There You Are

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Phana and Kit rejected Beam to accompanied him to engineering yesterday. Its so dangerous, being there. Engineering faculty is like a wolves nest. They worried about Beam safety, but today that casanova just became a hot headed. He walked with both hand in his pocket to medicine parking area. Phana and Kit walked slowly behind him.

Its a lunch time and Beam deciden to get lunch in engineering canteen. Engineering canteen had the best tomyum in Univercity. Beam wants to taste, yet, if he get lucky, he can meet the ice prince too.

"Beam, lets just lunch in our canteen, na? And go home after that?" Kit said with sweet voice. "I am tired already."

Beam shaked his head. "I am tired with usual menus there. We have to try different menus, too. Don't worry, lunch on me. You can order everything you want to eat. Ah, and i have to go to library after that. You can go home after lunch in engineering while i in library."

"Oke, lets go to wolves nest to get lunch. Promise me, Beam, don't do something stupid nor danger there. Just lunch." Phana drags Beam and Kit, but suddenly his phone rang. "Wait a moment."


Beam and Kit staring each other when Phana is talking to Ming on the phone. As longer as he talked, his face became pale.

"O-oke, just keep calm, na. I will be there in 20 minutes. Kit, too. Don't be afraid."

"Pha? What happened to Ming?" Kit said with tremble voice. "Pha?"

"Please keep calm, na, Kit? Ming and Wayo had an accident. Ming got a broken leg and Wayo got a broken arm. Somebody helped them and now they are in hospital. We have to go now."

Kit shocked. Tear is lingering on his cheek and he is sobbing hard. His Ming got an accident?

Beam wraped his arm around Kit's shoulder. "Come on, Kit. Don't cry. Ming need you now. You have to be strong for him."

Phana gives his car key to Beam. He was shocked, too. Its his precious Wayo there, broken arm and scared. He got his arm tremor and its better if Beam who drive them to hospital.

Beam parked Phana's car in hospital parking area. Phana and Kit are running to the lobby.

"Excuse me, Miss, we are looking for our friends. They got accident before," Phana said in soared voice, asked the receptionis.

"Mister Kongthanin?" The woman behind reception counter get surprised.

"Ah, Auty Jan." Phana grabed the woman named Jan. He know her well. "My boyfriend and his friend got accident."

"Don't worry, Mister. They had handled by your father. They got some bruises and broken bone but its all clean, so your father took care them very well and everything got better. You can go to VIP room now."

"Thank God. Come on, Pha, lets see them." Beam tugged Phana and Kit. "Thank you, Aunty Jan."

They took a lift to VIP room in 5th floor. Phana's father--Mile Kongthanin is the best surgeon in Thailand and a director of JF-1 hospital, the biggest and modern hospital in Thailand. Ming and Wayo had save now, since doctor Mile Kongthanin himself took care of them.


Doctor Kongthanin is standing in front of lift with some other doctors, when the three out from the lift.

"Good day," the three gave a waii to the doctors, especially doctor Kongthanin. "Good day, Pho."

Doctor Kongthanin  nodded to them and gave instructions to his fellow doctors then he walked with the three to the 2nd room.

"Its all handled, Son," doctor Kongthanin tapped his son's shoulder with soft voice. "There's no big wound. Ming had franctured leg, Wayo too in his had, but all clean. They will heal in a week, I guarantee.

Phana hugged his father in relieved sigh. "Thank you so much, Pho."

"Don't mention it. Its my obligation to took care my son in law and his friend. Just go and see them there. Wayo in 2nd and Ming in 3rd."

The three gave a waii again and turned around to the room, but doctor Kongthanin called them back.

"Ah, sons, i almost forgot. There's someone who helped them and brought them here. I allowed him to rest in the sofa in the room. He was tired, too. Let him sleep for a while. And for your info, he was your Uni's student too."

The three  entered the 2nd room. Wayo sleep in soft snored. He got bruises in his head, arms and leg. Phana pulled the chair and sat down beside the bed. He got teary eyes.

Beam tapped Phana's shoulder and looking around the room. No one there except Wayo in the bed. Where's the saviour that doctor Thanat mentioned before?

"Beam, can we go to Ming now?" Kit whispered with soared voice. "Wayo will be oke with Pha here. Pha? I have to see Ming now."

"Yes, Kit, just go with Beam, and if you meet with the saviour there, send me message, and i will be there soon."

Beam and Kit nodded. They turn out from Wayo's room and entered the 3rd room. Ming also sleep in heavily breath. Kit run toward the bed with tear in his eyes. He grabbed Ming hand and kissed the palm while sobbing hard.

"Ssh, Kit, please stay silent. Ming need a rest and you will wake him up with that action. Just sit and company him here." Beam pulled a chair and forced Kit to sat down. "Where the saviour anyway?"

Afterawrd, Beam hear something from the corner of room. Beam resembled the corner. Someone slept on the couch. A man. Beam can only see his long leg in black jeans. The face burried in pillow.

Beam touch the pillow. "There you are."


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