Twenty-Fourth Night: What Does God Plants in the Wilderness?

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"I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together:"
- Isaiah‬ ‭41:19‬



When the Israelites were still captive by the Babylonians during Isaiah's time, the Lord God told them what and why everything happened to them, prophesied the coming destruction of Babylon, and promised to rebuild the nation Israel.

The word wilderness was not an old news to the Jews. Sometimes, wilderness became a place of disciplinary actions for the stubborn chosen people of God. Other times, out of necessity, such as when they had to travel from Egypt to the land of promise. Wilderness for them is where their faith was tried numerous times.

The Israelites, the Lord God's chosen people, were the most blessed people in the world. They not only experienced the glory of God but have seen it! During their time in the wilderness from their escape in Egypt, God always provided something they needed to survive. Whether it be shelter or food, God made sure they were attended.

Oftentimes, God compares the spiritual rejuvenation to the "wilderness" becoming fertile. You and I have our own wilderness. It may be your career, your marriage, your family, your friendship, or even your mind and emotions. You come to a point where these things became empty, deserted, and dangerous for you. You became stressed enough to grow anger within you, along with bitterness, hatred, fear, greed, and pride. Sometimes you get depressed, anxious, and hurt.

Life is a "wilderness", and one can only become fertile in Christ. Jesus Christ will plant new things in the wilderness. He will cause even the desert places to become fruitful. If you seek and trust God, He will transform the wilderness to a place of rest, provision and shelter. If you trust Him, He will do a miracle. You just have to choose to trust Him.

The writer of "Let God Do a New Thing" devotional, Vance K. Jackson said, "Let God do a new thing within the walls of your heart. Let God do a new and creative thing within the walls of your home. Let God do a new and creative thing within your marriage. Let God do a new and creative thing within the walls of your family. Let God do a new and creative thing within the walls of your business. Let God do a new and creative thing within the walls of your ministry. Trust that God will cause you to flourish. Let God do a new thing even in the wilderness."

Your situation, circumstances, environment and fear doesn't matter anymore when you put your trust in God, obey Him, follow Him, and surrender to Him.

The trees mentioned in Isaiah 41:19 were the choicest in Israel. They know what these trees meant and for what these trees are for. These trees are large trees, made for shade. Meant for shelter. For protection. For provision. Their roots run deep within the soil. They knew what God was saying when He mentioned these trees.

God does the planting. He will plant courage in your heart when you feel scared in sharing the gospel. He will plant humility, kindness, gentleness, meekness, love, forgiveness... these fruits of the Holy Spirit in you the moment you receive Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit guides and counsels you throughout your spiritual journey.

Many tried to plant their own way in their wilderness, but all of them fail — "fail he does, and fail he must! Because only Christ can do such!"

When you surrender to God, He will cause you to grow and flourish. The wilderness‭ will not be able to stop you. The desert will not be able to block your path. When you surrender to Christ, He will even make the barren desert a place of prosperity. Choose to obey God and He will cause you to flourish, no matter your environment. There is no limit in Him.

Every effort, every gift, every talent, every ability, everything that God gave us in this world was designed to give Him glory. There is always a space for each one of us to improve and bear fruits. There is no competition when it comes to Christ.

Therefore, when things seemed to be in a desert place... when there seemed to be no other way out, choose to obey God, align your steps with His Word and He will cause you to succeed. He will cause you to bring forth so much fruits, even when you are in the wilderness.

What does God plants in your "wilderness"?

The Apostle Peter mentioned in his second epistle chapter 1 verse 3, "According as His Divine Power has given unto us all things that pertains unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue..."

With God's divine power and through knowing what Christ did at the cross, He gave unto us all things we needed regarding life and living. This includes the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), one of the evidences of your spiritual growth and your relationship in Christ.



Heavenly Father, I thank You, Lord, for being with me in my wilderness. I pray that whenever I am in the desert place, I will be reminded that obey You and trust in You. Align my steps with You, O Lord, my God. For only You can do such thing. In Christ Jesus' Name, Amen.

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