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Okay, so i rlly wont ever know how u ended up here, reading this book, but ok i dont rlly mind. I just wanted to state that this is my first ever book, and the first few chapters are pretty horrible (to me anyway).

I cant promise you, but i still will either way, that this will be a completely good story or that the following chapters would be improved and much better.

One more important notice: i'm sorry to make the girl character here kinda... weak, i guess. However, this does not portray my friend whatsoever, im just kinda borrowing my friends' names for now.

Please try your best to enjoy this book maybe, but if you see any corrections or anything, feel free to point out that flaw. You guys could even suggest and state or comment an opinion :) 

P.S. Don't need to point out grammar and everythin when it comes to A/Ns, only the story C:
Happily, I got out of the long, grand white car, my white heels touching the soft, green, exact-trimmed grass. My friends helped me up, holding my hands. They then lead me to 2 big, extravagant, brown doors with golden trims decorating them. Two guards opened them for us, one for each of them. Entering the church was just like discovering a beautiful castle that could reach the High Heavens. I never knew he could afford such building just for our wedding.

Continuing, they were the ones who lead me around the church, but avoiding one room. Though I imagined that I would be the one exploring this place, they just bumped in. They showed me the restroom, the party room, and a few other stuff, but just not one room that my eyes were dying to see. Probably for surprises and everything, but still though. Everybody would go crazy on wanting to see things they weren't supposed to see yet. Anyway, after showing me all but one room, they lead me to a small room with a vanity and a stool. A biscuit on top of a plate was positioned on the vanity, so was a fancy wineglass with water beside it. I sat at the stool and they left me alone.

"B-but why?" I got somewhat terrified.

"For some air."

"And some space."

"Also for time,"

"Time for preparing and--"

"Calming," they all smiled at me. Then, they closed the door and I heard their heels echoing in the large, space outside. It faded away slowly, and slowly...until it disappeared.

After a while, I decided to do the things they told me to make this room at least have a purpose. First, I drank the water slowly, careful not to make any stains on my white, glowing dress. I then cautiously placed it back in the table, still by the cookie, and grabbed the biscuit. I sighed in relief as my two hands held the chocolate chip dessert. I devoured half of the whole thing slowly, still trying to avoid crumbs on my dress. I flinched as my dress suddenly vibrated slightly. My phone, I guessed. But who's calling? I placed the cookie back at the plate, matching it with the plate's trim. I unbuttoned my purse sitting in my lap, grabbing my cellphone. My friends sent texts in our group chat:

You can go out now ;)

Yup, it's time already!

But you'll have to explore alone D:

We got lost from this big, gigantic, humongous building :((

I stared at my phone. Lost? I wondered. How would they get lost when they just showed me almost ALL of the rooms here in this "big, gigantic, humongous" building? I replied in the group chat with the exact, same thing in my head. It said they all saw it, but none of them replied. I just sighed and turned my phone off. I placed my phone back in the purse and was about to unbutton it, until my eye caught the unfinished cookie. Such a waste! I got a bunch of tissue, wrapped it around the biscuit, and joined it in my purse. I stood up and left the room with the water still unfinished. I pointed at all the doors they showed me, except for the one door they didn't. I finally finished enumerating all and went toward the "mystery room".

As my hand reached for the long, golden, elegant-trimmed handle, two guards wearing the exact, same outfit of the guards a while ago opened it from inside. I gasped as bells chimed and piano melodies started swarming around the big room. Someone from my back handed me a white headband with golden decorations in it with a white


The two guards covered my way and gestured their heads from the veil to my head. I quickly wore it, keeping my hair still and fixed. They finally stepped aside, back to their positions, and there awaiting me was my husband. A huge smile plastered in his face as he saw me. I didn't know I also smiled back, his smile has always been infectious. In a good way, of course. Without any knowledge, my foot stepped on the long, red carpet leading to a small staircase to my husband and a priest. I continued walking, staring at all my guests as they all stared back at me, smiling. I stopped as I saw the colors of bright blue in the corner of my eye. I looked forward and they were my friends as my bridesmaids. They all wore the same, simple, bright blue knee-length dress. I followed them, and when they all reached the start of the staircase, they separated in to two, one group heading to the left, and the other to the right.

As I continued walking, one of my friends stopped me. "Psst," she whisper shouted. She handed me a bouquet of beautiful tulips and roses with a few daisies. I held it and continued walking up the two-step staircase.

Finally, I positioned myself in front of my husband. He was very well-groomed. Fixed hair, obvious it's with with wax, clean, straight, white tuxedo, glowing in the slight sunlight through the church colored-windows. I smiled again at him, and he smiled back at me. We didn't mind the priest's talking, but as we heard something familiar, we both exchanged faces.

The vows.

This was what my husband and I have been waiting for. Especially the last part, so, as impatient and terribly excited I really am, let me skip already...

"I do."
<Author's Note>

Sorry late publish! :p. I only thought of it after making a draft of Chapter 3.
Sorry again!

But just so you know, please don't take this book as those straight away books, there will obviously be Plot Twists! Even I am excited for it!
Even if I have to make it (TnT).


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