Saving Beam

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Beam looked around him. He sat on a wooden chair, his hands tied back. Two men stood with their arms folded across their chests, watching Beam with great interest.

"Ha! It's awake," a woman's voice came from the doorway. Flower walked into the hut in an artificial graceful step. "Doctor Beam Baramee. Well, you must be surprised to find yourself tied up here, rather than lying in the arms of your lover, the ice prince."

Beam smiled softly. "Why? Are you that jealous of me, because instead of liking your fake breasts, he prefers my ass? Poor you."

Flower growled and slapped Beam's cheek. His white skin immediately flushed red and made a trace of her hand. Fresh blood flowed from the corner of Beam's chapped lips. Beam grinned and spat at Flower's feet.

"You will stay here until we catch your lover. Don't think too highly of yourself. You are not what we want, but Forth. He will come to me. We will get married soon and I will get rid of you forever," said Flower arrogantly.

Beam laughed and shook his head. "Apparently Forth's refusal has made you insane. Honey, you should immediately go save your ass, before Forth comes looking for me. I don't dare imagine what he will do to you later, when he finds out how you treat me. Forth is very possessive of me. Just so you know. . "

Flower raised her hand again to slap Beam, but one of the man held her hand. "Don't mind it. Right now we have to prepare to trap Forth without harming him. The Jamorhnoom family may have started moving and looking for Forth, and we can't take their power lightly. The Jamorhnoom will make everything worse for us if we make Forth angry for his lover. Its not a good move for our plan. Don't waste energy on that sissy man. We'll get rid of him later."

Beam listened carefully to their conversation. Who are the Jamorhnoom family they mentioned earlier? There is only one Jamorhnoom in Thailand, the oldest and most powerful conglomerate family that controls half of the heavy industry in the entire country. Why are they meddling in Forth's business? And hearing what Flower said earlier and what she did to Beam, there was no way she could do this just because his love was rejected by Forth. There must be a bigger reason behind her actions.

"Flow, we'd better tell Uncle Gray about this," said the man in the blue shirt. "I'm not sure, the strength we have will be enough to hold Forth when he comes with his troops, especially if his brothers come."

Beam closed his eyes, but his ears remained attached. Flower looked up at him and snorted. "Forth must be crazy, loves a man like him. See, as soon as I bring Forth to my uncle, I'll throw him in the sack after I chop him up. I will urge Uncle to immediately marry me to Forth, so that there are no more disturbances."

Flower's phone rang and she immediately took the call. "Hello, Kay? What's wrong?"

The man in the blue shirt gestured to Flower who then turned on the loudspeaker on her phone.

"Flow, where are you? I heard Phi Beam was kidnapped yesterday morning. Do you have anything to do with this?" Kay asked in a frightened tone. "Phi Forth gathered a lot of people to look for Phi Beam, almost all engineering faculties are mobile now. Not to mention other faculties including medicine."

Flower chuckled. "Take it easy, Kay. I'll take care of it. You better be act normal so that no one suspects you. Uncle Gray will soon meet his missing biological child and the Jamorhnoom family will soon be destroyed after the scandal of their child exchange and kidnapping is exposed."

"I'm worried, Flow. What if it turns out that what Uncle Gray was telling you all this time was a misunderstanding? What if the real child Uncle Gray was looking for had actually died and Phi Forth was really the real son of the Jamorhnoom family?"

"So you think Uncle Gray is lying? Be careful, Kay, you will be in trouble if Uncle Gray hears your doubts. Your brother is still sick, right?" snapped Flower angrily.

"I'm worried about you, idiot! Well it's up to you, I don't care. I'm sorry I acted stupid, didn't ask Uncle Gray more clearly why he asked me to find a dragon tattoo senior and regret it even more after knowing the reason. You have to be careful, Flow. You are Uncle's adopted daughter, but I'm afraid you'll be in deep trouble if you take a wrong step. "

"Don't be stupid! I know what I have to do. Keep an eye on Forth for me and report whatever you see and hear about him. I'll keep the doctor safe, until Forth finds him himself. My people are ready to treat him."

Beam wrote down a list of questions he would ask Forth when they met later, in his brain. He saw Flower come out of the hut, followed by the two men and they locked the door with Beam in it.

Beam moved slowly, lifted the chair he was sitting on and walked along the floor in a half-hunched position, still tied to the chair. He saw his wallet lying on the dining table in the middle of the hut. Beam tried his best to grab the wallet with chin and stretched his neck, causing the wallet to slide closer to him. Beam used his teeth to open the wallet and take something out of it, then dropped the wallet under the table and back into place.



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