Text Back (Part 2)

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<Ginger's POV>

"Wait, what time at night?" Leah asked.

"Yeah, what time?" The other girls gushed.

"12:00 am," I replied. "To be precise, 12:32 am."

"What?! Seriously?" Leah gasped.

"Wow, you still remember the exact?"

"Of course! That was the very first time anyone's confessed to me like that. Like, really sweet."

I went back to what happened again. It kept repeating and repeating over and over in my head.
It was really weird. I kept on having dreams with Johan in it, but I can't remember what happened. It was already past midnight and I still couldn't sleep. Suddenly, my phone beeped. As quiet as my room was, it echoed around. I quickly got it and someone sent me a text this late.

I immediately remembered one of my dreams with Johan. I kept texting him until he sent me one that made me gasp, then the dream ended there. I guessed the text was from Johan. I hesitated to turn my phone on, but there was only one wyand went to my Messages app to read:

Ginger, I know that it's really late to send a text, but I can't sleep too. I can't sleep because all I keep thinking about is you. Ginger, I...like you. It's okay, really, if you say no. All I just want is to see you happy. And I'll wait, too, if we can't now. Thanks for hearing me out. Have a great night.

And I did have a great night.

And it still stayed the same when I realized that it was sent by Dave, and not Johan.
"Isn't that, like, what every guy says?" Leah crossed her arms. "Like, they keep saying they just want to see us smile, when actually they'd kill just for us to smile because of them and not someone else?"

"Wait, so it wasn't Johan?" Dana looked a bit surprised. It looked like Renee's smile was fading.

"Yup," France said. "Didn't you hear? Johan's phone got lost."


"Yeah. I thought it was Johan because I kept having dreams of him, but can't really remember what was happening," I explained. "Then I suddenly remembered one of the dreams when my phone beeped. We were texting each other until one of his reply made me gasp. Then it ended there, so I thought that I'd see the text that made me gasp after all."

"Wait, what happened to Johan's phone?" Renee was still questioning.

"Yeah, like, how did it get lost?" Dana asked.

"I don't know. He just texted me."

"What?" Renee repeated.

"I said, he texted m--."

"You just said his phone was lost. Then how would he text you?" Dana said.

"Ah-I...uh," France stammered, wide-eyed. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I meant said. He told me his phone got lost at school during dismissal time."

"Yeah, France and I bumped into Johan during dismissal time." Asa added.

"Haha," Renee sarcastically laughed. "Yeah, that's so true and honest of you guys."

"Because apparently," Dana said in the same monotone voice of Renee. "Johan was with me and Renee during dismissal time."

"Yeah, I saw him with them in the library," Leah gestured her thumb to her back.

"Um, guys, please do explain?" I was bewildered.

"Yeah, France. Do explain." Renee placed her hands on her hips.

"No, Renee, you too! Why do you meet up with Johan all the time?" I placed my hands on my hips too.

Dana gasped. "How did you know meet up--?!"

Renee sighed. "Dana and I were just trying to help and gave advice to Johan."

I squinted my eyes.

"Really, it's the truth!" Dana added. "We tell him to just stay true to himself and you, rather than to fool you by showing who he really isn't."

Renee's smile faded in slowly, then she turned to France. She chuckled, "make it fair now, France. It's your turn."

"Uhm, uh...," she stammered. "Um, guys, we're late for Science class!"

"No, we're not going to Science class anymore." I crossed my arms. "We're going to the cafeteria."
It was quiet in the cafeteria now. Mainly because those popular girls and their boyfriends are not there anymore. We sat at a far corner where no one heard us.

"Now, France."

France sighed. "I-I... Asa and I decided to help Dave get to you. Then..."

"Then you told him to steal Johan's phone." Renee crossed her arms.

"You-- what now?!" Dana shrieked. "What the heck, France!"

"Wait, why would you tell Dave to steal Johan's phone?!" Leah was entirely puzzled.

Renee guessed, "I have a theory: we met up at the library and you and Asa were there. When we told Johan to probably send Ginger a text, we gushed and accidentally said it a bit too loud."

"And you went behind us when we told Johan to do that." Dana continued.

"What is happening here?" I ran my fingers through my hair, my elbows stuck to the table. Leah rubbed my back.

"Then at dismissal was the time when Johan ran to us to report that his phone was missing." Renee explained.

Haii, guys~

Um, ya, I made a little change and edit.

Thanks for voting and the comments and ya. Thankss soo muuchh

P.S. FranceaneYlizabethGa , ILeikpuncakes - I know you guys would never do that :p :>

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