The Dragon Head

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"Forth? How many month passed since we are in relationship?" Asked Beam suddenly.

Forth and Beam stayed in the couch of Forth's room in last weekend they can enjoyed together before the hectic of engineering sotus and medical pre internship start in Monday.

Forth is laying of his stomach while his head on Beam'a lap and his eyes closed in sleepy. Beam is stroking Forth's broad back gently, sometimes he pulled down his head to kissed Forth's hair or tickled Forth's ear and make his lover moan softly and bit his thigh a litlle.

"Hm? Why ask?" Forth asked lazyly. He flipped his body and reach Beam's chin with his finger. "Baby Beammi, you look so beautiful from here."

"Ai' Forth, answer me first. Its 3 month?"

"3 month, 17 day."

Beam starring at Forth and before Forth aware what will happend next, Beam make him flipped again on his stomach and rubbing hard some spot in Forth's back under his nape.

Forth gasped. He try to flip his body again but Beam hold him. "Baby, what are you doing?"

"Forth, what is it? Why i never known that you have this tattoo?"

Forth still silent, but after while he is waking up from the laying position and sit beside Beam who is now starring at him.

Forth pulled Beam on to his lap and touching his lover lovingly, make Beam giggled with his kiss on Beam's neck and face.

"Its always covered before," Forth said while trailed his lip to Beam's collar bone. "I think it start to fade away. I need some new concelear."

"Why its covered? Can't you stop covering it?"

"Huh? Why? Its look ugly on me, that's why i need to covered it. I hate that tattoo, " Forth grumbled and stopped his kiss to Beam. 

"But, i like it. It look so .... hot. So .... you," Beam whispered shyly.

"Do you like it?"

"So much. Don't cover it again, ok? Please? it's not visible from the outside, after all. Only me can see that, if you shirtless like this. Please, Babe?"

"O-okay .... if you say so."

"Does that picture mean? Its a dragon head with blue and red eyes, am i right? And a gold crown?"

Forth nodded. he doubted whether to say it or not to Beam. He didn't want to keep a secret against his lover.

" Dragon means supreme power. Blue eyes mean peace and red eyes means courage agains evil. Gold crown means wealth and prosperity."

"Cool!" Like a child, Beam clapped his with admiration. "where did you get the idea to make that dragon tattoo?"

"Umm .... actually, its not me. My grandfather make it when i am 13."

"Oh? Wow! Its kind of gangster sign or what?" Beam chuckled. "Very interesting."

"Yeah, something like that. All the men in my family had it."

"Really? They all covering it like you?"

"No. Its just .... me, i think. I have a condition to covered it up. Someday i will tell you everything."

"Ok. I will wait patiently. then, you should cover it again. I' ll buy you water and oil proof concelear then."

"No, no, don't worry. I won't cover it again. Like you say, only you who can see it when i am shirtless."

"It will be my insurance that you will never shirtless in front of anybody else. Your body just mine. Nobody allow to look at you when shirtless."

"Yes, Baby, i am all yours," Forth brushed his thumb to Beam's cherry lip. "I never get enough of you, Beam. Touch your lip like this make me high."

"Do you really love me, Forth?"

"Don't ask, Babe, just look at my eyes. Nothing but you there. Sometimes i feel so lost when i can't look or touch you. Please bear me, if sometimes i will be become too possesive to you, Beam."

Beam eyes glinsed a tear. He hugged Forth and snuggled his nose to Forth's croock. "Its ok, Baby. You can keep me in cage if you think you need to do it. I won't bother. You can tie me, too."

Forth shighed heavy. "I won't do it, Lovely. Its just my insecurity feeling toward you. You don't know me much, but i promose with all my heart, soul, and life, i will always be with you, protect and make you save and happy, no matter what."

"I know, Baby, i know. I will stick on you like a leech for the rest of your life then. Its that ok for you? You have to become a successfull, rich, and powerfull engineering to make me satisfied. How's about that?"

"I can do everything for you. Just ask, and i will make it for you."

"Can i touch your tattoo?"

"Do you really like that ugly tattoo?"

"Hei, don't say that! That tattoo is the symbol of your family. You have to proud."

"I am not. It make me hate myself sometimes."

"Oh, Forth," Beam carressed Forth's cheek sadly. He looked at his lover's eyes deeply and he feel so numb. He can see a scar and anger in Forth's eyes. "Baby, I don't know what you've been through before, i am sorry because i wasn't there that time. But, i promise you, i will always be with you from now on till death do us part. We will face everything together, forever."

"Beam, marry me? After graduate?"

''Sure! But now, can you make love to me, first? I am so freaking horny. Your tattoo calling my whore side. Eat me, please, my dragon prince?"

"Its an honor for me, my precious lover."

"Take your phone off, Baby,  so no one can disturb us. I want it long and hard round. Do me now!"

Forth moaned loudly when Beam grabbed his nape and bit his dragon tattoo.

Forth loves Beam so much.


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