongi off while hoseok was too busy having a full on conversation with pickles 'shove it up your ass because you seem to like doing that' the white haired boy mouthed

jimin's eyes widened and a dark blush appeared onto his cheeks while the older smirked


Curious , would you guys like yoonminseok or just jihope , w yoonminseok ig it would have more plot and the story will be a lot longer

My opinion on this doesn't matter as I'm writing for you guys , it's just a thought

If you want to you can make suggestions and vote here which you want , ofc I will write according to what the majority wants

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