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<Ginger's POV>

I lay in my bed, facing the roof, the colors of dawn splashing in my bedroom.

Well, my new bedroom. I sighed at the thought of it. A day has passed and I'm still not used to this house. I sat up in my bed, uncovering my legs from the thick, cottony blanket. I stood and went outside my bedroom. My parents still weren't awake. Of course they're not, it's just dawn! I went downstairs and decided to toast some bread for myself. I grabbed a small plate, a bread knife and a fork, and positioned it on the table. I poured water on my glass and placed it at the corner of the plate. I checked the table. Everything looked perfect, now to get some bread.

Where's the bread, again? I checked the fridge, it was there, but not the bread I really expected. It was raisin bread. "Ugh, okay fine." I was entirely disgusted. I grabbed it and placed it on the counter table. "Now, where's the toaster?" I sighed that I can't eat breakfast alone anymore in this house. I just got a raisin bread and let in the bitter-coldness swell in my gums and teeth.

I finished it in about 5 minutes or so, then I quickly went back upstairs. I decided to go for a small walk, around the village only, so that I could be familiarized with it at least. I went outside, wearing different clothes of course, then started walking. I stuck my phone out of my pocket and checked my messages.

Rayo hasn't replied yet.

Out of my ten new messages, it would seem like he would've already reported it as a spam. Okay, there has got to be something in him. I tried texting him again.

Hey, why aren't you replying?

That's 11.

Are you okay?

That's the 12th.

Please don't tell me you're mad at--.

Suddenly, before I could finish typing and press send, someone from behind zoomed past me, snatching my phone. "No!" I screamed, but before I could take what just happened all in, I twisted and fell, my back started hurting. "No..no! S-stop! Help!" without any knowledge, someone helped me up to my feet and it was the police. Another one started running, chasing the mugger.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes," I huffed. "I think." my hands fell on my bended knees.

"Where do you live? Would you like to tell us what happened?" he started asking a bazillion questions. I didn't really care, I understood since he's an officer.
A week has passed and I'm halfway to fully familiarizing the village.

After breakfast, I still worried that Rayo could be texting me all over and over again. If he did, then I was dying to know why he stopped replying. What if he was the one asking me this time? Shoot. That would've been a horrible nightmare. I went back to my bedroom and fell on my bed, falling flat on my face. I started thinking of so many things that I got an evil genius' plan. I rolled to a different position, grabbing my new phone that sat beside me. I turned it on and typed in Rayo's number.

Hey, take note of my new number :) a mugger got my old phone, so this is my new one c:

I put down my phone, stared at my window for a while, and my bed vibrated slightly. I got my phone and he replied. Finally.

Who is this?

Yes! my insides started partying like circus animals, I almost barfed out my delicious breakfast. Involuntarily, my hand went to my stomach, my face all curled up, but still with a slight grin. This was part of the plan, after all. This is how to make him reply!

No. How come you won't reply back ALL the time?:(( I texted back, feeling agonized again.

What? What did I do? Who is this? he replied.

I wanted to keep my identity from him through my phone for a while first. Not until you tell me why you would always ignore a contact of yours >:(

It took a while for him to reply. Is this Ginger?

Shoot. The faces I've been placing. Super recognizable. Obvious.

Who's Ginger? I fought back, still trying to keep it a secret.

Frick Frack, who are you? A stalker!? I could imagine his face as he texts. Priceless. Okay, so look. First of all, you could've been one of my contacts because you told me to take note of your number.

Shoot, I thought. He's solving, he's solving!

Okay, I really can't tell, but my only guess is this girl who's Ginger.

That's when an idea popped in my mind. That's it! my brain cheered. I then texted, Can you describe that "Ginger"?

The phone said he was still typing. That's long. I decided to tap on the message to see his location. As I finally recognized it, my ribs started squishing my heart.

He was at the park.

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