white hot chocolate

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he gulped at the gaze that dug into his soul, he kept his head down and staring at the crinkled sheets that he fisted with his clammy hands.

he shouldn't be enjoying this.

he didn't understand what was going.

why was he enjoying it so much?

another smack on his bare ass made him yelp, but it gets muffled by the large gag in his mouth.

his entire body was like a blazing inferno, the AC was on and the room was freezing cold when he first entered but now it felt like he'd plunged right into the depths of hell, and standing right in front of the devil himself. sin licking every inch of his skin, his every cell and every crevasse of his body consumed with the unholy. a clear mind that has been fogged with lewd images, a once innocent soul that had sold itself to the devil in exchange for pleasure. temptation let the dirty thoughts wreak havoc on his mind.

like a steamy, toasted cape that completely shrouded him, he was on his knees, at the mercy of the devil himself. for the angel found the temptations right in front of him all too irresistible to deny. and let darkness and desire cloud his mind.

"mingi.." his thighs couldn't hold the weight of his body anymore and spasm, tremble, collapsing into blobs of jello.

"you're such a masochist." mingi grins, pushing the other down so his back was against the mattress, his body like a dead weight that sinks into the memory foam. he wasn't gentle either, tying the ropes so tightly around yunho's wrist he could feel his fingertips turn blue. a low whimper was sounded as he fights against the restraints that kept him against the bed frame, begging the other to touch him.

yunho was on fire, sweat making the leather tied around his torso begin to slip and feel uncomfortable but mingi just stood and watched with a hungry gaze. "aren't you a feast for the eyes." he was watching like a predator watched their prey, sitting and waiting until he was most vulnerable before attacking.

"mingi.. please."

"please what?" he crawls over to yunho, his mouth leaving blistering marks all over his neck and torso, going lower and lower. until he was right there, inches from exactly where yunho wanted him to be. but he hesitates. "use your words mutt." he moans at the sensation of his warm breath, legs trembling and body pleading for release.

when he doesn't respond again, there's a sudden constriction around his trachea, his airways completely blocked. he felt like his neck was going to burst, his head beginning to feel light, already panting from the lack of oxygen. large hands wrapped tightly around his neck—


and that's when he bolts upright with a cold sweat.

"yunho-hyung," his roommate jongho was knocking on the door rather aggressively, perhaps that was the sound that woke him up. "do you have.. guests over? is everything okay?"

"yes! okay. me okay jongho. don't worry!" he didn't even bother to correct himself grammatically, completely embarrassed and astonished by the dream that he's just had and the painfully hard situation that he found himself in. "it's only me, yunho. no one else!"

"okay hyung. whatever you say." the footsteps get farther away and only when he hears the faint closing of the door does he breathe a sigh of relief and starting thinking of ways to resolve the throbbing hard on that had formed over the course of the night.

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