Chapter 25: The People That Hurt Us

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Chapter 25

".... It'd be your last words ever. So I'd suggest you say words of endearment instead." Jared raised his hand smacked me across my face. I would bring my hand to stroke my cheek but both my hands were bound together. As well as my ankles as I sat in a seat adjacent to Alex.

"Now that all of you are here, I think the main part of the show is to be in order. Lori, please, you sit up here, where you can watch all your friends die." He said as he grabbed my chair and dragged my across the room.

He wasn't playing around. He centered me and made me face my beaten friends. I looked at their expressions, some of their faces were covered with shock, others with fear. and when I saw Jace, I saw sadness. Drew had a blank expression.

"Let's get this over with." He pulled out a gun and held it firmly in his right hand.

"The thing about a gun, is that it only has one job. But this job could be defined by how you shoot it. Like let's say you want to wound someone, you just aim at a location on a person's body, but nowhere that it kills the person." He twisted the gun in his hand.

"Or maybe you'd like to kill the person, then you'd just aim near a vital organ, and the gun's bullet would take out the rest of the job." He aimed.

"Like this." And he shot.


*The day before*

"Finally, the rib cage comes off!" I announced happily while I laid in bed.

I sat up, struggling but I knew that I would no longer struggle.

"Dad! Are we leaving yet?!" I asked as I changed into jeans, I kept on my sleeping shirt.

Do you know how hard it is to change a shirt? Let alone, how to shower? Trust me, it is difficult. Borderline impossible.

"Yes sweetie, lets go! He said as she waited for me to get down the stairs.

"Dad, one can only go down the stairs so easily while having a leg cast. Please, let me take my time." I said in a matter-of-fact- tone.

"Excited?" My dad asked when I reached him.

"Yeah, finally I'll be able to take proper showers." I got excited at the thought.

"Well, you'd still have your leg cast on." He said as we walked to the car, taking me out of my excited feeling.

Jee, thanks Dad.

Quite honestly, this was the first time I felt, well not sad or scared. After this cast comes off, I can be the bait.

Thinking back to my plan with Reagan, I got a bit jumpy. On the car way there, I was thinking of so many scenarios on how I'd get all my friends to safety. But I don't what Jared would do so I thought up of better ideas.

"Honey?" My dad touched my shoulder slightly, and of course I jumped at the touch.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head at his question but in reality a lot of things were wrong.

I stepped out of the car and wobbled over to my dad. We continued to walk on until we got to the automatic doors. From there we went over to the receptionist where we told her about my appointment.

"Alright then, Doctor Harris will see you now." The blond receptionist smiled.

We walked over to the room where we had to be and met with a woman who looked about thirty.

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