Wife Power

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Its lunch break in engineering canteen. Forth and the fantastic four (like Beam always address the four of Forth's friends) sat down on their table, the special one in engineering. No one allowed to sit there without permission of the ice prince'a gank.

Lam heard his phone rang in special tone when he took his padthai from a food stall.

"Phi Torn?" Park asked. His eyebrow knotted. "About what?"

"I don't know. Let me talk to him for a minutes. Can you help to take my lunch?"

"Ok. Make it fast, Lam."

Park took his lunch and Lam to the table. Max and Tul nowhere to be seen. Forth closed his book when Park come.

"Where is the duo?"

"Korean stall. Tul wanna eat bibimbap and Max wanna eat Tul," Forth gigled. "Hei, where's Lam?"

Lam comes in hurry and panting hard. "Ai' Forth, did you asked Max to booked on the latest edition of Hummer?"

Forth frowned. "Uh. Why?"

"Phi Torn asked me about your car. He thougt that your car broken, so you need a new one."

"Why are you need a new car, Baby?"

Forth turned around and smelled the vanilla scent aroused him. "Baby Beammi.... "

"Yes, Forth, why you need a new car while yours seem fine. You rarely used it, acctually," asked Park.

Beam took a sat beside Forth and put the box he brought on the table. Three box of Dinamit Pizza. He promised the four before. Park clapped hapily.

"Err .... Its not for me," Forth replied while blushing. "Its for Beam. I think we need a .... couple car?"


Beam and the fantastic four--Max and Tul come with their lunch a minutes after Beam, shocked. They starred at Forth with widen eyes.

"Err .... like a couple wacht or couple t-shirt? I saw Ming and Kit wore a couple bag and shoes lately. Pha and Wayo, too, wore a couple watch," Forth mumbled softly.

Park tapped Lam's hand, Max squezzed Tul's thigh. The four starring at Beam, who is starring at Forth with a look of disbelief. Forth bowed his head, since he felt Beam's unreadable face. Its mean trouble.

"Oh, Forth," Beam throwed his arm to the air. He slided closer to Forth and cupped his cheek with two hands. "How can you be so adorable like this. Can i kiss you?"

Beam didn't wait for answer and wenth straight to press his lip to Forth. Forth gasped, the four, too. After a while, Forth took Beam's nape and deepen the kiss.

"No, no, no," the four got panic and hurriedly made a fence around the lover who were still in make out season. They can heard Beam moaned and Forth whispered Beam's name.

Beam cleaned his saliva in Forth's lip and chuckled. Forth starring at Beam dearly and brush his thumb to Beam's cheek.

Beam tapped on Lam's shoulder. "I am sorry. We were done here."

The four looked at the two lover with unimpressed look. They were back to their chair with shighed.

"You are really crazy, Beam," Tul pouted hard. "How can you kiss him in front of a whole people gathered here?"

"Shameless," Max smirked.

Lam facepalmed and Park just shighed again.

Beam chuckled and hold Forth's hand, intertwined their finger. "How can i hold myself when Forth looks so adorable while blushing. He make me fallin love again and again. And that naif but kindness thought, make me even crazier  with him."

"And you, Forth," Lam told in serious tone to Forth. "Did you serious about that hummer?"

"Of course."

Beam kissed Forth's palm and poked Forth cheeck. "I need no Hummer, Baby, if you will buy me it."

"Baby, please accept it. Its a gift i want to give you."

"I like gift. But no Hummer, or an luxury condo, nor a modern villa with pool. I just need you as my gift."

Max and Tul giggled. "So cheesy, doc."

"We need something couple like the other," Forth pouted.

"We are a couple, indeed. If you insist, let's go after class to mall. We will buy all that you want as a couple things. How's that?"

"A showroom? They say, we can booked for Ferrari new edition, too."

"No, Forth! You are not a king or the richest man of Thailand, or president himself. You are an engineering student, like us, and we all life with our parent's money. Don't wasted it for something inappropriate."

"But, Forth indeed the son of richest family of Thailand, and he made his money himself" Max whispered to Tul's ear. "Did he, Babe?"

"Shh!" - Tul.

"Max!" - Park.

"But, Baby .... "

"Forth," Beam whispered in a seductive voice while carresed Forth's cheek. "I have a new blanket in my room. Can you check it, wether it warm or smooth or not?"

Forth starring at Beam and smile widely. He is blushing again while nod to Beam. "My class end on 3."

"Ok. Pick me up then in med. I will wait in library since my class end at 2.30."


"We just check the blanket and go to mall for dinner. No Hummer of Ferrari."

"Sure, Baby. No Humner or Ferrari."

"See you later, Love. I miss you already."

Beam left the table with hand in his pocket. Forth blushed harder.

The fantastic four facepalmed. "Just check the new blanket, huh? No Hummer or Ferrari. Wife's power."


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