Who is He?

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Beam looked so dissapointed when the car leaves parking area. He is standing with his two hand in pocket.

The man in black is staring at him with his eyebrows taunted.

"Why you are so stingy, babe? A scoop of that gelato you shared with me won't make you hurt anyway," Beam glare to the man.

"What are you? A woman with morning sickness?"

The deep voice of the man sounds so cold to Beam, but he can look a .... sparkle in his dark brown iris? Beam holds his breath.

"Doesn't matter by now. I have you here and it make me happy more than that scoop of gelato. So, who are you?"


"Why what?"

"Why you want to know my name?"

"Why not?"

"Why you always give a question back?"

"Oh, God. Can we stop this and just answer. You can make me mad here! Geeez!"

"Why you have mad?"

"Because you are so handsome, and hot, and manly, and you smelled so good. Its like chocolate and cinnamon, right?"

The man in black looks confused. Beam takes a step closer to him with a litlle chuckle. He is touching that man arm and pokes some mucles. The man in front of him stay stunned, just his eyes follows every move of Beam. 

"Excuse me, but i have to go," the man hissed after a while.

"Just tell me your name. I know you are in my Uni, too. Engineering, huh? I know engineering had many handsome men and beautiful women, but you are high above of them."

"Such a cheesy. What are you? A cassanova?"

Beam tilted his head. "Woah! You know who am I?"


"Yes, they called me cassanova, but how can you know that?"

"I don't know," the man chuckled and his actions make Beam dazed. "How can they called you that?"

"Dunno. Maybe because i was good in bed?"

"Ugh, you crazy," the man mumbles. "Its Forth."


"My name."


Phana wants to smacked his bestfriend--who now is humming some random song with big smile in his lip. Beam looks so happy when he came to their table on a gelato cafe. Kit just massages his nose brigde.

"Where are you?" asks Phana while pouted.

"Parking area. I was chased my bubblegum gelato, but then i met the chocolate and cinnamon flavour. Hmm, so sweet and addictive."

"Beam, get your brain in your head, not in your dick," scolds Kit unumused. "Its a girl again? Even when we still hang out together? Oh my!"

Beam laughs loudly. "Nope! Its a chocolate and cinnamon gelato with some tattoes, ring in ear and firm muscles. So hot."

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"I think i just found most adorable creature today. He is so enchanted me with his cold aura."

"A man? But, Beam, you are straight, right? Why in to man now? Who is he?"

"I don't know either, Pha. I am just hooked on him, like a firework."

"Its one of that engineering man before?"

"No. They just a juniors. Somebody told them to bought all gelato and took that to faculty. Its Forth. His name Forth."

"Forth?" Phana holds his breath. "That Forth?"

"You know him?" Beam claps his hand happily. "Then give me informations about him, Pha. I want to know him."

"Erm, Beam, why?" Kit stutters his words. "Did you decided to chase a man now? Tired with girls?"

"Nah! I just curious about him. He had cold aura, act like a king, but i had seen some sparkle in his eyes when he talked to me. It make me amazed and my heart beat like thunder inside. I had never been like this in entire my life."

"I am not so sure about this, but lately i heard about a transfer student from US to engineering. People said he had dominate engineering this day. We never had contac with engineering anyway."

"Transfered student from US? Wow."

"Some gossip spread the day he entered the faculty. They said that an important person took hand on him to intended our Uni in his second year. Nobody know who was he and what, but he had such power to dominated engineering now."

"It make me more curious about him, Pha."

"I think its better for you not to looked for trouble, Beam," Phana said with serious voice. "That man maybe  dangerous."

"Never jugde the book by its cover, Pha.'

"Phana rights, Beam. I won't stay still to see you make a way to dangerous path. Engineering is scary, but this Forth man, we don't know him at all. I heard some students called him death angel, adorable devil, and .... "

"The ice prince," Phana cuts Kit word. "Just stay away from him, Beam. For your safety."

"Then .... Let's go, Pha, Kit."

"Where?" Kit shouts with grumpy face.



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