mexican spiced mocha

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slowly but surely, he was breaking yunho down.

as though chipping away at him, or really, moulding him, from an empty slab of marble, into the finest sculpture that the world has ever seen. and one that mingi was going to have all to himself.

it was easy to get yunho closer to him, physically at least. it simply meant spending every possible second with him whenever he was in the cafe and progressively inching himself closer and closer whenever they sat beside each other. it meant peppering kisses on his neck when he felt like no one was watching and seeing the way yunho's eyes would flutter closed in delight. it meant following him home to his apartment so that he knew exactly where it was so he could go there whenever he desired—

or to make sure yunho went home safe... obviously.

today just happened to be one of those days where yunho was especially preoccupied in his work and felt a bit more confident in his korean since he would've been just taught some new vocabulary in class that could be put to use at the cafe. he was chatting away with wooyoung, since the younger was on his break and it made the barista seethe because yunho wasn't spending time with him.

but once he had some free time and he made his way over to yunho, the way that his love immediately latches onto him like a koala would and buried his face into the crook of mingi's neck. all the worries washed away because yunho has become dependent on mingi.

just as he had planned, yunho couldn't seem to let go and kept himself snuggled into mingi's side. despite the mountain of papers that sat in front of him and the increasing number of customers that entered the cafe, they both had responsibilities but neither wanted to leave the other. it all seemed to begin to overwhelm seonghwa too, who had taken control of the front of house as they were on their break. both the employees knew they'd have to go and join him soon. "you should finish those papers yunho..."

"no," he whines like a little kid would when they don't get their way. "stay. with you."

mingi had turned himself into something, someone, that yunho seemed to be unable to live without and the other was unbelievably clingy whenever mingi was around. perhaps not all the time and not necessarily in the most obvious ways, but he catches the stares that the student casts at him when he's working. whenever they're sat next to each other, there's always some sort of physical connection and contact.

a hand on his knee, an arm around his broad shoulders, his head buried in the crook of mingi's neck and breathing in the scent of his cologne. anything.

just so they each could get their fix.

wooyoung sat across from them with a disgusted look on his face as though he were about to vomit as he opens his laptop, making the other two laugh at him. "oh please, this is exactly how you act with felix."

"yeah but felix isn't here and he's busy in class." wooyoung pouts, "so stop being so cute until he gets back."

"you make me so happy yunho." mingi smiles, partially to rub it in wooyoung's face but also because he genuinely meant the words that he said.

"you make me happy too."


they're lying on the roof once again, it seemed to be a spot that yunho really liked after mingi had shown him it just the other day and they went there whenever they had the opportunity to.

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