•The Venue: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP. My alarm went off the next morning. This time at the even later time of 12:00. I didn't need to get up as early as the previous days, as we were only viewing the venue today. The next day was the party. I was pretty excited to see what it would look like and what was gonna go where. I turned over and picked up my phone to check it, no messages, accept one from Harry reminding me what time we needed to meet. After my shower I put on my outfit for the party to quickly show my mum. I went downstairs and it was all silent, 'Mum!?...Mark!?..' I yelled out slightly, but then I saw a note on the dining table. It read: 'Morning Doug, me and Abby have gone shopping. See you later x'. 'Well..that was a waste of time getting into this outfit' I said to myself, and went upstairs to change.

At about quarter past one I met the McFly boys in the college staff car park. "It's about time!" Danny yelled as he noticed me walking towards them. He was standing by Fletch's car with Tom. When I got up to them I put my hands in my pockets and said 'sorry' awkwardly. "Fletch is coming out in a minute now! We would have all been waiting for you" Tom added. In that moment Harry walked out of the building with Fletch following behind him. "Dougie!" He yelled from the distance and started jogging towards us. He came up to me straight away and gave me a big bear hug. "You alright mate?" He asked me. 'Yeah!' I replied. "Lets go then woo!" Danny said as Fletch unlocked the car. "Come on then boys, lets go check out that venue then shall we!" He said jokily.

When we were on the road I was listening to music from my earphones. Harry nudged me and offered me some sweets, I took some and stuffed them in my mouth. He then took out one of my earphones and put it in one of his ears and started dancing, I couldn't help but laugh, and it almost made me choke on the sweets in my mouth, his dancing was the funniest thing.

When we arrived the place looked like a palace. We drove in the gates and pulled up outside the shiny glass doors. "Come on then!" Fletch said as as he turned off the car and stepped out. "This place looks amazing! Great idea of a venue Harry!" Tom said looking up gobsmacked. Me and Danny agreed. "Thanks!" Harry cut in, "It was kinda Fletch's idea too but y'know..mostly mine" He said winking. We walked in and up to the desk. "Hello!" Fletch addressed. "There is a party being thrown here tomorrow night and we've come to view the place for the last time before then? Well this isn't my first time viewing it, but it's the boys first time. And I booked an appointment". "Okay let me just check that for you!" The receptionist said and scanned her computer. "Yep! If you don't mind just talking a seat, the gentleman that will be touring you will be out shortly." She carried on and guided us to where the seats were with her hand. "Yeah sure, thank you" Fletch said and lead us to sit down.

About 5 minutes later a smartly dressed man walked out. "Hello! You alright!? Fletch right?" He said in a jolly tone as he shook Fletch's hand. "Yeah that's me!" Fletch replied and they both started laughing. "And are these the boys that's party it is?" He said looking at us smiling. "Yes" Fletch said. "Right okay come on then!" He said walking off, "And by the way my name is Alan! Nice to meet you four lads!" He added. We followed. "N-nice to meet you too!" Harry said with a polite nod. "Yeah nice to meet you too" Danny said, me and Tom nodded along and smiled. We approached two big double doors. Alan whipped out some keys and unlocked them. He then opened one and guided us to walk in. As we entered all of our jaws dropped. The place was massive. And it was clean, with a large chandelier on the ceiling. The place was all decorated and looked really funky. There were disco lights in each upper corner of the hall and here was a giant bar in one corner, with about 20 bar seats. And lastly, there was a big stage with a DJ booth on it. It looked amazing. It made me a million times more excited than I already was. Harry put his hands on his head. "This is just, I...I can't even put it into words!" He said and let out a laugh. Tom and Danny's eyes we're glistening at the sight. "You like it then I can see!" Fletch said grinning. "YES!" We all said at the same time and went to group hug him. "Honestly, thank you so much Fletch, we are so grateful!" Tom said still amazed. "Exactly you've made the place look so much more awesome than I imagined!" Danny added. "Yes, very neat place isn't it!?" Alan cut in laughing, "That's why we get parties here all the time!". "No problem boys" Fletch replied to us. "You've got to thank Alan for this too!". "Thank you!" We all said to Alan with big smiles on our faces. 'I can't wait!' I said looking at the boys. "Neither can I!" Harry said. 'What about the DJ? He's all sorted right?' I questioned. "Ahh don't you worry of course he's sorted!" Alan chuckled and patted me on the shoulder. I sighed in relief.

