CHAPTER 9 || brat

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Hoseok was about to let out a loud shriek when a hand went over his mouth "if you scream , I'll end you" the voice said , hoseok froze and glanced up and the platinum white haired man that had a distasteful look on his face

He removed his hand from the younger's mouth and stood straight sipping his cup of coffee identical to the ones that filled the bin "get out of my office brat" he said calmly pointing at the door

Hoseok sensed he wasn't in danger , he crossed his arms and pouted "no" he huffed , suddenly he was being lifted and thrown over a shoulder "Hey , put me down" he complained hitting the older's back with as much brute force as he could but he remained unphased

"Who's are your parents?" He asked , hoseok continued hitting him , the older rolled his eyes and placed him back on his feet "who are your parents brat?" He asked once more but in more seriousness

Hoseok gulped "I don't have parents" he says , the man furrowed his eyebrows "well who did you come here with and how did you get into my office?" He asked "I came with my master Jimin and your office was open" he replied

The older sighed walking back to his desk "I forgot to lock it agai- why are you calling Jimin master?" He asked spinning back around , hoseok blinked "because he master"

Yoongi looked him up and down then chuckled "I never knew jimin was so kinky" he said resuming his walk to his desk not knowing Hoseok was right on his trail "what do mean by kinky?" He asked

The man lifted a brow "you're still here?" He asked "I thought i told you to leave" he said waving the boy off , hoseok huffed sitting in the seat opposite of him "I'm not leaving , Jimin said I can go wherever I want" he said folding his arms over his chest

"Well tell Jimin I said to go fuck himself , get out!"  Suddenly a moist juice box came flying at his face hitting him , hoseok glared at him "don't curse at master" he hisses

Yoongi stood up , hoseok sensed his blood thirsty aura and began running around his office as the older chased him "when I catch you you're dead" the man swore chasing after Hoseok

The younger ran to exit the door and ran face first into it instead , he fell straight to the ground before the man that was now looking down at him "you okay?" He asked trying not to sound as if he cared but failing miserably

Hoseok sniffled "I'm fine" he says quickly whipping away his tears , yoongi rolled his eyes "did you hurt anywhere?" He asked tilting the boy's head up by his jaw when blood came running down his nose

"Why can't Jimin keep his problems to himself and stop being a pain in my ass" he groaned helping the boy up , hoseok hit him once more "I said don't talk bad about master" he huffed , yoongi looked down at the younger chuckling a bit because for some reason hoseok thought he was imitating

He looks like a Angry kitten

Yoongi thought to himself as he held the younger's hand and led him out of the office "where are we going?" He asked "shut up and keep quiet" yoongi glared at him "this is your fault"

"No it's yours for chasing me!" Hoseok defended "you threw a juice box in my face and I didn't tell you to run into the door!" yoongi argued "the door was see through!" Hoseok defends

"Maybe if you stayed out of my fucking office This wouldn't of happened you brat!" yoongi shouted at him , both of them glared at each other with folded arms and red faces "Jimin always finds away to ruin my day , he couldn't be bothered today so he sent a devil spawn"

"I'm not a devil spawn" Hoseok huffed "shut up devil spawn" yoongi said as he dragged the boy to the nurses office , he flung the door open and walked in "Lisa , this idiot ran into a door and now his nose is bleeding , fix it" yoongi ordered crossing his arms over his chest

"Well good morning to you too yoongi" the woman chuckles , yoongi tsked "come here little one , let me see" she says , hoseok wadded over to her

She tilted up his head and looked up his nose before grabbing a tissue "luckily it's not bad , just a nose bleed , it's not broken . You'll be fine" she smiled putting a small Cotten up his nose to soak up all the blood

Hoseok frowned in discomfort as he wasn't used to one of his nose canals being blocked , yoongi tapped his foot impatiently with his arms still folded , Lisa glanced up at him "who's the kid? Is he your son?" She asked

the older laughed "you wish , he's jimin's........thing i don't really know I just that he belongs to the idiot" he says , Lisa chuckled "why are you two always at each other's throats?" She asked

Yoongi spun around "because we hate each other" he rolled his eyes , she chuckles "I'm pretty sure it's one sided"

Yoongi flipped her off "shut up woman"

"Why are you so grumpy?" Hoseok asked looking up at the older , yoongi huffed "I'm not grumpy , I'm always like this" he says , hoseok tilted his head "so you're alway grumpy?" He asked

Yoongi ignored him and kept walking when he suddenly heard the boy's tummy grumble , he looked down at him "are you hungry?" He asked  , hoseok frowned nodding "come on" yoongi said making a abrupt turn

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows "where are we going?" He asked , the older rolled his eyes "when you stay around Jimin too long his stupidity starts to rub off on you I see , we're going to the food court dumbass"

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