CHAPTER 13 || crisis

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Jimin's eyes widened in horror as he looked down at hoseok's bear that was ripped to threads by the washer , the stuffing was all over the place and the head along with several other parts of the body was ripped

"Fuck" the pinched the bridge of his nose "what am I going to tell hoseok?" He asked no one in particular, he knew hoseok loved pickles very much and carried him around wherever he went he'd be devastated if he found out what happened

what makes matters worse is that the younger  asked Jimin beforehand , if the stuffed animal was going to be okay and if the wash wasn't going to ruin it , Jimin assured it would be cleaner and better than ever before......that was his mistake

It's better if I tell him the truth , there's no use lying

....but he's going to be so sad

No , I have to tell him the truth

Jimin exhaled as he exited the laundry room heading for the living room where he could see hoseok's head peeping over the couch , he was watching tv and eating his special cat treats "h-hey h-hobi" Jimin called , the nervousness settling in

The younger whipped his head around with a wide smile "are you done with pickles?" He asked "I want him back now" he says , jimin's eyes narrowed "u-um it's.....not done , washing him takes a lot of time" he says with his head hung low

just tell him , it's not that hard

He thought , he lifted his head and was immediately met with hoseok's big Bambi eyes and his adorable toothy grin "okey master" he says turning back to the tv

Shit I can't tell him he'll be broken

Suddenly Jimin got an idea , a good.....but bad idea

"I can ask that idiot to show me where he bought the bear so I can replace it without hoseok ever knowing" he whispered to himself

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through it until the older's number popped up , he tried to avoid reading the messages that were time stamped from a few months ago

He pressed the call button and placed the phone at his ear , after a few rings yoongi picked up "what the fuck do you want?" Was the first thing jimin heard , The younger who was expectant of this rolled his eyes "get off your lazy ass it's twelve in the afternoon"

He heard some shuffling along the line until yoongi spoke "Jimin? why the fuck are you calling me?" He asked , the younger bit his lip "I have a problem a-" he was cut off "deal with it yourself , I have better things to do" he says

"Like what? Sleep?" Jimin scoffed , yoongi exhaled "yes and my sleep is more important that any crisis you have going on" he retorted

Jimin jogged up the stairs heading to his room "how are you so sure I'm having a crisis?" He asked , yoongi chuckled "if you were drowning and I was the only person there to save you you'd rather die than call me for help , so this must be very important" he says , Jimin hummed in agreement "that and you can't swim , you'd just drown with me"

Yoongi smirked laying on his back while starring at the ceiling "why wouldn't you call me for help so I could drown with you? I thought that would be something you'd want" he chuckled "true but I also want you to suffer and you living is the best way to do so"

"I hate you" yoongi bit his inner cheek , Jimin put his phone on speaker and threw it on top of his bed while he changed his clothes "I love you too jackass" he retorted

"I know you do" yoongi smirked , Jimin froze before continuing "so my crisis I-" he cut himself off when he realized he was about to say it aloud and hoseok could possibly hear

He took up his phone off the bed and took it off speaker "I murdered pickles and I need a replacement like right now before hoseok figures out something's wrong" he explained

yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what's a pickles?" He asked , Jimin exhaled "it's not what is pickles , it's who . It's the stupid bear you gave him that he's attached to" he says

"And weren't you in my office when he named it?" Jimin asked recalling the memory of yoongi standing by the door , the older hummed "half the time I don't listen to people , especially you . I was probably thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner"

"typical yoongi" Jimin chuckled shaking his head "but I need you here in five minutes to come pick me up , the plan is simple . We go find the stupid bear and come back without casualties , quick and easy"

"Woah , woah , woah" yoongi said "who said I was helping you ? you're the one who ruined it and could've done it on purpose just to get a valid reason to talk to me" he said cockily , Jimin rolled his eyes "Why would I ever go to such lengths to talk to you , get that stick out of your ass and be here in five or else" he threatens

"Oooo I'm scared of short guy that can't even reach the second shelf" yoongi mocked , Jimin squeezed his eyes shut exhaling "Cant you just do this one thing for me?" He asked

"im doing more than one thing Jimin , I have to pick you up , drive you to the location of the store I bought the bear , help you find it and drive you back home" yoongi said "great , you've established you're an Uber , congratulations" Jimin rolled his eyes

"I-" before he could finish Jimin ended the call , he chuckled scrolling through his phone until he found taehyung's number

He tapped the call button and waited for the younger to answer "hey hyung what's up?" Taehyung beamed "I need you to watch hoseok while I go take care of some business" he said

"Sure thing , I'll call up jungkook"

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