CHAPTER 14 || buzz kill

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"Behave yourselves , no drinking , no doing or talking about sexual things around hobi , no fighting , n-" jungkook cut Jimin off "you do know we're not children and know how to take care of a cat right?" He asked

Jimin who was standing outside doorstep sighed "just keep him away from the laundry room and make him forget the stupid bear for a while" he said , taehyung smirked "you know that's going to be a lot of work , what are we going to get in return?" He asked

The older looked him up and down "nothing" both boys shoulders slumped and they pouted "hyungggg" they whined "at least bring us back something" jungkook said , Jimin rolled his eyes "fine"

"Okay bye" their whole demeanor changed and they were all smiles "wait im not do-" before the brunette could finish the door was slammed into his face "I wonder if they realize this is my house?" He said to no one in particular

Suddenly he heard beeping , he whipped his head around and there yoongi was in his car with a pair of dark shades sipping his usual dark coffee "get in before I change my mind" he said

Deciding to let that slide Jimin walked up to the car attempting to open the front passenger seat "what are you doing?" Yoongi cocked a brow , the younger slid in the seat and closed the door "you've never played I spy in school , have you?" Jimin said

The platinum white haired boy exhaled "I don't want you in my front seat" he said , the younger who was a bit taken aback furrowed his eyebrows "Why?" He asked

"You're going to be breathing next to me , that means we're going to be sharing air and that doesn't sit right with me" he explained , Jimin looked at him in disbelief "are you serious?" He asked

"Back seat" the older pointed , Jimin folded his legs then his arms "in not moving , what's so bad about us breathing the same air?" He asked , yoongi exhaled "if you're gonna sit here no touching anything , no talking , no looking at me or glancing , no moving" as the list went on Jimin slowly began to feel like how taehyung and jungkook did when he was stating rules a minute ago

"I'm a grown adult , I'm going to do what I want" he said glancing at the extra coffee in the cup holder , he took it up and looked at the ingredients "did you get me coffee?" He asked , yoongi started the engine and started driving "yea , I thought you might need the extra boost but apparently not , you're as lively as ever"

"Awww you even got my favorite" Jimin cooed glancing over at yoongi who had lightly blushed cheeks , his eyes slightly widened "are you blushing" yoongi shook his head , his face returning to its usual blank state "no and I told you not to look or talk me"

Jimin sipped the coffee and yelped "ouch ouch ouch" he chanted fanning his mouth , yoongi chuckled

The younger frowned "it hurts , do something"

"Do what?" Yoongi asked "what am I supposed to do? Kiss it?" Jimin's nose scrunched in disgust "ew no"

"Then shut up" the older said , Jimin huffed pouting "I bet you purposely bought it too hot so I'd burn myself" He muttered glaring at yoongi , the older groaned "this is why I told you to sit in the back seat , if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation"

Jimin gasped "do you not want to be seen with me or something?" He asked , yoongi chuckled "if that was the case I wouldn't be helping you find a new stuffed animal because you purposely murdered the other one" he says , Jimin hit his shoulder "I didn't do it on purpose you liar" he defended

"That's what anyone who murders a stuffed animal out of jealousy would say" yoongi retorded smirking "what would I be jealous of?" Jimin asked turning to him "because I bought hoseok a stuffed animal and not you" the older says

"Why would I be jealous of that?" The younger asked , yoongi shrugged "I don't know you're jimin , you're jealous of everything" he said "not only is your reasoning foolish but it's flawed" the younger folded his arms over his chest

"Of course you'd say that , you're a Jimin" Yoongi said pulling into the Parking lot "what's wrong with being a Jimin??" The younger asked , yoongi Parked the car then glanced over at him "everything"

Jimin undid his seatbelt and hopped out of the car , so did the older . With a click the car was locked

"Being a Jimin is awesome" the younger spoke in a pout walking along side yoongi who was chuckling in amusement


Yoongi opened the door and motioned inside "bottoms before tops" he said , jimin punched him in his stomach , the older folded "I'm a switch jackass"

He walked further into the store and looked around , there were a fair amount of people there stacking their carts with stuffed animals and such "okay , where did you find the bear?" Jimin asked , yoongi waddled to his side still holding his stomach "how did you get so strong" he winced

"When you left me" Jimin retorted "what? I didn't leave you , the breakup was mutual" yoongi said furrowed his eyebrows "was it yoongi? Was it?" the younger asked squinting his eyes momentarily before walking away

"Uhh...the isle we found the bear in is this way" yoongi pointed in the opposite direction , Jimin spun around "why didn't you say that you ass" he snapped , yoongi smirked "actually it's this way I just wanted to mess with you" he pointed back in the direction where Jimin had previously came from

The younger inhaled biting his lip so he wouldn't let lose and curse yoongi out , the older chuckled grabbed jimin's hand taking him by surprise "stop being a buzz kill" he dragged him along through some isles

It didn't take long until they ended up in the last isle where he supposedly found the stuffed animal

"Why is it empty?" Jimin asked retracting his hand as they were intertwined with the older's for quite some time "because they're out" yoongi said

"Out of what?" Jimin asked , yoongi sighed "what do you think? Panties??? the stuffed animal jimin!"


Good morning/night , I hope you guys are doing well and if you aren't always remember that you're loved and a valid person , keep going things will get better I promise

I love you

I love you

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