Chapter 10: Understanding in Someone

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Chapter 10

My father came back and when he saw me, he didn't scream. He just sat me down and had a talk with me.

"So why did you slap your sister and run away?" He asked. I looked at him hard and told him the truth, preparing myself for the scolding from yet another parent who favors Maeve.

"She had sex with Victor." I looked down at my feet.

"Oh Lori. Come here sweetie." My dad engulfed me in a hug, which took me by complete surprise.

"You're not going to scold me? Saying that I shouldn't have done that and that Maeve should be on birth control?" I asked, exasperated.

"Why would I say that? Sure the slap was a bit out of line- well then again the boy was your first. I wouldn't want any of my daughters on birth control. Not yet at least. Especially not Maeve. She's too young. Who said she had to be?" he asked.

"Mom said that I was in no place to slap her. And that Maeve should have told mom that she was sexually active so that Maeve could be on birth control." I explained.

"Somethings up with mom. She prefers Maeve over Damon and I. Sometimes, I don't even know if she loves us." I whispered.

"I have to tell you something. But we need your brother here. Damon!" He shouted. Why does he need both of us?

"Yeah dad? What's up?" My dad motioned with his head for Damon to take the seat next to me. When he sat down, my father looked at us.

"Maeve is your half sister." He said bluntly.

"What?!" Damon and I shouted in unison.

"Your mother had an affair. That's why we were fighting all the time after I found out, then your mother told me she was pregnant and started showing and we had to stop for the sake of the baby. When Maeve was born, I noticed your mom gave her more attention than you. I was about to leave, but when I saw you two playing alone while your mom was with Maeve, I couldn't leave you." He said, pausing to let his words sink in.

"But you're going to be eighteen in about six days and I could leave then. But not leave you two." He said looking at both of our shocked faces.

"Take us with you please!" I heard myself shout.

"We can't take it here anymore!" Damon said.

"Can we go with you please!" I added.

"We'll work to help pay for the rent and we'll only be there for the remainder of senior year please dad!" Damon offered.

"I found a three roomed house. Tiny but fit for us. I was going to wait until your birthday but I guess we could leave soon. I did get it today." Our dad said.

"So you weren't at the gym?"

"No son, I was at the new house. It's far from this place but closer to my work and your school."

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"How about your birthday?"

"Great!" Damon said.

It was now five and I decided to walk around town just to pass the time. I told my dad where I was going and he said just not to be long. Before I headed out, I grabbed my iPod.

I stepped out and saw Victor walking towards me. I didn't want to see his face at all.

"Lori. H-how are you?" He said.

"Just fine." I glared at him.

"Look I came here to tell you personally that I'm sorry. I know having sex with Maeve was wrong-"

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