Chapter 19: Happy With Who?

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Chapter 19


After three weeks of being in the hospital, which would be my whole winter break, I had to go back home. I was not going to school however because I’m practically immobile. I don’t get to see my friends at all.

I don’t get to see Drew or Jace…

“Okay Lori, Let’s see how well you are now than when you were two weeks ago.” Helen, my nurse said.

She took x-rays of my left side, three in total and she left to have them be created. When she came back, she clipped them on the light projector so that I could see.

“Okay well two of your five broken rib cage bones are healed so I give the rest two weeks total to heal as well. You left arm is nearly there, three weeks top and it’s healed completely. Your knee on the other hand, it’s healing at a very slow rate.” She said.

“How long for that?” I asked, not really wanting to know.

“At the pace it’s going, I say another month.” A month of not running?

“I guess I could deal with that.” I sad sadly.

“Slow healing also means that you could run again. Were it to heal faster, the chances of you running again would be nonexistent.” My hopes were up again.

“So I could be able to run again?” She nodded at my question and I felt loads better.

“Oh yeah, what about my stitched up side?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well, I didn’t see it on the x-ray. Would you like me to take of the cast on your waist to see?”

“Yes please.” She went over to my left side and unlatched my cast that wrapped around my chest and waist. It was really uncomfortable and to have it off just for a bit was bliss.

“Well they’re almost gone. You just have a few left. That I give a week for complete healing.” She smiled. Then she closed my ribcage cast and left.

 “Now I’m just angry that Maeve almost took running away from me. How could she do that!?” I said angrily.

“Selfish brat. What else could she do? Oh yeah, take away my boyfriend, if I can call him that, Or Jace. Who knows.”

“But I don’t want her to take Jace or Drew. Neither of them at all.” I said out loud.

“Lori?” Hannah said as she walked over to me.

“Oh, hey Han. What’s up?” I asked softly, calming down from my rant.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, concerned.

“Physically, better. Emotionally, not that great.” I said softly.

“What’s wrong hun?” She asked. There was something calming about Hannah. She always had that trait of being motherly when needed. She makes you feel better.

“Hannah, I may be in love with Jace.” I stated confidently.

“You do too!?” she asked surprised.

“What do you mean too?” I asked. She kept quiet and looked away. If there was one thing Hannah wasn’t good at, it would be the fact that she can’t hold a poker face when she blurts a secret.

“Hannah, what are you not telling me?” I asked curiously.

“Fuck. Um, Lori, Jace uh, he… you… lo…” then she gets tongue tied and can’t talk.

“Hannah. What is it?” I was beginning to get irritated. I want to know what she meant by “too.”

“Jace loves you!” She blurted then looked away.

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