My All

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Leah smiled happily. Her husband-Garry and their best friend since teenage-Gray, finally returned to sit side by side. Clink glasses while laughing. The four children chatted casually, surrounded by friends and lovers. Leah felt blessed.

Gray is more silent than Garry who clearly shows his joy. They have forgiven each other, especially Gray, who finally realized that his obsession with Forth had made many things happen. He continued to hold Forth's hand and looked at him longingly. Forth let it be. He understands what it feels like to be lonely and abandoned.

Leah was fascinated by Beam and immediately made the other three children jealous, because it seemed that Leah cared more about Beam than them. Forth smiled proudly, seeing the way Leah looked at his Beam.

Ben and Zon decide to leave after warning Forth to take good care of Beam or they themselves will break the bones in Forth's body. Garry just laughed and said that he would hand Forth to Ben if he hurt Ben.

Beam is annoyed at his Uncle Ben for never telling him about Forth. He also made everyone laugh by saying that the name Brazier didn't suit him at all.

Grant drives Kay to the hospital to meet her brother who is under the supervision of Phana, Kit, and Suthee. Along the way, Grant took Kay's hand and blushed her.

Garry asks Gray to return to being a part of Jamorhnoom, but Gray says he will retire for health reasons and continue treatment in Canada while waiting for Flower to graduate from college.

It was already morning when everyone finally left the Jamorhnoom family mansion, including Gray and Flower. Leah held Forth and Beam, because she still missed her youngest child.

Forth invites Beam to his room, after he escorts and accompanies his mother to sleep. Beam is tired, but relieved that he finally has time alone with Forth after two tense and tiring days.

Beam stands in the doorway of Forth's room, admiring the interior and the bedroom's design of a very masculine brown wood and cream tone. The aroma of chocolate and cinnamon made Beam sleepy.

"Take a shower first, Beam. Tomorrow is Sunday, we can rest all day and return to the apartment in the afternoon," said Forth, wrapping his hands around Beam's slender waist. He rested her chin on Beam's shoulder, absorbing the sweet vanilla scent of his lover.

"I'm too tired to wash myself," muttered Beam, biting his lower lip. He turned and kissed Forth's sharp nose. "So how?"

Forth laughed and grabbed Beam's hand, led him to the bathroom. He took off Beam's and his own clothes, prepared warm water in the bath and arranged Beam to sit in it, his back to himself.

"You're amazing, Baby," whispered Forth in Beam's ear while rubbing his white back and smooth. "I don't know what I'll have to deal with if it wasn't you with me. Even my mother doesn't seem to mind swapping the twins for you."

Beam laughed with amusement. He leaned his back against Forth's chest and grabbed Forth's head with both hands, then looked up and kissed Forth's wet lips.

Forth slipped his tongue between Beam's teeth and wrapped his tongue around Beam. That light kiss turned erotic. Beam spun around and wrapped his legs around Forth's waist. Their hardened length now collided. Beam moaned in Forth's mouth who continued to suck and occasionally bite him.

Forth trapped Beam's length in his grasp and began to move his hand up and down, massaging and squeezing the object gently, making Beam sigh without stopping as he controlled his delicious lips.

Beam climbs Forth's lap and prepares himself, making Forth even more excited to see the erotic scene in front of him. Beam grabbed Forth's length and brought into himr, drowning him in the warmth of his body which was suddenly dissolved in pleasure. Forth growled while hugging Beam tightly and biting Beam's shoulder.

Beam moves, goes up and down, rotating occasionally. His lips kissed Forth's neck and shoulders. He bellowed as Forth kissed his nippler and sucked on his chest, making a thick red mark on his skin. Beam grabbed Forth's lips and they kissed gently, sucking each other's tongue and licking each other's lips with a sigh.

"Beam, Baby, don't do it," Forth groaned in Beam's mouth, when he felt his length being gripped by Beam. "Oh, my, you're so tight and gripped me hard, honey, I can't take it anymore. Aah, Beeaam, pleasee ..."

"Arrrghh ... Foorth, please gimme me yours. I am so close ..."

"Hold a minute, Babe, ugh, you make me crazy, Beaam, aah ..."

Beam accelerated the movement of his hips, and a few moments later, he spat out himself, as well as Forth released himself in his. They hugged tightly, enjoying each other's heartbeat. Forth loosened his arms and held Beam's face with both hands, stroking his lover's smooth cheeks lovingly. "I'll never let you go, Beam. You're everything to me. Don't ever leave me. I wouldn't be able to live without you."

"That should be my line, Forth. The first second I saw you, I already knew that I wanted you and now, I really know that you are the only one I really want in my life. I want to do everything for you, no matter it will hurt me, sick, even drown and die. I will be everything you want. You can leave me at any time, because of anything, but believe me, I'm like a super leech. I will stick to you all my life, even if you sprinkle salt on me. I will stick to you even if I have become a ghost. "

Forth kissed Beam with exasperation, biting and sucking his tongue passionately. Beam gasping for breath. Forth laughed and kissed Beam's forehead gently. "I love you, love you so much, my super leech."

"Forth," breathed Beam teasingly. "I'm so thirsty. I want a drink."

Forth nodded. "I'm going to get a drink, but first let's move to the shower. This water's already dirty."

"Let's clean ourselves, then take me to get my drink. In bed," said Beam as he let go of Forth.

"I'll make coffee for us."

"I don't want coffee. I want juice."

"All right. There must be fruit in the fridge."

"Your juice, sweetheart. Only your juice. Mine. Everything."

Forth smiled and hugged Beam tightly to his chest. He whispered into Beam's neck. "I am yours. Do it and take whatever you want from me, forever. You are my all."


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