Wish You Wake up

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Beam almost fell, when he approached the bed where Forth was lying on it. His head was wrapped in bandages, wounds and bruises all over his face and body and a thick bandage wrapped around his naked waist, with a large circle of blood on the top of the bandage.

Kit and Wayo held Beam who was trembling and crying without a sound, holding Forth's hand which didn't move at all. Ming brings a chair for Beam. Wayo sobbed and hugged Kit who was still rubbing Beam's head.

Phana, the fantastic four, Torn and twins Wine and Grant who had been informed while they were on their way to the hospital, gathered at doctor  Mile Kongthanin's office - Phana's father, along with doctor Prem Intochar - Kit's father and also Mr Gun Panitchasawad - Wayo's father.

"Wayo and I immediately departed after hearing the news from Ming about Forth's disappearance. On the way, we saw a man lying unconscious on the side of the road. It turned out that the man was Forth. He was badly injured, and his waist was shot and there quite a stab wound in his left thigh. He also lost a lot of blood. I immediately called Mile and Prem and brought him here. "

"How is he now, Uncle? Will he ... be all right?" asked Wine anxiously.

"The bullet didn't damage his organs, only a few nerves in his thigh were cut off as a result of the puncture and maybe for the next few months he will need to undergo therapy. Currently we still have to wait until he regains consciousness, to monitor the extent of his head injury. The amnesia is quite large, so you guys have to be prepared. ” doctor Prem Intochar explained made everyone sigh heavily.

"Phi, we have to mobilize everyone to keep Gray and his men from escaping. Forth can testify about what Gray did when he realized," said Grant to Torn. "Do we need to tell mom and dad?"

Torn nodded. "I'll talk to mom and dad. You all take care of Gray and his men. Ask Uncle Brazier and General Daw to get Gray's arrest warrant."

Doctor Mile Kongthanin patted Grant on the shoulder and smiled. "I have to ask you to see the situation of the people who kidnapped Forth."

"Ha?" everyone was confused by what Doctor Mile Kongthanin said, which was followed by the chuckles of Doctor Prem Intochar and Wayo's father.

Gun Panichasawad gave an explanation while holding back a smile. "My men found an overturned car on the hillside not far from where I found Forth. Around the car were six men unconscious, seriously injured from beatings and broken bones in several places. We brought them here and your troops. guarding them now. There is solid evidence that they moved under Gray's orders. Illegal weapons in the car, the telephone recording their conversation with Gray, the checks Gray issued to pay them and even the car itself in Gray's name. "

Phana shuddered. He looked at his father with a question in his eyes. "Could it be, Forth who beat up the kidnappers? With his own hands?"

"I'm sure so," said Park and Lam simultaneously.

Max and Tul laughed. "They kidnapped the wrong person," Max said, amused.

"They don't kidnap humans, but beasts," added Wine grumpily. "I myself am sometimes afraid of Forth, even though he doesn't do anything."

"We have to really respect Beam, because he's the only one who can curb the beast called Forth," Grant sighed. Everyone nodded.


Beam stroked Forth's arm gently. "When are you going to wake up, Babe? I'm waiting for you to come back to me. You're having your birthday next week and I've been thinking a lot about how we celebrate it. It should be a secret, but my friends and I are planning to rent a beach house and we'll have fun. - nice to be there over the next weekend. "

Forth didn't move. His breathing is regular and steady.

"You know, Babe, I have another secret for your birthday. Do you want to hear about it? I ordered the cat costume we saw in magazines at that time. I'll wear it on your birthday night and let you be my master all night." Beam's cheeks flushed as she said that and her tears started flowing again. "You've got to wake up and see for yourself, honey. It's so cute and sexy. I'm sure you'll keep me wearing it."

Beam wiped his tears and rested his head on Forth's arm. He kissed Forth's fingers, up his arm to his elbow, continuously, wetting his lover's arm with his tears that kept flowing. "I miss you, Forth. Get up. You've slept six days, aren't you tired?"

Tired of crying and lack of sleep for several days, Beam finally fell asleep on Forth's arm. Her face was swollen and her cheeks were sticky from tears.

Phana, Kit, Wayo, Ming and the fantastic four came into the room slowly. Trying not to make a sound so as not to disturb Beam. They sat and gathered on large sofa sets and on thick carpets in the western corner of the VVIP inpatient room, across from Forth's bed. They watched Forth and Beam from their seats with concern. Kit and Wayo cried silently in the arms of their lovers, Phana and Ming.

Max approached the bed and checked to check the intravenous tube that had little fluid in it. He intended to press the red button located near Forth's pillow, when suddenly Beam woke up. "Ai'Max, when did you come?" scolded Beam, rubbing his eyes. "Where are the others?"

Max points to the corner of the room and Beam smiles seeing his friends gathered there. Lam pointed to the pizza and pasta boxes slhe was carrying.

"Come here and eat first, Beam. Forth is not going anywhere. You have to eat then sleep properly for a while," said Lam who was agreed by the others through a nod.

"Yeah. Aunt Leah asked us to tie you to a bed or give you anesthetic if you don't want to rest," Tul said with a chuckle.

Beam smiled. He looked at Forth and rubbed his arm gently, then half bent over Forth to kiss his forehead, nose, cheeks and lips.

"I'll come back here after eating, Babe. They will follow your mother's words to give me drugs if I refuse the pizza they brought. I love you, honey. Just wait a moment, i will be back soon," said Beam whispered on Forth's lips.

Beam straightened back up and turned to move away from the bed, but caught his footsteps. Someone is holding her hand. Beam gasped. All of his friends' eyes widened

Beam turned slowly, his friends approached. They stared in amazement at the patient who had been lying unconscious for six days on the bed. Beam's eyes watered again. Forth holding his hand.

"Baby, are you awake?"


Forth stared at Beam for a long time, then turned to the eight other men who surrounded his bed. His forehead creased as he spoke in an icy voice.

"Who are you?"


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