red velvet cake

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tw: sexual assault

yunho can't seem to get last week out of his mind.

and the way that mingi looked right back at him when he said, "i love you." he felt like he was dancing in the clouds.

he couldn't wait to go back to the cafe. even if he was going there to study for an upcoming language exam, it didn't matter because mingi was there to cheer him on.

he ordered his usual iced caramel latte, the sugar and caffeine combination would surely keep him alert and awake. and mingi was there to take his order today as per usual too. but this time, one day at a time must have decided to add a display case filled with delicious looking pastries. they had received a shipment from chan and felix's friends who own a bakery, SEUNGMIN and HYUNJIN. and they were selling really well, the cafe had only been open for two hours but the case was almost empty. it made sense of course, it was only fitting to order a sweet dessert alongside a morning cup of coffee. "we have nothing else to restock it with! people are just really enjoying the cakes and pastries, everything is selling out."

yunho was glad that business was going so well, he was sure that it was going to make the owners really happy. especially since he made such a mess of the place just last week.

"recommend?" he asks mingi, playing with the sleeves of his shirt. "you... recommend what?"

"oh! like the pastries.. i didn't really get to try anything," he scratches his chin as though deep in thought, looking intently at the large selection of food around him. "but i think the red velvet cake would taste nice."

"okay..." he smiles with excitement, wondering how delicious the cake is going to be. whether the crumb will be moist enough, and the buttercream just the right level of sweetness. maybe it'll be so good he'll want to lick any crumbs and cream off his fingers when he's done with it. "i'll have one red velvet cake as well."

all the sugar and extra calories he's had couldn't have been good for his health. not that he's gained weight, nor was gaining a few extra pounds an issue, but he didn't want to develop diabetes at such a young age. all the walking he's had to do whilst in korea meant that he was still in great shape and he'll eventually stop buying from the cafe once he and mingi make it official that they're together.

the cafe was really just an excuse for him to hang out with mingi. his wallet was crying at the amount he spends every day there, if it had its way, yunho would've stopped showing up months ago.

but at this point, they were basically tied to the hip already. just a few more steps until they could finally be boyfriends.

"what if i walk you home today after my shift?" mingi asks, pursing his lips that kept toying into a smile when he goes to make yunho's latte.

suddenly the thought of mingi seeing his really small apartment made him self conscious and shy. not that mingi had a larger home, it was seoul, everything was extremely expensive, rent included and he wasn't assuming mingi was mega rich or anything.

it probably wasn't the size of the room that was the issue, more so the fact that he would be bringing mingi to his own personal space, with his bed. where he... had thoughts he'd much rather not dwell on for much longer but he's been able to compartmentalise and not think about them for months. he didn't want those thoughts to come back, especially if it made mingi uncomfortable.

iced caramel latte ➵ yungiWhere stories live. Discover now