Chapter 1

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<Keanna's POV>

Ugh, finally. Some me time. It's recess right now and I decided to go on my own. For some space. Actually, not some, but literally space. Isabela and Breanze are together, Hannah are with her other friends, and Ginger...

Where's Ginger?

I thought maybe with Asa, but Asa was hanging out with Hannah, I saw. Hmmm, my brain wondered. I decided to check the field after I ate, but I can do both of them at the same time, actually. I sat far away from where my class usually eats, and sat at the benches close to the stairs leading to the Bus Area. I unzipped my lunchbox and took out my food, utensils, and water jug. After, I scanned the field through the net and I found Ginger. Oh, so Ginger WAS with someone else, I thought. But who is that Someone Else? I went closer to take a better sight, beside Ginger while walking in the field toward the second field was...was that Rayo? Hmm... Things are somehow getting somehow weird here. This was the second...or was that third? Fourth time that I saw them together. Though, I thought Ginger really hated Rayo because she would always whine that...

"OMG, no-o! Why would I? He's so irritating and talkative to me!"

Once I replied, "Then it means he does like you." I would cross my arms.

"Well, besides that, he would always get my stuff without permission! Then until I notice, that's the only time he would ask!" She would go against my opinion, when it's actually a fact.

"Still means he likes you."
They stopped at a tree in the second field. It's the tree that most people climb on. Were they going to climb there? What are they doing there? Suddenly, as Rayo climbed the tree, he helped Ginger climb next. Then, they sat in between the 2 split branches.

I choked on my barbeque. Then came a weird sound, then it went back to my mouth. I placed my hand over my lips before I could spit it out.

"What the heck, Esophagus?!" I screamed after swallowing it back. "Don't tell me you have feelings, too?" a few people started staring at me like I was talking to myself, but hey! I wasn't talking to myself! I was talking to my esophagus!

Okay, fine. I gotta admit, it does sound crazy. Okay! It is crazy.

Anyway, after a while, Ginger was talking and I noticed Rayo wasn't listening, but he kept staring at Ginger. Does Rayo have a crush on Ginger? Does Ginger like him back?

After recess time, we went back to the classroom and Ms. Ayta was obviously there. After I sat at my seat, I kept on thinking of a ship name, if ever. Hmm, so there's Ginger and Rayo. Letters G-i-n-g-e-r, and then R-a-y-o. Hmm, Rayonger? Sounds kinda weird, but worth it! Now, how 'bout the surname? S-w-a and M-o-h-a-m--

"--Ms. Marzo," I heard Ms. Ayta call my name. Shoot. I even didn't realize they turned off the lights and the projector was on. I checked the PowerPoint Presentation she was showing. We were having a review about verbs, it's a good thing I still had stock knowledge. All I had to do was look for the verb phrase...though, which sentence?

Rayo suddenly raised his hand. Ms. Ayta gestured her palm toward him and let him answer. I sat back in my seat. After Ms. Ayta praised him that it was "Correct, very good," Rayo and Ginger looked at each other and smiled.

Oh no they just di-int! I couldn't help myself but draw the scene. Ginger and Rayo as seat mates-though they really aren't-, just smiling or laughing together. Okay, I went back to my thoughts. So maybe I have to check their chemistry first if it fits. Physically? Not so much, but it doesn't really matter. Status? I guess...close. How about their personality? Or how they act to each other, first, so Rayo usual--

"I would like to hear the answer of Keanna--"

"Ginger--what? Oh um, yes..." I disoriented. I looked at the board and didn't realize that the lights are now on and we're having a...well, it said Journal. I stood up, and looked down at my table.

"Oh, where's your notebook?" she noticed. In reply, my mouth twitched, but no words came out. "Not listening, hm...?" I gulped in embarrassment.

After, a girl that's a close friend of Ginger, Emily, suddenly raised her hand and answered.

Hearing a long and reasonable answer, Ms. Ayta praised her, "very good answer." She smiled

"Rayo and Emily!" Someone suddenly screamed, interrupting the silence that was drawn all over.

"Yeah! Woo-hoo!" The class started acting like they were watching a concert of One Direction or something.

As the class started acting like crazy chickens and Ms. Ayta giggling along, but tried to shush them, my eye caught a glimpse of Ginger. I wasn't surprised (okay fine, I was!) when I saw her looking blue and just rolling her eyes. She then tried to look at Rayo, but he wasn't looking. He kept on laughing and shaking his head, but that didn't seem like the usual laugh he had. Probably he was just forcing to, but he did keep on looking at the girl.

Love Triangle? My brain wondered.
<Author's Note>

Hey, everyone! So, ya. I changed the names. I decided not to add Rafael anymore because of stuff. So, anyway, I'll switch every Rafael into Rayo and every Rayo into Johan. Ya. :)

I'll also change the title and cover, too. C:

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