CH 16 Western Camp

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( Third p.o.v )

Percy groaned as he sat up to stretch his aching muscles. He smiled as the girls were still in bed with him cuddling each other. Percy gently shook the girls awake resulting in two good morning kisses. The girls both got to stretch as well before getting ready with their man.

Percy explained what had happened in his dream to his two loves while getting dressed. Thalia assured him that Sally and Paul were doing their best. She told Percy that his mom finally lived out her dream of writing. Sally had written all about Percy to keep his name alive. This in turn made Percy cry with so much happiness of course especially when he heard Calypso's flower was also alive and well. The trio walked down the stairs to start their day with the annoying couple.

( Wrath's p.o.v )

My morning wasn't too bad the girls made me extremely happy. Thalia told me a lot of good news about my mother. She wrote books about my adventures making her today's best-selling author. Paul even made it his book to read in school so the freshman had to read it. I couldn't believe it all for a moment for some reason it never occurred to me to check on them. My smile stayed on my face as we went down to cook breakfast.

The girls passed me the ingredients for the food. Thalia went as far as making a fruit salad for us while Calypso made some fresh juice. "Thalia my dear, please go get the couple up for breakfast. Don't want it to get cold." She merely nodded taking off upstairs to wake Annabeth and Leo. A couple of minutes went by before she appeared down with a tiny smile. "No one got hurt?" I smirked.  She rolled her eyes at me, "It's a promising morning so far so why spoil it right?" Calypso giggled," I'm surprised and impressed with you. She is right though Wrath why squander a good morning?" I chuckled before giving them each a kiss," Sit down. I'll serve you two."

The couple came down as I handed the girls their drinks. "Good morning you two. Would you like me to serve y'all as well?" They eyed me before nodding yes while sitting down. "No sausage for me, please," Leo spoke up. Giving them their plates they both asked for juice. Once I gave them that juice I served myself to eat with everyone. "Why are we all being nice right now?" Annabeth asked. "It's a good morning Annie lets not ruin it yeah?" Thalia replied. Annabeth looked stunned that she conversed with her that she didn't acknowledge that she was called Annie. "Um..okay not gonna complain then. Will we be discussing how to invade the camp?" Annabeth conversed. "Yes after though if you two don't mind?" I asked. They simply nodded before smiling and continuing to munch on the breakfast made.

Breakfast was pleasant despite it being the quietest one yet. Annabeth cleaned the table when we finished with Leo's help of course. "Thank you, Annabeth." She simple nodded at me with a small smile. Leo made eye contact with me so we kind of just did that bro nod acknowledging each other. Once I put up the leftover grub away the girls and I declared that we'd be in the living room waiting. Thalia sat next to me on the little couch while Calypso sat on both of us. Calypso leaned back into us entitling us to snuggle up to each other a bit. We stayed in silence holding each other for about five minutes till the couple arrived. They held hands walking in with smiles as they sat, " I have a plan."

We leaned forward ready to hear Annabeth's brilliant plan. "I want to scout the camp when we find it. My baseball cap works down here so sneaking around so be easy. Thalia if you would scout the premier of the camp it would help alot," Annabeth said the last part suggestively. Thalia gave a small smile while nodded at her old best friend. "I like this plan but what about the old monsters if any? You can get hurt Baby," Leo spoke. Annabeth was gonna reply but I waved her off," I'll take care of them. For once I can interfere directly if there are any old monsters laying around. Just give a shout Annabeth." Leo nodded while Annabeth gave me a smile.

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