cherry red wine

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the day of the incident.


he stood underneath the blazing hot shower that melted into his skin. he could feel the welts that burn into his skin and leave a searing sensation all over his body. but he knew that the hell that awaits him would be far worse than any pain he could ever experience in the living world.

he watched the water run a scarlet red into the drain, the sin that refused to budge was beginning to loosen and wash away with the proof of his wrong doings. and even when he sees the water running clear, he was still unable get rid of the stains that lingered in his mind. he knew that he would be unable to remove the guilt that tore at his soul.

he let the water fall until the scalding heat had slowly ebbed into an ice cold when all the hot water from the heater had emptied out. he hasn't moved, he couldn't even lift his head from its position that stared intensely at the ground.

the water that was drumming into his back was beginning to sputter and he knew he didn't want to rack up a higher water bill than he already had from all the cleaning and scrubbing he's had to do. plus all the bleach must've been expensive too.

and when he finally does get out, he simply wraps a towel around his waist and leaves the bathroom as soon as possible. he couldn't face himself with what he'd done, the mirror he sucker punched some years ago when he first moved in was still waiting to be fixed.

not that he's actively gone out of his way to replace the mirror.

perhaps it was so that he would only see a distorted version of his face. because he didn't know if he could handle staring into the eyes of a monster for the rest of the days he is to live.

he just gets so... fixated on things. hyper fixations are what the doctor used to call them. he had the ability to completely zero in his focus and omit all over inputs when he becomes obsessed with something. mingi doesn't do things halfway, it's either all in or he doesn't even try in the first place. and there's no way to end his fixations prematurely. he has to see them through to the end, until they've run their course and he finds something else to fixate on.

this time he's gone too far. this time it wasn't one of those fleeting infatuations he has every month or so that go away after a week.


because when he said that yunho would be his forever? he fucking meant it.

and well... this was the only way he thought of that would make it come true.


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