mocha frappuccino

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"what is it going to be today yu?" MINGI asks.

"umm.. an iced caramel latte."

"again?" the orange haired laughs, taking one of the plastic cups and writing the order in, as he had for the past week.

"you recommended for me and i just... want to ordering it." the smile on yunho's face looked genuine to mingi, but on the inside, he didn't realise why he asked for that drink again.

yunho goes to that cafe almost every day now to support the small business, say hi to hongjoong and his business partner SEONGHWA once he was introduced to him. and yes, despite the language barrier, it was still painfully obvious that hongjoong had the fattest crush on seonghwa. it was like he had hearts in his eyes every time he glanced at the love of his life working behind the machine without a care in the world.

he'd be in the cafe all day sometimes, carrying his thick stack of textbooks and going to his usual booth in the corner of the cafe so as to not disturb others and to be able to sit in there all day despite only ordering 1 drink. (he did say support but he's also broke as hell.)

he's come to know all the employees that worked at the cafe as well, most of whom had simply dismissed him or smiled as a courtesy but never any more. it didn't bother yunho, he knew that it would be difficult to please everyone. whilst there were others who seemed very fond of this new foreign-but-not person that had sort of joined their circle of friends.

one of which was WOOYOUNG, an english major that yunho suspects is only friends with him so they could speak english together, which didn't upset him either. it was good practice after all.

his dark hair was long and grown out, fluffy but in the cutest way. he was a little ball of bubbly energy that managed to never fade, despite claiming to never drink any sort of caffeinated beverage (seonghwa blames his hyperactivity on all the sugar he consumes). he brought out the inner yunho that was left behind in the US. the one that always cracked jokes and wasn't afraid to do something embarrassing for the sake of everyone else's laughter and enjoyment. plus, the fact that they were able to converse in konglish at least made their friendship much easier.

then there was BANGCHAN, though not an employee, he frequented the cafe just as often as yunho and when yunho heard someone speaking english in a rather distinctive australian accent one day, he knew he had to introduce himself.

"oh! my roommate's boyfriend works here, he's australian too, you should totally meet him!" chan was referring to wooyoung in that statement, whose boyfriend felix was also australian and was chan's roommate and friend.

just like that, yunho had found 2 more friends that spoke fluent english and korean, after living in the country for so long. they were definitely helpful, bringing the taller grocery shopping and showing him around the best parts of seoul that was english friendly, if he wasn't feeling like exerting his brain by speaking in the alien tongue.

everyone he met had treated yunho like family. even if they needed a translating app to talk to each other sometimes. it was all alright because it was the effort that mattered.

in fact, hongjoong and seonghwa saw yunho so much, they were even willing to offer yunho a job there too.

"a-a job?"

iced caramel latte ➵ yungiWhere stories live. Discover now