CH 5 The Ghost King

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( Third p.o.v )

Everyone at camp was freaking out over the last match. They were happy Leo was okay but the way the monsters died was something else for them. After Shabina took her winnings as everyone proceed to gamble on the next match. They saw Tartarus take Nico next so everyone was quite enthusiastic to see him fight. Nico always kept to himself so no one really knows much about his capabilities or abilities. Hades was a bit anxious for his only son as the match was getting ready to begin.

Nico stood disturbed as the battlefield was now different from Leo's. Nico was in a dark room with his Stygian iron sword drawn. The sword seems to make the room appear darker if possible. The only light that could be seen from Nico's room was the purple light radiating from his sword. "Ladies and gentlemen from the hell above. The only son of Hades himself. The minor god of the Underworld. The Ghost King Nico Di Angelo," Tartarus announced. Nico's room opened up like a dome to reveal a coliseum arena. About twenty of the biggest monsters stood all around ready to fight. Tartarus snickered over the intercom," Now to clear up the confusion. I've decided that instead of the old rules we make this fight more interesting. This is gonna be twenty to one. Whatever monsters can take down the king will get there wish granted. Good luck there Ghost King. Begin!"

( Nico's p.o.v )

Holy fucking Styx I thought to myself. Seeing twenty monsters seems like a lot more when you're alone. I could see a few eyeing my sword while some even looked at me hungrily. The smallest monster came up to me first," This should be easy." It was an Empusa she seemed intoxicated though. She was staggering as she tried to rush me so I tripped her then stabbed her in the back. My sword slowly took her soul she cried out a bit making me worried. It's never done that before I thought. "Ladies and gentlemen as you can see the sword still works. So be careful reforming takes longer after being killed by that," announced Tartarus. The monsters out in the stands all went ooh as the ones I was fighting looked more reluctant. "Well who's next?" I inquired.

All that was heard was grinding of metal on dirt. Walking out from the back of all the other monsters was the Minotaur. He really was as beefed up as Percy told us and only still wearing bright white undies. He pounded on his chest proudly but I was gonna knock him off his high bull...get it? "You sent me the Minotaur. What's he gonna do? No one is scared of him at camp he's known as the big dummy defeated by a little boy. We still have his horn at camp as a reminder." The crowd went loud with laughter as the Minotaur went red. He charged right at me but was to slow as I rolled out the way. After a few more attempts I realized he didn't have very great vision. I picked a rock from the ground throwing it towards the other monsters.

The Minotaur heard the clacking as it hit the ground running to it. I chuckled as the Minotaur ran the wrong way right towards some cyclopes. He hit one with his horn and another with the ax. That made the cyclops outraged as they took their clubs and beat the stupid bull to death. "Smart trick by the Ghost King. But remember young minor god the others aren't as absurd as the bull," Lord Tartarus declared openly. "I can't believe I'm saying this but let's work together." I saw some unknown creature talk to the wolves. The one in charge nodded their head as they came up to circle me. The fourth creature I couldn't remember a thing about it. "Can't wait to savor your blood young godling. Your sword can't damage me after all vampires have no souls," he hissed at me showing his fangs.

He charged as the wolves stayed to my rear. I didn't know what to do panicking I brought my sword up to block his teeth. CRACK. Opening my eyes to the sound of the crack I could see that my sword had actually chipped one of his fangs. He pulled back in pain when I felt claws rip open my back. "Aww holy Styx that hurts." They circled me once more as the vampire recovered. "You little shit your gonna pay for that." One of the wolves came at me so I decided to use my powers. I stomped on the floor summoning bones of what seemed to be hell hounds.

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