Chapter 14: A Better Night

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Chapter 14


"Lori?" Victor asked after opening the door I just hesitantly knocked on.

"Can we talk please?" I asked, pinching my the bridge of my nose.

"S-sure come in"

We sat down on his black leather couch and I began to click my finger nails . I stopped and asked a question that's been in my head for a long time.

"Why?" I asked calmly

"She threw herself at me, and I couldn't stop myself." Victor already knew what I meant.

"How long?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"It went on for a month" he said hanging his head lowly, ashamed.

"At least now I know. You have needs and I didn't tend to them. I'm sorry for wanting the relationship and not the rest." I said holding his hand, the calmest interaction I've had with him.

"I never wanted you to. I mean if you didn't want to, I should have waited." He said, rubbing his thumb in circles on my hand.

“It still hurts, you know. I wanted to so much to believe it wasn't you, but I wasn’t given the option. But at least now we can move on.” I said pulling back my hand

“Lori. I never meant to hurt you. I just did it because-”

“Because I was being selfish. I was thinking of myself. Not you.” I finished.

“All I ask is that we let each other move on. Not separate but as friends.” I added

“I can let you go. But I’ll always love you though.” Victor said.

“But now you can love someone else. I know that now I can too.” I smiled slightly, looking at him.

Then I did something that was for us both. I cupped his face and pecked him on the lips. It was sweet but that’s about it. I didn’t feel anything that I felt before. Instead I felt like a big weight has been lifted off of me.

“Bye Victor.” I said before walking to the door.

I then had one last thing to take care of. I had to tell Drew what was on my mind.

I drove to Drew’s house and I saw that the lights of his garage were filtering onto the pavement. I got closer and knocked slowly knocked on the garage door.

“What?!” Drew said annoyed.

“Drew?” I asked a bit intimidated.

“Lori? Is that you?”

“Yeah.” I said as the garage door opened. I saw Drew come out in his greased shirt and ripped jeans. My upcoming words were taken from my mouth.

“I-I uh I need to talk to you.” I said stuttering.

“About?” Drew asked, cocking an eyebrow upwards.

“I went out with you for all the wrong reasons. I needed to put my feelings into someone. I felt lost and I didn’t know what to do because for three years I did. I wanted the same routine back.” I said.

“What do you want now?” He asked, his jaw clenching.

“I want us to be together again but this time, for the right reasons. I want to start over and-”

My string of words was cut short when Drew suddenly cupped my face and kissed me with so much passion. I felt my knees go weak as his tongue fought with mine. My hands tangled with his hair and he deepened the kiss when he slowly laid me over the hood of his matte car.

I didn’t exactly come here to make out on his car but this time I felt, well, daring.

He broke the kiss but put his forehead against mine.

“Thank you Lori.” He said, kissing my nose.

We went back to his room and we ordered a pizza. It seems like I’m going to sleep over.

“I don’t have any clothes to sleep in.” I pouted.

“Here.” He passed me striped pajama bottoms and one of his shirts. He turned around to let me change and I did.

“Hot. Even in my clothes.” Drew chuckled.

“Well I don’t know. Maybe it is the clothes that make you look hot.” I smirked.

“Well maybe it’s me that’s hot.” Drew said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“I think it’s the clothes.” I giggled as I took off his greased shirt.

I looked at his muscles and I went on my tip toes to make it seem like I was going to kiss him but instead I turned his head so that my lips nibbled on his ear lobe.

“It’s the clothes.” I whispered, giggling afterwards. Drew cupped my face and held close enough that we could kiss.

“You Lori, are such a tease.” Drew said, his words dancing along my lips. He was getting closer to kiss me but from behind us, we heard the doorbell ring.

“No fair.” I said as he left to get the pizza from downstairs. I heard him chuckle as he disappeared to downstairs.

I walked around his room, noticing pictures of him and Sarah. From his table his phone began to vibrate and flash. I walked over to see who it was but it showed unknown number instead. I decided to read the text.

From: Uknown at 10:46 pm.

Has she fallen yet?


The text made me wonder what exactly it meant but Drew came back with the pizza and my stomach made an automatic response.

“Well, someone’s hungry.

“Well, the last time I ate was during lunch.” I said, taking a bite out of my pizza.

After we ate we began to cuddle in his bed and he intertwined his ankle with mine. I looked into his eyes and I got lost in them.

“Drew?” I asked.


“Good night.” I said before crashing my lips to his.

The kiss was just like the one in the garage and I loved every moment of it. Drew pulled me up into his arms, never once breaking the kiss.  He held me for a bit before putting me down slowly. We were still kissing but this time Drew was hovering over me.

His lips left mine and traveled down my neck. He left kisses that made my neck tingly. He then began to slowly suck the skin before I realized what he was doing.

"Drew!" I whispered fiercely, pushing against him.

"Yeah?" Drew laughed.

I walked over to his bathroom and looked at my neck and sure enough there was a red mark near my collar bone.

"You gave me a hickey!" I placed my face in my hands.

"That's going to stay awhile haha." He walked over to me and tried to kiss me.

"Oh no no no. Drew?" I asked in a playful tone.

"Uh, yeah?" He asked hesitantly.

"You're turn!" I pushed him onto the bed and placed my lips on his neck. I began to do the same treatment and he burst out laughing. I finished giving him mine and I laughed along with him.

"You're ticklish" I giggled.

"Yes I am." He said stroking his neck.

I was still on top of him and I decided to kiss his hickey. But then I decided to bite him.

"Lori?" He asked, chuckling, kissing my forehead and intertwining his hand with mine.

"What's up."

"Goodnight." he said and we drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


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