•Invites and Outfit Preps: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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That evening I texted Eleanor. 'Hi Eleanor. Me and the McFly boys are throwing a party at the Starlight Suite hotel (sounds cheesy I know but Harry suggested it so it WILL be awesome) to celebrate our success. I was just um..wondering if you would like to come? Lots of people are gonna be there! :) Doug'. I hoped that my text invite would've been good enough to send, but then I sended it. She replied almost instantly and I read it as soon as I got the notification. "Hey Doug. Haha I would love to! It sounds amazing I'm so glad you invited me, I feel honoured! ;) Especially that your a McFly boy..I feel like a star! I'll ask my mum! xx". Seeing that made me so excited, this perfect girl was possibly going to be going to a party I was leading with the McFly boys! I was so glad Harry gave me that idea!

I went downstairs with my phone and scanned through the kitchen cupboards. I took out some ready salted walkers, sat down, and ate them as I replied to Eleanor. I guess I could of called that comfort eating? Somehow? Because I had serious butterflies in my stomach from Eleanor. I replied with 'Awesome! I'm glad :)'. I didn't want to put any kisses only because I didn't want to make it obvious that I liked her. I looked up at the time on the clock and realised that it was coming up to 1am, so I had a quick glass of apple juice and went to bed.

BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP. 9:30am. My alarm went of as usual, but at a slightly later time because me and the boys had a day off college. But the day was going to be spent buying outfits for the party. And we were going to be viewing the venue and making the last preparations the next day. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I checked my phone to see if I got a text from Eleanor, but I didn't, so I went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower. After my shower I just put on a T-shirt, three quarter length baggy trousers, my socks and trainers, and then combed my fringey hair in place.

An hour later I was sat in the cafe with the McFly boys. "I literally can't wait for this party. I've been thinking about it since we planned it!" Tom said smiling. "Exactly!" Danny agreed, "There's gonna be a crazy amount of people there and we're gonna get to do whatever we want!". "Easy boys" Harry cut in. "We can't necessarily do whatever we want. We can't do anything too crazy like trash the hotel, Well not too much, or Fletch might not let us do anything like this again!" 'True' I said, and looked up as the waiter walked over and served us our full English breakfasts. "Yess, thankyou." Danny said rubbing his hands together as the waiter put his plate on the table.

"How much money have you all brought with you today then?" Tom asked as he picked up his knife and fork. "I brought £60" Danny said. 'I only have £32.70' I said. "Counting your money much!?" Harry said with his mouth full and started laughing whilst trying to hold his food in. "I'll lend ya some if you need Doug!" Danny offered. 'Thanks man' I said, a smile came across my face then I looked down at my food. "Well I brought £50." Tom said and put a fork of baked beans in his mouth. "I only brought £40. Only need a pair of trainers!" Harry said. "Cool" Tom replied, and we all carried on eating.

We walked up the high street. "Okay can we go in the shopping centre now please? I wanna look in the sports shop for trainers" Harry asked, and we all agreed. As we walked through the shopping centre I looked through the shop windows. "Wowee!" Danny yelled. "Look at those!" Danny's blue eyes glistened as he looked at all the guitars on display in an instrument store. "Wow they are pretty awesome!" Tom agreed grinning. I then wondered to the store next to it and saw some clothes I liked. 'Come let's go in here!' I pointed and walked in. The boys followed. "Wow, I love this shirt!" Tom said and looked for his size, Danny stood next to him and looked on the racks. "We have to all look casual..but not too casual, kind of smart too! Remember that lads!" Harry reminded us and smiled so he didn't look too bossy. I picked up a short sleeved shirt with a high collar and admired it. 'Ha! I'll get that!' I said to myself before Harry came behind me. "I like that!" He said and walked off looking at the belts.

We stopped to get some lunch and carried on shopping for so long until we all got what we wanted. "I'm tired as fuck now!" Danny sighed and sat on a nearby seat. "Well let's go home then!" Tom said. We all walked to the bus stop. "Sooo..Doug, did you invite that girl Eleanor to the party then?" Harry asked me. I instantly grinned. 'Yes, and I think she's coming!' "Great!" He said and patted me on the shoulder, "Get in there!"

"Who's getting in there!?" Tom left his conversation with Danny and interrupted mine and Harry's. Danny leaned forward. Harry gave me a look and then looked at Tom and Danny. "That girl that came into the studio carrying Doug's base that time!" He rested his hand on my head and messed up my hair a little. "I think Doug here is having some luck with a special lady!" He said looking proud. "Ooooh! Sorry Dougie!" Tom said holding his hands up jokily. "I knew it!" Danny shouted and started laughing. I blushed. 'Well I'm not too sure okay, I like her, and I think she's a really nice girl..' I tried to cover up my slight embarrassment with trying to sound a little rude '..get over it!' I said. There was a 3 second silence from them before we all just ended up laughing together.

"I'm glad we all know now Dougie! So now we'll all hopefully have girls like Harry has by the end of the week!" Danny said still laughing. "Yeah, I want a cute relationship. I have still of course been setting my eyes on Giovanna. Hopefully she will at least dance with me this Saturday because she's aloud to come. I love her so much."- "Aw Tom you will get her one day!" Harry said to set a bright mood. In that moment the bus started approaching so Danny put his hand out, and we all got on.

I later returned home at about 5:20pm and put my shopping bags on my bed, I put on my PJs regardless of how early it was before bed. I then heard a knock at my bedroom door and I told whoever it was to come in. It was Abby. She walked up to me holding a princess doll. "Dougie! Mark said we all may be going on holiday soon! I want to go to Disneyland!" She looked so excited. 'That's great Abby!" I said with a smile and picked her up and put her on my shoulders. She screamed in delight and pretended she was flying. I went downstairs and put her down. My mum and Mark were watching TV together. "How was your day?" My mum asked. 'It was good mum, me and the boys went shopping for clothes for the party' I replied. "I bet you can't wait for that party can you!?" Mark said and started chuckling. 'I really can't!' I said and smiled. "You've got to let me see your outfit tomorrow Doug!" My mum said, "Yeah!" Abby agreed. 'I will.' I smiled at them one last time before going back upstairs to listen to some Blink 182.

At about 7:56pm I looked at the clock and decided to have an early night. I put my headphones away and went to brush my teeth. Whilst brushing I heard my phone go off, I got so excited that I rushed rinsing and ran out the bathroom to check it. It was Eleanor. I got into bed and under the covers, then I opened the text. It said: "Hey! Just letting you know my mum said yes! :) xx" I looked at it and smiled. I'd smiled so much in one day. Today was just a pretty swell day I guess, I thought to myself. And to top it all off Eleanor was coming to the party.

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