Chapter 23

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Starting now, I'll change the names since it's a fan fic and to avoid, uh, conflict.
Er, ehehe, right. I'm so, so-o sorry for late update. But despite that, i has new ship (u guessed it, [if u didn't, get out, jk] LukeNee~)
P.S. Renee, here's the chapter I promised c:
<Ginger's POV>
As painful as I felt, as loud as my mind was yelling, I was still going to buy a blueberry muffin. Even touching the counter felt like I was back at High school.

Please, I took out my wallet. Says the guy who 'forgot his money, so he wasn't able to give offerings to the church'. I giggled, then slightly stuck my tongue out.

"That's because it was for you, silly!" I heard someone behind my back.

I quickly turned to see a random couple, holding both of their wallets out. The girl slightly blushed and the guy plastered a small smirk, then they became playful again.

I heard some old guy clear his throat. "Excuse me! What may be your order?!" I flinched and hurriedly faced the counter again. The hairy guy sounded like he had sore throat for more than a year and was running away from anything that resembled a mouth wash.

"Yeesh!" I internally rolled my eyes.

I took out my wallet, for real this time, and tried to stop from giggling at the thought of Rayo trying to slam his bill before me. I took out and slid my money in front of the imaginary Rayo's-hand-on-top-of-a-bill-and-coins, still smiling crookedly. The guy stared at me like as if I was the one who needed to go to the mental hospital because I'd been avoiding hygiene-related things for some reason.

I carefully carried the muffin towards the table while walking briskly at the same time. As I finally reached the table after a long-hallway walk with bumps and ushering, I sat down and huffed in relief and tiredness, mixed with nervousness because I was in front of Rayo right now.

He awkwardly coughed. "Um..."

I thinned my lips, trying not to look like I was breathing in and out through my nose.

"So, I thought you're mad at me...?"

I huffed. "I was, and I still am. Well, trying to stay mad at you."

His face molded into a very puzzled expression, his eyes darted towards mine.

"Okay, fine," I slightly slouched. "I only pretended to be mad so that you'd follow me."

He abruptly sat up straight, thinning his lips and slightly nodded.

I bit my bottom lip, silently commanded my fingers to reach the muffin and slightly push it to the middle of the table. I constantly kept thinking of what to say and tried organizing it. "Do you... Um," I stuttered. I never thought it would be this hard, I thought. "Do you remember...?"

His calm eyes looked straight to the muffin.

"Emily?" It slipped out of my lips. "Does it ring a bell now?"

He looked from the muffin to me. "I already knew. Just not during the first day."

My heart kept racing. The pressure kept trying to push the water out of my eyes. I kept gulping and blinking it back, breathing calmly to relax. Then, like it was some kind of instinct to do such when in a similar situation, I abruptly smirked, replaced by giggles. He looked at me like I grew another head, his eyes turning to the size of my alarm clock. He abruptly snorted, making me laugh even more, making him join in. The next thing we know, my laugh echoed and we both stopped. I covered my face with both palms out of embarrassment, my face probably pinking. What just happened?

"Oh my freak, Ginger! Get your butt to class!" I heard a voice that echoed back. I turned to see Renee running towards me, a blonde guy catching up. She took a quick glance at the blueberry muffin, then blinked to stare at it. "You haven't even eaten yet?!"

"Er...!" I hurriedly wore my backpack and book. "Don't mind that, we have a test!"

"We could just change it to recess time, right?" Johan suggested.

"Smart, but we can't anymore. We had two breaks already." Renee pointed.

I scurried behind Renee, towards the blonde guy. He looked pretty decent, his blue eyes always keeping a smile. His hair was brushed pointing sideways, his hands usually buried in his pocket. His aura would get better when near Renee.

"So, who are you?" I grinned as we all started rushing out.

"Um, Luke." He raised his hand halfway for a handshake, at the same time hurrying towards the exit.

I raised my eyebrows, somewhat amused. "No thanks, we're in a school."

"Oh, sorry," he put his hand back, buried in his pocket out of slight embarrassment. "I'm new, so Renee was assigned to help me around."

I took a glance at Renee, then looked back at him. Good match, I thought, involuntarily nodding.

"Oh, Ginger, who's your Biology partner?" Renee cut off the silence as we were in the hallway close to the room.

"Biology partner? What...?!" I wasn't notified of such.

"We're all assigned to pick a Biology partner."

I looked at Johan, his face slightly pinking, then back to Renee. "I bet your Chemistry partner's this guy, Luke." I slightly nudged the blonde.

"What?" It was the first time I saw the Sass Queen blush rather than spit a comeback. "What do you--how do you know?"

"What?" I widened my eyes. "You guys are Chemistry partners?"

"Yeah, why?" Renee started walking slowly, Johan and Luke following.

"Oh my...," god, I mouthed the end part, smiling. I nudged Renee, "he's way better."

"Yeah." Renee nonchalantly shrugged, nodding in agreement. "He's pretty funny, smart, kind."

I switched from shock and happiness to bewilderedness, my face showing it. "Wait, so you think he's... You like him?"

Her hand flew to her mouth. "What did I even just say...?!"

I quickly took flight toward the door knob, knowing we were pretty late. As I turned it and opened the door, there was no teacher yet, just the a few students cramming. "You're pretty early," a friend of mine, Clarissa, said.

"Very early." A familiar voice echoed.

I was absolutely relieved, of course since we were early at least, means more break time. But what really shocked me to the point that I dashed out the room and almost left my friends was...

"She had... She had the nerve!" I angrily mumbled. "Emily..." I kept whispering.

"Woah, Ginger's pretty happy for more break time!" Renee intentionally made it echo in the hallway.

Though I was the complete opposite right now, I kept a smile glued to my face as I turned. I tried to keep myself distracted with pairing Luke and Renee. Right now, Dave and I are still best friends.
Omg yes dis book is still goin on. Super duper sorry for super duper late update!!! It's been months now😱
I was originally supposed to update it earlier, but for some reason my drafts kept on deleting D:
P.S. LukeNee shall keep going~

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