Chapter 35

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I could feel the pit of my stomach flip upside down as we took off into dark purple sky. Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He doesn't like flying but he’s doing it for me. "You can now unbuckle and let your trays down as well as use your cellular devices." The flight attendant said. She disappeared into the back cabin designated to the in flight crew.

I pulled out my phone and turned my airplane mode off. It seemed like I got a notifications when my service reconnected. That same guy that was tweeting me those pictures of me and Liam was tweeting pictures of me at the airport. "This guy is stalking me Niall!" I told him showing the phone to him. He grabbed my phone out of my hand. "You need a break from this." he said locking the phone and tossing it into the other seat not even checking the screen. I laid my head down next on Niall's shoulder then remembered something. "Will you hand me my bad please, lovely?"

Niall reached over and handed me the black bag. My iPad stuck out of the top so I grabbed it and connected to the Wi-Fi on the plane. I don't have the twitter app on my iPad because I have it on my phone but I had other apps like We Heart It and Instagram. We Heart It needed updating so I updated it and then opened it. There multiple pictures of me and Niall on the popular page but then one caught my eye. It was a picture of me and Liam. I can't deal with this. Why do people do stuff like this to celebrities? Niall saw what I was doing and took my iPad away from me.

"How about we watch a movie? You need a break from all this technology and social media. I brought pitch perfect we can watch that on your MacBook." He said. I agreed and he got it all set up. He angled the laptop on the tray so that we could both see it.

"You can lift the arm rest up if you need too." The flight attendant said. "Can I get you to anything?" She asked. I took a menu from her and looked it over. Spaghetti was an available item. "I'll take a plate of spaghetti." I said handing her back the paper of food choice. "I'll have one too." Niall told her as she disappeared into the back. The movie started.

About ten minutes into the movie, the woman brought our food to us. I took one bite and almost began crying at the taste. "What's wrong baby?" Niall asked eating his dinner. I swallowed my bite. "It taste just like my mother’s spaghetti. I miss her so much." I began crying. "I miss both of them. I wish that they could have been here to meet you or see Avery grow up or see how successful I have become. They always knew I would be a star but they always thought that they would get to see it." I cried harder and into Niall's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "I know you do, but you have me and Rae and Harry, Louis, Liam and Avery. We all love you. Jess I love you!" Niall said as I fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke to a buzzing sound. It took a couple minutes to remember that I was on a plane. On my plane. Niall laid next to me shirtless and mouth open snoring. It was still dark outside but I couldn't tell what time it was. My MacBook sat closed on the tray with by gold iPad on top of it and my phone laid on top of both. Niall must have moved them after I fell asleep.

Niall moaned next to me and I noticed that he hadn't taken off his shirt. Slowly and carefully I removed the white fabric from his body and threw it onto the ground. I clicked the home button on my phone and saw that it was only 4:22 am so I laid my head back down on Niall's shoulder.

"Attention passengers! We are approaching the runway and we need all of the trays to be put up and locked as we will begin our decent in five minutes." The pilot said awaking me from my slumber. Niall sat next to me packing up all of our electronics. "Good morning love." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed the maroon travel blanket that was covering me up and folded it then set it aside. The flight attendants will come by later and clean the plane. Niall finished packing my travel on bag and handed me my phone which I slid into my back pocket. I noticed that he had put his shirt back on and was now sliding his shoes back on to his feet.

“Good morning babe how are you?” I asked buckling my seat belt and then zipping my carry-on bag. Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed it as the plane began to fly downward and then ump. We hit the ground and began to slow down. Eventually we came to a stop. The attendants helped us find our way off the plane like we were stupid but we just went along with it. When I stepped out of the terminal I heard screams from all directions. Flashes of white light began as I walked out to my limo which was waiting to drive us to the hotel. 

Hey everyone! Sorry this was such a bad chapter but I just got a new job and I didn’t have much time to work on my story this week. Any ways don’t forget to like comment and share. Love yall.

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