Forgive Me please

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Happy birthday Justice, I love you so much, Literally I fan girl over you and Your Talent.

Recap: Someone has her dad but who the heck is it.

"Who the F**k are you?" I asked disgustedly , I ripped off his masked. " Jaden ! " I yelled slapping him upside down. "Don't ever do that again!" I yelled as both my dad and him laughed uncontrollably. My face was boiling I was really mad, scared and worried.

"Babe you okay?" Jacob asked pulling me into a hug, I hugged back then looked up at him, I pecked his lips, then hugged him tighter. "I'm gonna head up," I said breaking away, "You wanna see my room?" I asked, he nodded and that's we're we went.

"Wow! Nice room," Jacob said flopping onto my bed. I laid down beside him and just starred, its like his Afro wanted me to touch it, so Thats what I did, I ran my hand through his hair massaging his scalp. "Mmmh," he moaned, "You like that," I whispered seductively, "Haha," he laugh rolling a little bit.

"I heard you say that you love me," he said raising his eyebrow. "Well..." "I Love you too," he said putting his soft Pink lips on mine. Our kissing turned into a make out session, our tongues fought for dominance. "Hah," I breathed out, "I better be going," he said getting off my bed. "Ugh!" I said getting up too, "Or you could stay," I said with the little hope, I had. "Your dad," he said pointing down the hall, I let out another I groan. We walked to the door but before we had to pass the kitchen, "Whose this?" my father question. We both stopped and went into the kitchen "Good Evening Sir," Jacob said stepping from behind me into more view.

"My BOY-FRIEND," I said getting annoyed No! Wait! I am Annoyed. "YOUR WHO?" he said standing up from the island, Jaden just sat there watching intensively. "MY B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D,Yuh Happy?" I asked getting all in his face, He looked Jacob Up and Down Multiple times in disgust, I could feel Jacob tense up he was nervous. "Aaliyah!" he said in disbelief "You could of done so much better, look at him," he spat "He looks like a fagot."

That's it I slapped him right across his face, "Don't you ever talk about him like that ever!" I shouted tired of his foolishness. Jaden bursts out into loud laughter, My Dad follows, then me, Jacob laughs but its an unsure laugh, he so cute when he's dumb folded. Jacob whispers a "What's going on?" "Son we are just fooling around, its a joke," Jacob looked a little in easy.

"It's nice to meet you..." he said asking for his name, "Jacob," "Well Jacob, we were just having a little fun, I'm not a strict unfun dad, It's okay that your dating my daughter, unless you break her Heart, Your dead," he said all serious. "I'm kidding, I'm Kidding," he said the room erupted with laughter even from Jake, "No I'm not," he said all serious again. "Okay dad, stop scaring him," I said pushing him out of the kitchen, "Nice to meet you Sir!" Jake shouted, "You too son!" my dad shouted back.

"Why in such a rush?" he asked with that adorable face, "I'm not," I smiled, "Anyways, bye Beautiful," he said leaning down to give me one of his amazing kisses. "I'll miss you," he said walking backwards to his car, "I'll miss you more," I said which was true. "A lie," he said dramatically, he blow my a kiss and I caught it and placed it to my heart. lol he drove away and I went inside, leaning on the door butting my lip 'I Love Him'.

"Aaliyah," Jaden called, Ugh, I don't usually fight with my best-friend nor Hold grudges But I'm gonna hold one. I ignored his call and went straight to my bed, flopping onto my bed. "Aaliyah, Open up Please," I ignored all his pleads, with music "Don't Tell Em" by Jeremih, ahhh my favorite song.

2 on by Tinashe started playing, "Give, me all that you got now, Make you want me cause I'm hot now-" Alerting me that I had a text message.


YoursTruely: Hey BAE

MsftAally: Hey Handsome


We ended up face timing, then falling asleep in the process.

*The Next Morning

"Buenos Díaz Señorita Aaliyah," Maria said curtsying, "GoodMorning, You don't have to do that," I said and she nodded, and handed me Blueberry Pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice owe I like this. She dismissed herself, and went about, I got my morning text from BAE saying good morning, we texted back and forth, he's so cute.

"Morning Aally," Jaden yawned, no response, "Comeon," he said pleading with his puppy eyes, I was getting lost in them so I had to look away. "Fine, Be like that," he scoffed, and left the kitchen, Willow came right through the front door after, "Hey Boo," she said entering the kitchen grabbing an apple "Lets go to the Mall," she suggest. I agreed and went upstairs to change.

I took a shower then put on :- a Blue acid washed jeans, my 'Can't Touch This' tank top and Purple Tube Bra, Jordon 5's, and my lockets. I grabbed my purse and unplugged my iPhone and hopped downstairs, "You ready?" I asked , "Yup," and we were off...

It was 2:37 we went in Forever 21, Nike, Jordan, Areopostel, Holister, Wetseal, some vintage store which were really cool and this phone case store and bought some really sick phone cases. "I'm hungry," I wined "Common," she said pulling me and my luggage to the food court, she ordered or sushi then joined me as I sat down in the closes seat. Putting all my bags down, we were talking about or nails and how they needed to be done *Girl Talk* when she got called up by her fake name 'Joelle'

We dogged into our sushi, and can I tell you it was delicious. We went in a couple more stores, Gucci, Lids, and we both bought the new playstation 4 and some games from Walmart. After that we decided to go home, and watch some shows, ironic isn't it Fresh Prince of Bel-lair came on, our favorite show.

"In west Phillipdephia, born and raised, On the playground is where I spend most of my days..." we both sang and danced. "Ahh, my dad," she said glowing "Ahh, your dad," I joined, flopping onto the couch. We laughed, "Soooo... you and Jacob," she said wiggling her eyebrows, I laughed "Honey I'm Home," Jaden casually walking in with something in his hand, Omg is that a.... "WWho's adorable puppy is this?" I asked taking the puppy from him, "Yours," he said scratching the back of his head, "Mmhine," I don't have a puppy. "Yah I bought her for you," he smiled "Aww!" "Gimme Gimme... My niece," willow said grabbing the pupping from me.

"Are we cool?" Jaden asked with a pleading look, "Yah," I said opening my arms for a hug. He skipped or to my squeezing me into a tight hug, "Can't Breathe," I said turning pale, "Sorry," he said letting go. "So what you gonna name her?" willow asked, "Mhmmmmm..." I thought for I while "Minnie," I said smiling, "She is really small," she said looking at the Yorkie.

"So where is she gonna sleep?" I questioned looking around, "We'll I never really thought of that, we can go pet Shopping," he suggested, "Why not, you coming?" I asked Willy "Of course ," she said jumping up, "Well let's go." ...

Ugh I know it was kind of short, hope you liked it, any ideas I promise I will use them. Yup that basically it Oh! and sorry for Spelling or if you got confused sorry for everything TTyL now 👋💋 kisses.


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