•The Facts: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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Later that evening I was texting Eleanor in bed. We had talked for ages, I found out so much more about her, and not at one point did I feel bored with her conversation. I found out that she lived with her mum, dad, and older brother, which was 23. I also found out that she was 17, and that her birthday was in November so then she would be 18. She was older than me, but that didn't really matter to me at all. Also her birthday was the same month as my birthday and that meant we had compatable compatible starsigns too, and I found that so awesome. Was this a sign that we were destine to be together? Ha. I was getting my hopes up for silly little things.

We had so much in common. The bands we listened to, the food we liked, even the activities we liked. I was so surprised to know that she loved skateboarding, she didn't look like the thrill type. But the fact that she was stood out for me, I could imagine taking her skateboarding. It would be amazing.

After about 3 hours of solid texting she eventually told me she was going to sleep, I could have talked to her forever, but my eyes were stinging like hell, and I had college the next day, so I told her goodnight and she said it back. But only she said "Goodnight my lil hedgehog". 'hedgehog'? Guess that was because of my spiky hair. And shd said 'my''!? Calling me hers!? I was getting closer to her, and that made me so happy, because I really liked her, she was like no other girl I have met before, she made my days so much brighter, she was so beautiful, and my heart was telling me, that she was the one.

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