Chapter 17: A Shocking Truth

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Chapter 17


 “Drew. What are you doing here?” Hannah asked surprised.

“Jace, she could love you too.” Drew said, my heart beating quickly.

“Okay, obviously there’s something going on here that I clearly don’t know.” Hannah said waving her finger between me and Drew.

“It’s hard to explain.” Drew said.

“It’s best not to get you involved. She would need you most.” I told her.

“Her coma wore off.” Hannah said.

“When?” Drew and I asked at the same time.

“Right after you left.” She said, facing me.

“She’s going to be in and out of sleep.” I said, defeated.

“And soon she would wake up but she needs peace and quiet now.” The nurse who came in told us. She went over to check on her wounds before turning to us.

“She will be fine. You guys need to go. Visiting hours are done. Goodnight.” She told us before ushering us out the door and closing it.

We watched her green clothed body walk away. I turned around and headed for the waiting lobby. There I sat and closed my eyes. I would wait every day until she wakes. I want to be the first one she sees.

“Why don’t you go home Jace?” Hannah asked me.

“Because I don’t want to leave her here on her own.” I simply replied.

“You know you have to deal with the fact that she may never look at you like that, right?” Hannah asked.

“It may turn out to be like that, but I would try to have her love me and not Drew. He just doesn’t deserve her. But I love her… A lot. So that’s why I won’t get in the way of her happiness.” I said defeated.

“I think you deserve her, Jace. I don’t know you that well but you seem to really care about her. Night, Jace.” Hannah said before going home.

“Drew.” I said and Drew took his earphones out.

“What?” He asked, somewhat annoyed.

“What if… I take up your part of the deal. She doesn’t love me exactly and she wouldn’t be that hurt. She would only be annoyed with the fact that I slept with her sister that she hates so much.” I winced at the thought of hurting Lori like that.

“You’d do that?” Drew asked. Damn he can be really stupid sometimes.

“Yeah. For her.” I replied, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Well, honestly, it wouldn’t do you any good. He wouldn’t think it be… fair. What if we tell Lori what’s happening and hope for the best that she’d understand? That way, she’d know why you’re doing it and in the end, she wouldn’t be as heartbroken.” I offered.

“I think that’s a better idea. I just hope she does understand.” Drew said, holding his head in his hands.

“But seriously though, what did you do that requires you to do this?” I asked, glaring at him to tell me.

“I’m not exactly the richest of all,” He said as he looked at me. I just shrugged. Yeah, I’m rich, but I’m not a snob either. I actually work for the money I get.

“And what I did was mainly to help me and my sister to get by. My mom works but she doesn’t exactly make money to help us. So what did I do? I broke into a pawn shop. I stole most of the money in there and some valuable, very valuable, collections...” Drew trailed off and I cocked my eyebrow, telling him to go on.

“Someone got a video of me that clearly identifies me and he began to blackmail me. He doesn’t exactly like Lori, so this is his sick way of being an ass to her. If I don’t do it, he turns in the video and I go to jail.” Drew said sadly.

I didn’t really know what to say. This was pretty rough to do but I guess his anger is just fueled by his hatred for Lori. But who hated Lori so much?

“Who is this guy that hates Lori?” I asked.

“The truth will surprise you,” He paused.

“It’s her supposed best friend.” Drew told me.

“Hannah?!” I asked. She was the only one who popped into my head.

“No, not her.” He stopped and began to think.

“Who then?” I asked impatiently.



Short chapter sure, But it's mostly a filler .-. Thanks for reading :]

And chapter 18 is soon to be out... Maybe tomorrow :3

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