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for the quaint little cafe was just a front.

the neon signs were eerie at this time of night.

the walls have seen everything. they have seen it all. they hold the secrets that reside in the cafe.

truly staying true to their motto to take things one day at time.

for you never know when you have no more days to take.

the walls never tell.

the victims aren't alive to tell.

it's the perfect crime. and he gets away with it.





"what's this?"

"oh.. it's just an iced americano." mingi had the softest smile on his face, it made yunho almost forget about how much he would dislike such a bitter drink.

"i already had coffee though?"

"this one is on the house," with a little wink mingi goes back to his station behind the bar and yunho inspects the drink a bit closer. it was a dark black colour, slightly transparent but it looked as though mingi had brewed the americano to be far darker and stronger than usual. maybe that's his personal preference? it is after all his favourite drink.

yunho couldn't help but intently inspect the drink. it's dark brown almost black colour that seemed to sparkle and shine under the light that beamed from the neon sign. strangely dark and sinister, yunho was afraid to taste the bitter truth without the obscene levels of sugar to mask whats truly there. something bitter, acrid and only truly enjoyed by those who knew their way around their coffee.

but it was just coffee, made by the hands of his love none the less.

it was probably just fine.



trigger warning: the story that progresses from here on out takes a very dark turn compared to the first half. if you are sensitive to themes of stalking, kidnapping, and death, i strongly suggest you stop reading now.



"still here?" mingi giggles as he calmly wipes down a glass with a towel. "good."

"you'll get to find out everything that goes on in my head." there's a glint in his eyes, but it seemingly vanishes into thin air when the door to the cafe opens and the chimes of the bell echo throughout the room.

"yunho-yah! welcome back."


iced caramel latte ➵ yungiWhere stories live. Discover now