iced americano

355 20 32

two weeks later.


he goes to the cafe as he normally does and smiles apologetically to seonghwa who was behind the counter. "seonghwa-hyung! hi..."

"mingi-yah!" a warm smile grows on his face as he finishes up whatever it was that he was doing, "welcome back. your mom is okay right?"

"she's doing much better, thank you for letting me take some time off work," mingi calmly puts on his uniform and puts his beret on, tucking some hair behind his ear. it had faded to a blonde colour when he got too lazy to colour it orange again and it seemed to fit him better. "i really appreciate it."

"of course," seonghwa replies in a sing song manner, "if my mom was feeling sick, i would drop everything to go back home and to take care of her. it's only fair that i gave you the chance to as well."

he continues cleaning up some of the glasses when he finds a very disappointed looking wooyoung enter the café with felix comforting him. mingi halts all that he does and just lets some of the newer employees handle the influx of customers.

"wooyoung! are you okay?" mingi calls from the door, rushing towards his friend and hugging him tightly, knowing that physical contact was something that wooyoung especially desired when he was upset.

"not really..." he sniffles, using the tissue in his hand to make sure his bb cream doesn't smear everywhere. "actually, you're the best person for me to ask. have you seen yunho lately?"

this made mingi freeze. even if it didn't seem like it to wooyoung, to mingi, his entire world had come to a standstill and he was suddenly put under a giant magnifying glass. all eyes were on his, all ears were tuned into every single word that he was about to say and one wrong move could lead to misunderstanding after misunderstanding. he did think up of something but he wasn't sure how airtight it would be, especially if the cops get involved, mingi would be suspect number one.

no one else understood him in that way that yunho did.

no one else was going to understand why he had to do it.

"did he not mention to you that he's gone back to america?" this made wooyoung go still with shock too, only to sob even harder into felix's chest.

mingi's face slowly falls once again, as though he had just remembered the very fact that he 'spilled.' which wasn't exactly a fact and more of a... white lie.

wooyoung was too close to yunho anyways. there couldn't be space in yunho's heart for anyone other than mingi.

"he didn't tell anyone though?" felix seemed surprised as well and upset, but it showed more in his eyes that began to sparkle with tears. it was clear the felix was trying to be strong for wooyoung, who had since collapsed even further into his boyfriend's chest in his sobbing.

"he didn't exactly want to tell anyone." mingi scratches the back of his neck, feigning apology for not letting wooyoung know sooner. "i only caught him because i went over to his place and saw his stuff all packed up in suitcases."

"he'll visit though right?" felix asks, to which mingi just shrugs in response.

"he hasn't been picking up any of his calls, when did you say he left?"

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