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"Its  beautiful," he whispered, I smiled, "Where Here!" Jaden said parading around the jet like a fool. I threw a pillow at him and he playfully fell onto the couch, as if the tiny pillow could actually the karate kid. We fastened our seat belts and prepared for landing, it felt a little rocky but totally safe, as we touch and it ran along the Runway we clapped the Pilot for getting us here safely. Everyone got up stretching and what not after they stopped the plane. The pilot then came out with a shorter figure, "I apologize for the Rocky landing, My son Jason here was Taking his Shift," he finger quoted, we laughed as Jason blushed, we applauded him for his great work we arrived here safe didn't we.

He thanked us and they disappeared as we exited the plane with our luggage. Jacob took mine being the gentleman he is, and we stretched after touching the earth again, before climbing into the White Hummers that waited for us. It took us about an hour to get to the house from the airport. And let me tell you it was too Beautiful and I can't believe this is mine.

We climbed out and everyone eyes were looking everywhere in amazement. A man walked up to us welcoming us, "Welcome to Jamaica, I'm Sebastian, Your Tour Guide If there is anything wrong you can come to me," he said we all smiled thanked him with  a introduction. He still looked awfully familiar to me, "What's Up Man, I'm Ray," "I'm Craig," "Roc," "Hi nice to meet you I'm Jacob," his smile grew, "You too Jacob." "I'm Willow and this is Jaden,"


After everyone, and it finally got to me he hugged me , and whispered in my ear "Your dad Left me here to help you and things," My uncle Sebastian said, Ahh I finally could put my finger on it. He hugged and kissed me on my cheek. Everyone awed, "Jacob someone has the hots for your girl," Roc announced, as everyone laughed, Prince laughs. I kicked Roc in the shin and walked past him, everyone following me, we walked inside.

The place was too much to take in, My dad really out did himself this time. We raced upstairs trying to chose a bedroom, I of course got the master shared with Jacob. Everyone else had to share cause there wasn't enough room probably around 4 other. A good thing though there were either two Beds or  a bed that could share in a room.

Roc, and Ray shared a room. Prod and Jaden. Mateo and Moises. Cameron, Willow and Mecca. Hmm we have an extra room, I'ma give Imani a call and see she she reach. We all eventually came downstairs from exploring our rooms, to see the rest of downstairs. I swear everyone wanted to jump in the pool, but didn't, it was so big. Sebastian showed us around more and it was totally beautiful, the beach was just, ahhh, I was speechless. We all walked back inside, gathering our stuff to go to the beach, after everyone was changed, we ran to the water. Splashing as we went Jacob grabbed me and brought me close, We stared into each other's eyes. He smashed his lips into mine kissing me, he broke away suddenly looking away into a distance, over the seas.

"What's wrong?" I asked, he shook his head, and I did the same, I pecked his lips and turned around so my back was on his chest, he tightened his grip on my waist as we stayed in this position for while, looking around our surroundings. Some people got out, I spotted Willow and Myles exit the water (Lets just imagine that she's there age).

Roc and Cameron were playing around, Mecca and Moises were flirting their heads off and the guys where doing something together. It soon got dark and we decided to head in.

We all crashed in the living room, falling, sitting or laying down on one of the many couches in the room. Everyone was making chit chat but I was really hungry, "What you Guys wanna do, Order some food or go out?" I asked. "Out," "Out," "Out," "Out," .... this continued till like everyone said 'out', "Ok good, its settle."

"What are y'all waiting on?" I questioned, "Get up stairs!" I instructed, "I'm Here," Imani said bursting through the door, "Great," I said with excitement. "Go get changed for dinner," I pointed upstairs, her smile was turned around into a frown, "Thanks for the love sis,'' she said sticking out her tongue at me as she went upstairs. Jacob hugged me from aside making me smile, as he went upstairs, I let out a big sigh, before running upstairs to the room.

Jacob was already in the shower, so I just went to my suitcase to pick out some thing to wear. Soon Jacob came out in a towel alone which was too low, I found myself starring, so I looked away. Blushing he smirked, "Babe, You like what you see?" He asked laughing, "Don't worry I'm All yours," he smiled pecking my cheek. I smiled before skipping to the bathroom.

When I came out his eyes were on me, (Wearing outfit in Media) "What?" I smiled running my hand through my wet hair, "Your just really Beautiful," I blushed....

I put on some Lip Balm, and went downstairs after slipping on my pumps. Imani and Prince were in the kitchen talking when I came down. "Whats up GIrl!" I screamed hugging her  with one leg on her waist, she laughed holding onto me so we wouldn't fall. "Oh there's the love," I laughed and kissed her cheek, "Love yah sis," I said walking back to the front where just as i was uncle Sebastian, came through the door telling me the cars are here, "Guys Lets go!!!" i shouted.


In about 15 minutes we arrived to this restaurant, which name i didn't catch. uncle Sebastian had made reservations for us so it didn't take long for us to get in. Inside was decorated beautifully i was speechless, we were all seated together which was great.... We talked and made jokes and planned about what we should do tomorrow, Ray suggested yacht sailing which everyone gladly agreed. So its set, we finished dinner which was good and walked out to view the water fall  and other outdoor items they had. Prince was holding my hand. i blushed, it just never gets old. I starred at the water fall until everyone decided its time to go.

Back at home

When we got back home we called it a night, i climbed the stairs kicking off my shoes, changing into my pj's. before going to bed i decided to go out on the balcony and lay down. I was stargazing when princeton, came out and laid with me, i ended up snuggling into him before drifting asleep. "I love you," i heard him whisper into my ear before i fell into a slumber.


Sorry i know i haven't updated in a while just know schools the reason.

S- Six






High Schools is a drag, gonna try and update more love yall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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