Soon after we were sat in the reception. "Right so as you already probably know there are rules that need to come with holding your party here don't you boys.." Fletch said seriously. "Yes" Alan agreed. "You boys would need to keep the place as tidy as possible, and do not go too wild. Obviously keep the party in the hall. Don't break anything, the things in this hotel are valuable. No exploring the hotel. Well, you or anyone attending can buy out rooms for the night, it would be £70 for a room only as a BIG discount for your party, rooms are usually much more expensive, and you would need to be out by 12:00pm the next day. You will have a DJ playing music and bar men to serve you and your guest's drinks. Food will also be supplied in the little hall next door. A special announcement will be given out to you boys at some point obviously for your success, and if you need anything, just ask the staff. Lastly please be respectful to the other people staying in the hotel. Is that alright boys?". We all looked at each other and didn't hesitate. "Yes! Of course!" Harry said and we all nodded and agreed. "Good! Well that's all from me then!" Alan said and stood up. We all stood up too and Fletch shook his hand, "Thank you so much" Fletch said and we all repeated. "Thank you Alan!" Me and the McFly boys said and drifted towards the doorway. "No problem lads! See you tomorrow!" He said and winked.

When we were in the car back to college the party was all that we were talking about. We were ecstatic. We chattered about what we were going to wear and about drinking and the music and who was gonna be there. We didn't stop, and we couldn't help but grin from ear to ear whilst talking about it.

When we arrived back at college it was about 3:30. We all got out the car and started to say our goodbyes. "My girlfriend is over there! See you tomorrow guys! I'll text you all..and again thank you Fletch!" Harry said before saluting and jogging off towards his girlfriend. "See you later Harry!" Fletch shouted over to him, "Remember the time I want you at the hotel by!...anyway bye boys! Make sure you meet me tomorrow at the hotel by 6:00pm!! I'll call you all in the day just to remind you! See you later." He said and started to walk off towards the building. "Bye!" We all replied. "So..how you getting home Doug? Bus?" Danny asked. 'Umm..yeah bus I suppose, my mum's probably still out shopping with Abby' I replied. "Well okay see you tomorrow mate he said first bumping me along with Tom, "Bye Dougie!" Tom said and then they both walked off towards their bus stop.

As I started to walk the opposite way out of the car park and towards my bus stop I saw my mum's car pull up next to me. I was so relieved when I saw her because I couldn't be asked to take the bus. I sighed in relief and jumped in. 'Ahh hey mum!' I said and put my seatbelt on, I turned around and saw Abby in the back seat. 'Hey Abby!'. "Hello Dougie!", She waved at me smiling as she held her doll in her hand. "Hello Doug, you alright!? Where's my kiss?" My mum said pointing to her cheek. 'Argh mum!' I said rolling my eyes and then briefly kissed her on the cheek. 'You need to stop doing this how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a little boy! Or a girl! Your so cringey!'-"It's not cringey Dougie it's you being respectful to your mother!" She cut in and started laughing. "So how was the venue then?" She questioned me. 'Mum it was literally so awesome I really can't wait now! You should've seen the place!' I said grinning. "Wow okay! What was it like!?" She continued. I desribed it to her and she looked really interested. "Wow that's great Doug! And you've still got to show me your outfit by the way!". 'Yeah, well I actually came to show you earlier but you wasn't in..' I said. "Oh okay it's just that me and Abby went shopping!" She implied. 'Yeah I know, I saw the note, I'll show you when I get in.' I said and smiled. My mum then pulled off and we drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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