CHAPTER 19 || poison

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Yoongi exhaled doing one last push-up his body drenched in sweat causing his thin shirt to stick to him as if it were his second skin , he grabbed the water bottle than was stationed beside some weights and turned it up gulping the water down

His Chest heaved up and down as sweat  droplets rolled off his body suddenly , he heard his phone ring . He whipped his head around then walked to his phone while groaning "who's calling me , don't they know I hate I-Jimin" he read the name on the caller ID aloud

The two had been talking a lot more because of a cute little rascal named Hoseok , though the older was very fond of him he kept that on the inside because he thought showing his feelings made him vulnerable

He sighed and answered the call awaiting whatever disaster Jimin managed to cook up this time around

"Hello this is min yoongi , how can I help you?" He mocked the voice of a news reporter with much accuracy "he's not w-waking up yoongi I tried everything , I-i don't know what's wrong I-" jimin's rant was cut off "what are you rambling about?" The older asked

"Hoseok you idiot , he was sick and I gave him medicine , He said he was sleepy so I put him to sleep but now he wont wake up" the younger explained , yoongi pinched his nose bridge "Jimin......did you poison him?" He asked

"NO I DIDN'T" he heard shouted back into his ear "I was joking calm down , just check his breathing and if he is breathing just carry him to the hospital , let them figure it out because I'm not a doctor" yoongi said about to hang up "I-i can't bring him to the doctor" Jimin bit his lip not knowing if he should tell the older the truth about Hoseok

Yoongi let out a exhausted sigh "fine , I'm coming over to check everything out so try not to poison anyone else will ya?" He said "I didn't poison hi-" Jimin was cut off when the older ended the call

The younger turnt to Hoseok that was burning up , his face red and his breathing slow . He looked as if he was on the edge of dying , he stroked the younger's cheek frowning "Hoseok please wake up , I can't bring you to the doctor because they'll see what you are in your dna and I don't want you to become someone's test subject"

The younger shuddered under his touch though he was still unconscious he seemed to be still sensitive to things around him "I don't know if you can hear me but it'll be okay I'll figure something out" he assure kissing the top of the younger's forehead

Yoongi sipped his coffee hopping out of his car "you better be okay brat" he said locking his car , he walked up to the front door and as he was about to knock it swong open and he was pulled in

"What were you doing so long?" Jimin asked pulling him further into the house "careful you're going to make me spill my coffee" yoongi complained

the younger spun around then blatantly knocked the coffee out of yoongi's hand spilling it onto the floor "there , now it's already spilled so you don't have to worry anymore" he smiled sarcastically

Yoongi bit his lip mentally weeping about his coffee , he hadn't even drunken half of it yet "by the way you're going to clean it up" the younger said , the platinum white haired man's eyes widened "but you spilled it" He defended

"I don't care" Jimin said nonchalantly "that's not fair" yoongi spoke in a pouted , the younger rolled his eyes "life is not fair now shut up"

They both turned into the younger's room where yoongi saw the horrible state Hoseok was in "Jimin you really did it this time , I can't believe you poisoned Hoseok then brought me here to somehow get my fingerprints on him to frame me for the murder" he shook his head ignoring the death glare the younger was giving him "this is not the time yoongi" he huffed

"What am I supposed to do? this is how I cope" he shrugged "you cope by being a dick?" Jimin asked , the older nodded "a big one too" he smirked

Yoongi walked forward to get a better look at the boy , by just looking at him he immediately knew what it was

Shit we can't do anything, hoseok will have to wait it out.....but that could take days and he might even die

Maybe I can ta-no

But it's the only way

But I can't

"Yoongi?" Jimin called , the older shook the thoughts away bringing himself back to reality "are you okay? you were just staring into nothingness" the younger said "I-i was just thinking of what to do" he said briefly pinching Hoseok's arm completely going unnoticed by Jimin

"Well do you have any ideas?" He asked , the older frowned "no , if he doesn't feel better by tomorrow you should bring him to a doctor" yoongi said in all seriousness , Jimin bit his lip and nodded "yea"

"I'm going back home , call me if anything happens or if you need anything" he said exiting the room , the heat already running through his body and his limbs already aching

He exited jimin's house ignoring the younger yelling his name to come clean up the coffee that he himself spilled

as soon as he stepped out of the house right until he sat in his car he felt someone's eyes on him quite familiar ones too


Yoongi kicked off his shoes and stepped into his house leaving the door open but just a bit , he jogged to his room and immediately went into his closet into a small box where a set of clothes were

He took them out and walked back to his front door placing them there along side the half open door

He walked back to the living room and sat quietly around the table

after a few minutes she walked in "hello dad" she said , a smile spreading across her lips

"hi snow"

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