I Found Him

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Beam feeling exhausted. The exam block and all the worksheets consumed his time and energy. Lack of sleep and sometime passed the breakfast and lunch, make Beam easily irritated.

Beam missed his boyfriend. Since Forth had to do his job as a head hazer, they lack of time to meet. They can only text each other and make occasional calls sometimes. Its been for six day passed.

"Beam, you look so pale today. Have you eat your lunch?" Kit asked worriedly.

"I am not hungry, Kit."

"I know. You missed Forth, did you? I missed Ming, too. This semester will make us a widow soon," Kit sighed sadly.

Phana walked closer to the table where his two bestfriends sat down with cloudy face. He looks fresh and happy.

"I think it will be rain soon here, looking of your face," Phana tapped to Beam's shoulder and sit beside Beam. "Hei, what's wrong, Ladies?"

"Shut up, Pha, no need to rub your happily love story to our face," Kit smacked Phana's hand on the table.

"Ouch! Hei, hei, hei, its my luck to have a cutie lovely science student like Wayo as boyfriend, not a freaking busy engineering guys like you two. Especially you, Beam. Forth is a head hazer, eh?"

Beam glared to Phana before he bangs his head to the table and yell in frustation. He need his vitamin F, a.k.a Forth.

"Pha, can i go to engineering now to see Forth?" Beam asked in desperate tone. "I almost crazy to misses him."

"No!" Phana said firmly. "The next quiz just in 15 minutes. And after that, we have to finished our anatomy worksheets in my room. The dateline is tomorrow at 7."


Kit straightened up and looked in surprise at the person who shouted his name. His dull face turned as bright as the sun whe he saw Ming run toward him.

"Ming? Why you here? Did't you busy in your sotus?"

Ming pulled him into a hug and showered kisses all over Kit's face. "I am really really really missed my Kitkat. This week kill me slowly, Babe. How's you doing?"

"I miss you, too, Babe. I am just swimming in exam and worksheets. Its tired," Kit hugged Ming and caressed his handsome tired face.

"Ming, how's Forth?" Beam asked Ming.

"He is .... umm .... Ok. Busy with freshmen and some lab practical."

Beam looked at Ming suspiciously. He felt something was hidden by him. "Is he allright, Ming?"

"Fine, Phi. Phi Forth just more busy because we have a lot of hot headed freshmen this year."

"Ming, why are you here? didn't you say you're busy?" Kit asked his boyfriend.

"I have to find Ai' Noya. Phi Park asked me to bring him to engineering," Ming replied.

"Nong Noya? I saw him go out with his girlfriend at lunch this time. Why Park asked you to bring him? Park know him?" Phana raised his eyebrow.

"Err .... Nong Noya is Phi Park's cousin. We need him."

"I see. Why you need him? Someone's sick or what?" Beam asked.

"Hei, its time. Come on, guys, we need to go. Professor Terry will kick us out of class if we late," Phana told hid friends. "See you, Ming."

Ming stealed a quick kiss from Kit and run to the Indonesian food stall in the corner of medical canteen. Kit blushed but happy to see his boyfriend act. Beam sighed.

The trio sat down on their usual chairs and start to reading their book, when one of their classmate walked into the classroom and announced that the quiz was canceled. Professor Terry's husband was in accident and she have to go to hospital.

Beam immediately tidy up his books and say goodbye to his friends.

"Where are you going?" Asked Phana with smirk on his face. "Claim your dick?"

"Of course!"

"Crazy horny Beam," Kit chuckled, seeing Beam almost run to parking area.

Beam drives to engineering. Its almost 3 pm and all the engineering freshmen being dried in the middle of the field while sitting on the grass. Beam walked past them and towards the podium where the hazers gathered. No Forth, just the fantastic four and one girl name Kay--the 2nd engineering student, Ming's classmate.

"Hei, Beam," Max surprised to see Beam's arrival. "Why are you here?"

"Huh? To see .... my head hazer boyfriend?"

"Umm, he is not here. he's taking care of something," Park approached Beam and answered nervously.

Beam tilted his head and starring at the fantastic four. "Hm? what business? why do you look uncomfortable with my arrival? Is there something I need to know?"

Lam tapped Beam's shoulder calmly and dragged him to the corner. Kay watching them with curious eyes. She knows who that man is, Beam Baramee, the casanova. Their head hazer's boyfriend.

"Lam, where's Forth?"

"In the dungeon. You can go there, but please keep the tone down. We can't find Noya, but now, you are here. Take care of him, ok?"

"What? Is he sick or .... "

"Sst .... nothing urgent. Kay, can you drive Beam to meet our head hazer there? And please bring the the documents we need to complete the report, which I put in the locker. Thank you, Kay."

Kay nodded and drive Beam to follow him to the destination. "Sorry, Phi, i know you known where's the dungeon is, but our head hazer told us to blocked all of disturbance while he was there, and i need the documents there."

"Its ok, Nong. Thank to accompany me."

Kay knocked the dungeon's door with some code. Someone opens the door from inside. "What?" The man barked to Kay.

Beam raised his eyebrow. He know that voice. Its Ming. Beam walk ahead of Kay. "Ming?"

Ming looks so shocked and took a step back. someone asked from behind with hoarsed voice. "Who is it, Ming? I told you to blocked the door."

Beam break into it without caring about Ming and Kay. He saw his lover lying on the sofa on his stomach, shirtless. There was a tear on his back, in almost dried blood. "Forth?"

Kay whispered to Ming, "I need a documents in the locker. Can you take it for me? I will wait here."

Ming nodded. Kay standing in front of the door while looking at the scene inside.

"Beam? Baby, why are here?" Forth he sat up quickly, trying to grab the shirt to cover himself. Too late. Beam grabbed Forth's shoulders and turned to check his back.

"Is that a tattoo? Dragon tattoo, on Phi Forth's back?" Kay asked Ming. "Its so cool. Why we never saw it before?"

"Sst .... go back, Kay, pretend not to see anything if you want to survive," Ming throws Kay away and says to two people behind him, "I will wait outside, Phi, just call me if you need something."

Meanwhile, Kay walked away while talking softly to someone on her cell phone. "I know who he is, Phi. Meet me in my room tonight."


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