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In one of hotel penthouse.


The man in his middle age, throw an astray to the wall. Anger enveloped his half broken face. Two other bulky man bowed their head behind him.

"You can get where the youngest is, yet?"

"We think he is in one of university in Thailand, Sir, on incognito mode."

"So, what do you waiting for? Find him soon! I need him! Only him can make everything setlled."

Two bulky man out of the room. The half broken face man sighed his heavy breath and take something out from his wallet. A photograph.

There are a man, a woman, and a baby in the woman's embrace. They all smile dearly to the camera.

The half broken face man rubbed the photograph with teary eyes.

"Honey, i will find our son. I will destroy that fucking family who took our son. Don't worry, Honey, rest and sleep well. I can handle everything."


A beautiful girl on white dress enter the room. She kneeled down in front of the half broken face man and lay her head down to the lap of the man.

"Can you stop crying, Daddy? You always cry when you see that picture. It make my heart torn into pieces."

"My dear daughter, i am not crying."

"Liar. Your eyes wet. Now, let me take over the mission, Daddy. I can't refrained myself again. I am grown up enough to help you now."

The half broken face man rubbed the back of the girl. "You don't have to do that. I have men and they will take care everything. Just go to your Uni in peace, study and maybe find a man you love, and get me a grandson or granddaughter. I am not sure how long we has to take time to find him. You will waste your time when waiting for him to find."

"I am insisted. Its hurt me everytime i see you longing for your family. You gave me life, a very best life a girl like me deserved, but still, i am not your real family. You need a heir and trust me, i will bring him back to your kingdom in the right time. Its my promised before."

"Oh, Baby, i don't know how i supposed to be life without you. You are another gift my wife gave me before she passed away and i will take care and love you forever. If we can find my son, you will marry him and together we will build our kingdom. That's my eternal dream lately. But, i never thought it will took time so long like this."

"No worry, Daddy. I will make your dream come true, Daddy, believe me. I don't care about time. I have forever to make you happy again."

The half broken face man nodded and smile dearly to the girl. "I know you will, Baby."

The girl nodded and gave a peck on the man temple. She pulled the chair and sat down on it.

"Daddy, i said the he was one year older from me, right?"

The half broken face man nodded. His eyebrow knotted. "Yeah, why?"

"I have a brillian plan. If we find out who and where he is, let me transferred to the university he was attended. I will take care of him, seducing him with my way and make him mine. How's about that?"

"Its amazing. We can have it all with one step. Very effective. You are so beautiful, talented, and charming, every man will easy to fallin love with you."

"Thank, Daddy. Now, can i go? Maybe i will find something while playing around."

"Of course, Baby. Take two men with you and always stay safe."

The girl kissed the man's cheek and caressed the part of broken face with dearly smile.

The half broken face man starring at the door where was the girl passed. He sighed again, remebered something.

"Take her, Honey. Make her our daughter. She will take care of you when i have to go. She will growing up beautifully and one day, when you find our son, marry them."

"Don't say that you will leave me, Honey, please don't! I can life without you."

"I will stay with you forever, Honey, in your heart and mind. Please find our son, Honey, please...."

The tear of broken heart rolled down to the man's cheeks. He hugged his passed away wife with hard sobbed. His world destroyed around him when his wife became pale and cold. The five other men in the room bowed their head, deep in sorrow.

A litlle white hand caressed the man back the wrapped around the man's shoulder.

"I will take care of you, Daddy. I will find take care of you."

The man pulled the litlle girl who hugged him and embraced her in his chest. "I know you will, Baby. My lovely wife choose you and i will take you as my daughter like she said. We will take each other care."

"Don't worry, Daddy, when i grow up, i will find Phi Theo and marry him. We will become a full family then. Just be patient untill i grow up, Daddy. I promise you."

The half broken face man rubbed his nape and proudly smiled to the photograph.

"Honey, our daughter will find our Theo. She will fulfill her promised. Wait a litlle bit longer, Honey."


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