•The Sexual Subject: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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•Warning: Sexual references•

I woke up with my phone right next to be on my pillow. I got a text message so I jumped up excitedly expecting Eleanor, but it was just a crappy text message letting me know that I ran out of credit. Fuck.

After showering I threw my towel on my bed and stood in front of my mirror running my fingers through my wet hair. My hair was getting way too long to spike, because I would end up looking like the Statue Of Liberty if I did try to spike it. Urrghh. That sucked. I was actually getting bored of spiking though, I wanted a change. Not to mention my hair looked oddly cool the way it was. The way the front lay over my eyes started to look like a fringe. I fiddled with it for a while. And my hair started to look great, I sort of started to look like Tom DeLonge, who I was more than happy too look like. I started to get a little too cocky and started over posing in front of the mirror like I was hot stuff. In that moment my little sister Abby burst into my room shouting "Dougie mummy said breakfast is ready!" But at the sight of me naked she squealed, closed her eyes and backed up. 'OH MY GOD ABBY GET OUT OF MY ROOM!' I ran to grab my towel and wrapped it around me. 'GET OUT!' I yelled and threw one of my pillows at the door as she ran off. It annoyed me so much. One of the things that Abby was best at doing was bursting into my room. She had done it before, even one time in my room when I was rocking out to Blink 182 and dancing she burst in, it was so embarrassing! But not even that was as embarrassing as this.

After I got dressed and came downstairs to the kitchen to see a bacon sandwich waiting for me on the table. My mum was preparing some more for her and her partner Mark at the counter. She turned around, "Morning Doug" she said and carried on buttering toast. 'Morning mum' I replied and sat at the table next to Abby. When I did she moved her chair away from me and sulked as she ate her cereal. 'Abby I'm sorry for shouting at you' I said. 'It's just that I don't like you just bursting into my room like that without knocking.' "I didn't mean it!" She replied. She was only young so I know that she didn't mean her silly little actions. 'Ahh I know' I said, 'But I need privacy sometimes, you cannot be bursting in on your brother like that okay? Just knock anytime you need me instead, okay!?' I said and held my arms out, she then climbed out of her chair and gave me a hug.

Later on that day in college it was lunchtime and me and Harry were having a little catch up. "Oooh so I see that you've changed your hair style then! Going for the Tom DeLonge look are ya!?" He said joking around with me. 'Yes actually..I wanted a change..and I think it turned out quite well actually!' I said smiling. "Haha well nothing beats Harry's mullet!" Harry said pulling out a mirror and checking his hair out. "Anyway Dougie I've got something to tell you!" He said with a big grin on his face. 'What?' I replied as we sat on a nearby bench. "I done my girlfriend last night" he said leaning back looking proud. '...Cool so what did you do for her then?' I asked with a slightly puzzled look on my face. "What? What are you on about Doug?" he said as he began to become confused also. 'Well you said you done her..so what did you do for her?..your not really making any sense..' I said. "What? No!" He hit me on the arm and started laughing, "I mean as in I had sex with her you idiot!" He said still laughing. 'Oh...' I said, the awkwardness was took over, what a idiot I was. "Don't worry Doug" He said patting me on the shoulder, "You will get laid sooner or later, Tom and Danny said that they're gonna try and get laid at the party on Saturday, why don't you try it too!? It's awesome trust me BJ's are great aswell" He carried on. 'But I don't think I'm ready' I said uncomfortably fidgeting with the shirt of my sleeve. 'And what's a BJ?'.."A blow job" Harry cut in. "Ah I'm sorry, I seen to forget your the youngest sometimes. I will have a proper talk with you about it later if you want to okay? It's all just a part of growing up!" 'Harry I'm not 12!' I cut in folding my arms sternly, "Haha I know! But you seem pretty oblivious about this stuff..anyways I saw you in the park with that girl Eleanor yesterday, you like her don't you?" He said raising his eyebrows and giving me a look. 'Well...yes' I said. "Aww well that's great Doug! Why don't you invite her to the party and see what happens then!?" He suggested with a cheeky smile. Then a little smile grew on my face. I looked into the distance and thought to myself; 'Yes, why don't I do that? That's EXACTLY what I'll do!' Then I zoned back in and turned to Harry excitedly, that's exactly what I'll do! Thanks Harry!' "Great! And no problem! That's what friends are for!" He said, and we both started laughing together.

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