•She looked incredible: Dougie's (my) P.O.V•

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My mouth dropped open. I tried to speak but I couldn't at all get words out my mouth knowing how beautiful she was. I had never seen anything like this in my whole 16 years.

When I managed to come out with something it was a useless and squeaky 'not really', I sounded like a douche so I had to immediately clear my throat and say it again. My hair looked terrible from not being able to be spiked, So I rested my hand on my head and tried to cover it up, but that didn't make much difference I'm sure.

"Do you need help?" She asked, And started picking up my stuff from the bottom of the stairs. 'Th-thankyou' I muttered, I sounded so stupid like I was scared of her, but I was just still so stunned. Her hair was a dirty blonde with brown highlights that she had in a plait, and her grey eyes shone from far away, supported by her lovely long eyelashes.

"So what's your name?" She asked and started walking up the stairs towards me, Holding my stuff along with her books. 'Dougie' I answered, 'but often called Doug'. I started getting goosebumps as she got closer and closer.

When she finally got up to me she passed me my stuff and looked into my eyes. "My names Eleanor" she said, And started blinking really fast like she was in love with me or something. My mouth couldn't close and my eyes couldn't come off of her, It was like I was in a trance. 'Thankyou' I said still gazing into her eyes.

"SO!, do you need help with that?" She offered. I snapped out of the trance and gave her a look as to say 'help with what?'."This! She said, She looked down at my bass, picked it up, and started walking, "Where do you want this?" She asked. 'N-no you really don't have to!' I tried to say, and started running after her. "Don't be silly!" She said and started laughing, "I'll take it for you! You already seem like you need help haha" she joked around. 'Uhh fine' I sighed, 'The McFly recording studio upstairs please'. "Oh your in McFly! She cut in, "that's so awesome! Your in a band that's going to be famous!? I like that" she said giving me a jokey wink.

When we entered the studio she came in and put my bass on the floor. As soon as the McFly lot saw her they started whistling at her. 'Guys!' I murmered in embarrassment.

"I've really got to go, see ya, Doug." She said giving me a cheeky smile. I blushed a little, like a girl, And said 'Oh, okay, Bye, Thanks for helping me' Before she left. "Oioi! I think Doug's picked himself up a lass!" Yelled Danny and everyone started laughing and doing sexual actions. 'Shut up!' I said and took out my bass ready to finally play.

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