CH 22 Perfume Factory

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( Third p.o.v )

Greed woke everyone quickly as the twanging sounded like something was getting closer. Everyone groaned being woken abruptly until they saw Scout hissing with both ears twitching. "What's going on?" One of the twins asked getting up. "We need to leave or get ready to fight," Greed spoke. "There isn't room to fight we barely had enough space to sleep," Annabeth informed. "Then we make room," Envy spoke. She looked at Wrath then at Greed before turning into a snake. The boys understood her now before Wrath shifted into a wolf and Greed into a fox. The animals all stood off onto the side except for Ember.

The minor gods stood next to the twins ready to help them slay whatever beast showed itself. Weapons were drawn ready to strike as the monster began to appear. Nico was the first to identify it as he remembers Percy's original slay. "Guys that's the Minotaur." "What's it doing all the way down here?" Thalia had asked. "It's probably by accident, the maze transitions around remember the thread is what's keeping us here. He might have been trying to go elsewhere and ended up here instead," Annabeth explained. "Sounds reasonable, boys aim to try and kill it before it gets here," Thalia ordered.

( Wraths p.o.v )

We watched the group converting over the minotaur. I'm not too sure about Annabeth's theory but she is right about the thread. Its power keeps the maze from shifting around as long as it's laid out. I felt confident in the twins as they had their bows out firing arrow after arrow. "Make this count boys or this could get messy," Thalia spoke. Both boys pulled back waiting to fire the last arrow. Watching closely they both exhaled letting the arrows fly. A grin appeared on their faces as the beast roared one final time as the arrows impaled the skull through his eyes. The minotaur landed dead into the cavern we resided in.

" Are you sure it's the same Minotaur? This one has two horns instead of one." "Yeah shes right it should have one horn," Thalia confirmed. Shifting back into a human I was able to answer their questions. " It's the same one but it's been years it probably regenerated the missing horn by now." I walked up to my old enemy before bringing my blade down on it. It dissolved into monster dust as I picked up the gift for the boys. "Here you guys go my gift to the both of you." Handing them the horn made tears pool in their eyes. "It's pretty much the same horn as Percy Jackson's horn." They threw themselves on me to hug me instead.

I patted their backs as they continued to hug me. "This is the best gift you could have ever given us thank you father," Hunter declared. "Your welcome boy's let's get moving now might as well not waste any more time alright?" Everyone packed up their things while Envy made Sloth wake up. Turns out this crazy sucker stayed asleep in his corner this whole time. We followed the string to where Greed tied it off to last night. "Okay I'll continue from here." I shook my head at him," Turn back into a fox to take a nap you're still tired. I'll do it." Greed didn't argue with me as he got comfortable on Sloth's head. Sloth looked annoyed with the fox on his head. "Okay everyone remember not to touch anything." My eyes changed to wolf red making it easy to see the maze.

We made way for hours until a problem showed up. "Why did we stop Wrath?" Annabeth asked. "There's a room next to us admitting a strong perfume like scent. There's a good chance they went in there to throw us off." Nico walked up next to me feeling for the door. "Don't open it the twins could be majorly effected. This is where Aphrodite gets her shit from. All the immortal girls will be fine but the boys could get stuck in a trance," I explained. "Inhaling any of the perfume could get us stuck in a coma like trance. How do we proceed?" Nico asked. I turned to everyone," Wake up Greed this is all hands on deck."

Once we got Greed up we discussed what I wanted to do. " Envy and I will go in along with Annabeth Thalia and Calypso. The rest of you are staying out here with the string and that's final." Leo of course had to put in his two cents," Why aren't any of the other boys going?" "For one you still wouldn't be my first choice. Second Nico would've came with us since he's gay the perfume wouldn't effect him but only charming shirtless men work here. Third I'm the only one who's been in here." Envy gave me a jealous look,"Why have you been in here?" I placed a kiss on her cheek," For work love some of Aphrodite colognes are made off of my scent. Mostly outdoors or ocean scents." "Didn't expect that," Thalia spoke. "No kidding I'm his best friend and I didn't even know that. Think we can do one together?" Greed asked. Envy smacked him as we prepared to walk-in. "You guys be careful out here we'll try to be back soon."

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