Him Again

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When I reached there everyone was there already, in the MISFITrep Tee's just like every Tuesday. We paid, got in and started jumping and screaming like 8 year-olds, whilst taking pics of us jumping in the air it was awesome. Until I remember what I had to tell Jaden. "Jaden, Jaden, Jaden," I called repeatedly while I chased after him, realizing he was avoiding me. I suddenly stopped and jumped over where Willow and Cammy were jumping and jumped with them, until I figured out how to catch Jaden and talk to him about us moving.

When his back was turned to me and he was talking to Teo about some girl that he met, I took this opportunity to jump on his back and tackle him to the floor of the trampoline. "Ahhh What The F**k get off of me Aaliyah!" he yelled while trying to get me off of him but I wouldn't budge. "No! Are you going to talk to me?" I asked looking straight into his Eyes pleading with him, "Fine!" he said finally giving in.

"What do you wanna talk about because if it is about you and Cammy moving to Cali I already know," he said with a frown. "So then Jay why are you so mad?" "Because you and Cammy are leaving and I won't see you guys!" he said pissed, "Jay you know sometimes I worry about you," I said giggling and getting off of him and helping him up as well. "What are you giggling about?" "Well don't you guys have a house up there Iddy," I said smiling whilst poking his cheek as he realized that what I said was true. We all were jumping again when he walked in with three other cute boys.

One was rockin Jays with two long, thick braids on each side of his face, another with a blondish Mohawk with the letters MB lined into the side and Grey Drop-Crotch pants talking to another who had on nerdy Black and white Ray-bans on and a eye catching rip sleeve shirt, and then there he was wearing something similar a tye-dye rip sleeve shirt, Black basketball shorts and some peace sign accessories.

He then caught me staring and winked at me then whispered something in the guy with he ray-bans ear. I turned around quickly focusing on my friends, blushing like crazy and pointing out the Jacob guy to Cameron. She thought he was cute and so did I.

Jacob's POV

Two hours later. " "Sorry!" she yelled over the music when she realized that she bumped into me, "It's Okay Cutie," I said with the big smile. "My name is Jacob but they call me Princeton," "And my name is Got To Go," she said smirking and walking away. But after meeting the most Beautiful girl I have ever seen, I couldn't let her walk out my life so easily so I asked for her number.

"Wait up!" I yelled so she could hear me over the music. "Yes!" she asked, "You don't know who I am?" I asked in disbelief cause everyone new who we were. "No, sorry should I?" "No No, its fine 'Got To Go' but can I have your number Cutie?" I asked smiling cheekily. "Why should I give you my number?" she asked, "I- uh- am," I paused as I suddenly got nervous "Here," she said whilst getting a purple Gel Ink pen from her purse and writing her name and number on my arm. She then walked away and looked back catching me totally checking her out.

"I see you prince! " Roc Yelled while punching me on shoulder playfully. "Shut up!" I said elbowing him on his side. "Aw!" he winced in pain "Not so tough now?" I asked while enhancing our bro-mance into a hug. After the concert we went back to the hotel telling the rest of the guys about Aaliyah and Roc with his bright self talked out how she was hot and about her shape but I didn't think of her that way I thought she was 'Beautiful'. We watched Love and Hip-hop Atlanta until we fell asleep.

Today we all decided that we would just hang out today an go all over checking out the city. First we decided on going to breakfast at MacDonald's then The SkyZone and then we would go and check out the nearest skatepark. When we were walking into The SkyZone I saw her again and this time she was totally checking me out. I winked at her and she turned away quickly after I whispered to Roc that she was here. We were jumping and telling joke's about what happened the last time we went over to Ray's house and we pulled a prank on his dad and how he couldn't get all the whip cream out of his nose fully until like three days after; we were laughing like crazy but the whole time I was just staring at her and she was around other people laughing too I'm guessing they were her friends and they where all wearing MSFTrep Tee's just like the one I had.

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