Casanova's Naughty

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Forth pinchend his nose brigde with a heavy sighs.

"What, Forth? That casanova again? What did he done today?" Lam asked with a curious mimic.

"He asked me to company him to movies tomorrow night. He wasn't took a no as answer."

Lam chuckled on amuze. "Just go then. I will take Park and guarding you from afar. No worry much."

"But, Lam, i won't involve with him longer. I have to reject him."

"Don't be so strict, Forth. We can handled everything here now. You can be more friendly here, make a move to a girls, even date if you want."

"That's not the point. I just feeling weird when i am with him and it make me .... How can i describe, insecured?"

"I had already checked his background," said Lam with a calm voice. "Beam Baramee Vongviphan, 21 years old, an only son to Ken and Giana Vongviphan. Unfortunately, both of his parents passed away when he was 16 years old and untill now, Beam had been living with his Uncle Ben and his son Zon. His parents left him with big insurance for life  and education, since both of them had been a dental clinics owner as known as VDC. They had eight dental clinics in Thailand and all ran well under Ben and Zon supervised."

"Hm. I think i know about that dental clinics. If I don't take any mistake, its involve with Phi Bright's bussines."

"Yeah. Beam is living in good condition even he was an orphan. Ben and Zon are watching over him so good, except his playfully free spirit. Nobody can tame him for being a casanove then."

"What can i do to him, then, Lam?"

"For now, just spare your chair for him and make double of your lunch. I will going now to catch Park. That brat maybe in his loker with a random girl sucked his trunk."

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Why i have get double for my lunch?"

"Because he is here."

Lam pointed his index finger to someone who walked closer their table with his hand in pocket.

Its already 1 am, but Beam looks so fresh, with tidy and neat uniform, clean cut and smile in his lip. He makes a lot of girls drooling when he passed by them.

"Beammi, i miss you .... "

"Call me tonight, Beam, i am available."

"You look so yummy, Beam, i am craving over you."

Beam standing beside Forth's table with smile shining so bright in his cherry lip. Forth unconsciouly lick his lip while seeing Beam. Lam starring at Forth. Something passed over his mind.

"Hello Forth, Lam," greeted Beam cheerfully. "Can i joint you for lunch here? Medical canteen seem so boring this day. I need variation. What's good here?"

"Hai, Beam. Take a seat. I recommended padthai or Indonesian fried rice. Forth always craving that two."

"Maybe i have to buy both. What do you want, Forth? I will take it together with mine. And you, Lam?"

"I am sorry, Beam, but i have to go now to find Park. We have an appointment with Professor but i can see that brat anywhere."


"Forth will accompany you. He hasn't class anymore after lunch. Take care you two."

Forth stand up from his chair when Lam already left him with Beam.

"Ai-Forth? Where are you goin?" asked Beam in worried.

"I will order our food," Forth replied calmly. "Stay still and don't flirt any engineering girls. You were unpermitted to spread your casanova charm here."

"So, you admitted my charm, eh, Forth?" Beam winked naughtily to Forth.

Forth shrugged expressionless and walked to food stalls in the corner of canteen.

"Ai Forth, this is sooo yummy," Beam said with excited. He leaned on Forth, while he tried to feeding Forth with a scoop of padthai. "Let me feed you."

"I know the taste, Beam," said Forth in husky voice. He looked at Beam's eyes then opened his mouth and take a spoon with padthai.

Forth's heart beating so fast in a second he looking at Beam's eyes. Vanilla scent from Beam make him almost grab the neck of that man and take the cherry lip to his. Its so tempting.

"Forth? Are you oke?" Beam tilted his head and touched Forth's cheek with his right palm. "You looked so tensed."

"Beam," Forth grabbed the palm on his cheek and squezzed softly. "What are you doing?"

"Uh? Checking on you?"

"Yeah, i know. But, why? We just know each other less than a month."

"We were friend, right? Since you saved my friends. I think i cleared enaugh when we shaked hand in hospital."

"Uh, yes."

"So, what's the problem here?"

"You are weird."

"Do you hate me, Forth?"

"Hell, no!"

"Then, you like me?"


"Better if it be love," Beam licked his lip with seduction eyes, starring on Forth lip. "I want to eat your lip. Its look so yummy."

Forth gulped hard. Oh my God, he want to pull Beam into his chest and crush that lip hard.

"Are you ... gay?" Forth whispered.

"Nah! I am a casanova. Girls throwed themself to me. Of course i am straight, but .... "

"But, what?"

Beam sighed. He tapped Forth's lap softly and carresed the firm muscles of the thigh under black jeans in circle patern.

"Forth, you are a manliest man i've ever interest. Handsome, smells good, hot. I am not into men, but, like the other straight guys, i can be a gay for you."

"You are crazy!"

"Yeah, maybe. Crazy about you." Beam chuckled. He stood up from the chair and without any hesitation, pecked on Forth's hair before left.

"I am officially courting you on now, Forth. Prepare you heart to fallin for me, since you make my dream full of you. I'd never wet dream, but last night i had one, just because Kit talked about Ming who really idolized you. What an amazing dream, actually."


"Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow for movie. Bye, Babe."

Forth tapped his hair where Beam pecked before.


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