•Answers: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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The next day I entered school scanning around for Eleanor. I really needed to talk to her. I looked from left to right as a briskly walked down the hallway clutching the handle of my bass case. I peered into every art classroom that I passed because I knew she was an art student. I started to pass the last art classroom until I caught a glimpse of her. I reversed and looked through the window to see her painting. I stared at her beauty as she painted, She looked so perfect and angelic, I just couldn't help stare at her instead of knocking to go in and talk to her which I was actually suppose to do.

The daydream ended when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around quickly to see Harry looking down right into my face. 'Harry! you frightened me man! W-what are you doing down here creeping up on me?' I said and then awkwardly smiled. "I could ask you the same question you douchebag" he replied and hit me on the arm laughing. "Looking at girls?" He questioned and started to peer through the art room window. 'No Harry!' I yelled and pushed him as far away from the door as possible. 'Can't we just go to the studio already?' I said, I tried so hard to change the conversation. "Well come on then! your the one that was down here checking girls out!" He said smirking and walking upstairs. 'I was not checking girls out!' I murmured under my breath as I followed him up.

In the studio we were recording a song called obviously, I loved the sound of it, and when we were playing our instruments to it it sounded really cool! We were to be shooting the video for it in a couple of months. I was well excited.

All I was thinking about in that moment was how I was going to adress Eleanor, I didn't want to mess up or sound uncool. In that moment Fletch walked in with our co-manager and clapped his hands together. "Right! Boys! You know your request that Harry told me the other day about you boys wanting to throw a big party at the starlight suite hotel to celebrate your sucess..It has been booked! And you will have your own DJ!" He announced. "WOW!" Tom yelled, the biggest smile crossed his face. "Could we have strippers Fletch!?" Danny asked cheekily and made us all laugh. "Now now Danny" Fletch cut in. "Don't start getting too crafty, your 17 and this is not a stag do or something, it's a party to celebrate you as a band and your success, so enough of your cheeky comments please!" He said smirking. "Thanks so much fletch!" Harry said standing up and shaking his hand, "I'm so glad that you all went with my awesome idea!" He said and then winked. "No problem at all Harry, and no problem to all of you!" Fletch continued. "You all deserve it! The party will be held this Saturday from 7pm till morning! And everyone is already invited, so you wont have to worry about a thing! You could invite anybody else that you would like to come along also! But I would like you to carry on with Obviously please boys, it is very important and it needs to sound great! See you later!" He said before begging to leave. "Yes Fletch! We all yelled grinning from ear to ear and then carried on making music when he left. I had never been this excited, this party was goung to be awesome!

At the end of the day me and the McFly boys parted ways as I began to walk home. I was about to turn into my road until I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Eleanor running towards me. "Dougie!" She yelled again. I stopped and smiled at her as she got closer and closer. 'Eleanor! Ah finally!' I said as I rested by bass case down between my legs and took a breath. "Dougie did you want to talk to me or something? I saw you and your friend play-fighting outside my art class." she said when she finally stopped infront of me. 'Oh' I blushed, and started fiddling with my spiked hair. 'We weren't play fighting, he was just being annoying..but yeah I did want to talk to you actually' I replied and nodded. "Well..do you wanna grab some chips first then?" She said giving me a sweet smile. 'Ohh um..sure why not!' I agreed. 'I'm starving anyway!'

I picked up my bass cass and we began to walk down the road together, to the chippy.

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