Chapter 5

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I eventually worked up the nerve to tell Avery and Rae about the date. I got Avery's car keys off the nightstand and dug through my closet trying to find something to wear. I found a pear of black Aeropostalé sweat pants and a bright purple tank to that showed off my biceps. "Rae!!" I hollered for her to come up here. It took her about 5 seconds before she was running through my door frame. "What's wrong Jess?" Jess has always been her nickname for me. "I need Avery's phone." I told her. She ran down the stairs and Into her room. Within seconds she was running back up the stairs. She handed me the now cracked iPhone 5S. "what the hell happened?" I asked with superiority. "When I tried to take it from him he got really pissed off and threw at me and I dropped it. Then he said 'You bitch' and ran inside. When I walked in and he was laying on the couch in tears." she told me. I was almost in tears. "oh well his fault! He can pay for a new phone or he can pay to get the screen fixed." I told her as she nodded her head in agreement. "ok y'all go downstairs and sit on the couch I have a big announcement!" I said excitedly. She smiled, I think she knows whats gonna happen. I sat on my bed preparing for what I was about to do. After I about 5 minutes of just sitting and staring at my lime green walls I got up and walked down stairs. Avery still had no shirt on but I noticed a trail growing just under his belly button and v lines developing. His right arm was lifted behind his head showing off his armpit hair and flexing his right bicep. "Ok I need to tell you guys something and I'm really nervous. Avery after everything we've been through and all I want is for you to love me and support me." I told him almost in tears again. He moved his arm down and scratched his face. "Jesse! You have been like a father to me and there is nothin you can say or do that will make me not love you. J'Taime Jesse!" he told me. "Avery. Rae. I'm gay." i told them as the first tear rolled down my cheek which was now bright red. Avery got up and hugged me as hard as he could and whispered in my ear "I don't care Jesse. I will always love you." i was sobbing with joy and nerves now. He was still hugging me when I slipped my hand in the back pocket of my sweatpants and pulled out his phone and slipped it in his hand. "your paying for
it to get fixed Avery." he didn't say anything but I heard him giggle and felt his abs against mine. "Thank you, Jesse." Avery spoke. Then he broke the hug and I noticed a little stache growing on his upper lip. I giggle then ran my fingers over his face where he would soon begin growing facial hair. "Do I need to teach you to shave?" I asked almost laughing. "Yea! Let your beard grow back in first." he said laughing. Then I turned to Rae and said "I asked Niall on a date! And..." my face dropped as did hers. "HE SAID YES!!!!" I told her as she squealed! After a few minutes of us jumping around and being happy,"Bonjour?" I heard Avery say. "I'm hungry and bored what are we going to do today?" Avery asked. I looked at Rae and smiled. She smiled back. I tossed Avery his car keys and smiled "Your taking me and Rae to IHOP for breakfast them we have to go to the studio we have a meeting with summer." he nodded in agreement and ran upstairs. "I'm so proud of you! That took a lot of guts babe!" Rae told me as I sat down on the couch and tied my Purple Air Jordans. "thank you for helping me." I said. "J'Taime Jesse!" she said. Then i stood up and I kissed her on her cheek and ran upstairs. I walked into Avery's room to find him butt naked with his back to me. I quickly slammed the door letting him know I had been there. I walked back into my room and grabbed my SpeedStick deodorant and rubbed it under my arms. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then walked back down stairs to find Rae in a blue tank and cut off blue jean shorts which stopped about 10 inches up from her knees. Avery stood there in a neon pink t-shirt and black Nike shorts that came up just past his knees revealing his legs. His legs had grown more hair on them since last summer and I just couldn't accept that my once baby brother was now a man. I guess this is what it's like to be a parent with a child. His face was red from the little incident. "Dont worry the only thing I saw was your tight ass!" I told him as me him and Rae Burst into laughter. "Let's get outa dodge Avery." I told him. We got up and walked out the door to his car. "Can I drive?" I asked him. "Wreck my car and you pay for it!" he said with a smirk as he handed over the keys.I cranked the car and pulled out of the drive way. The drive took about 12 minutes. When we got to IHOP I saw two familiar faces sitting in a booth. I walked back there and noticed that they were Winter and Alaska. "Hey guys can I join you?" I asked. "Sure go ahead. We haven't ordered yet so y'all can order with us" Winter said. All of us sat down as a short red and brown headed lady came to take our order. "Hi welcome to IHOP! I'm A-Audrey and holy shit your..." she said! I laughed "Yes I know I'm Jesse but you have to keep quiet." Aubrey nodded. She took our order and took it back to the kitchen. about ten minutes later our food came out! We spent about an hour visiting and eating. We paid Audrey and left. Me Avery and Rae got in Avery's car and headed to the studio where we met summer. "Hello Mr. Mac! I have some great news. We found an opening act for you. Please allow me to introduce the boy band 5 Seconds of Summer!" summer said as 4 really attractive men who looked about in there early twenties entered the room. There was a girl holding hands with one of the members. It was Audrey from IHOP. "Hi Jesse I'm Luke Hemmings and this is my girlfriend Audrey." the first guy said. "Hi Luke! I'm Jesse! Nice to see you again Audrey. Oh Luke we met this morning at IHOP. "I told Luke. "Oh fun! Well this is Calum Ashton and Michael." he said. "Nice to meet you guys and I'm so glad you will be opening up for my show! This is gonna be a fun tour!" I said getting really excited. "this is Avery my little brother and Rae my best friend slash sister and this is Winter and Alaska they are a 2 of my ten backup dancers for the show as well as close friends!" I introduced them. Calum walked up to winter and flirted with her "Hey baby are you from Tennessee cause your the only 10 I see! Can I get yo digits?" he said with a smile. Winter was blushing as she pulled out her phone handing it to him and him putting in his number. "Why don't we all exchange numbers so we can schedule a date to meet up for rehearsals?" I said everyone in the room nodded in agreement. Ashton moved over to Avery and they exchanged numbers as I got Luke an Calum's and Ashton's numbers. We mingled for a few minutes. Avery and Ashton seemed to hit it off they were talking and becoming friends the whole night. By 7:00 we were all done we headed out because I had a date to get ready for. Avery was on his phone the whole ride home. "Who are you texting" I asked. He smiled and responded "Ashton. He's pretty cool! Thanks for making me come today." I just smiled. I walked up to the front door and unlocked it and went inside. I sat on the stairs took off my shoes and green socks and walked into the living room to find Avery in nothing but his rainbow striped boxers. God he's getting so big I thought to myself. He was still on his phone and texting Ashton I could tell cause he set his phone on the table and it dinged. I looked on the screen and the contact name Said Ash😘. Does Avery like Ashton? Is Avery gay? Is that why he was so cool with me being gay? Well i don't care if he is or not he will tell me when he thinks it's time. I walked up stairs ti my bedroom and pulled of my shirt and laid down on the floor and did my daily workout of 100 sit-ups. Now my abs were hurting and I was sweating. I stood in the bathroom in front of my mirror admiring my body. I stretched my arms flexing my biceps. I start the shower and turned the water all the way to hot. Then I stripped out of my black sweats and pink boxers and got in the shower and stood there in the hot water for at least 30 minutes. Then I washed my face with this orange soap I have to special order from the Internet. After i rinsed I felt my face getting a little scruffy from my beard that I just shaved the other day which was now coming back in. I rubbed my axe body wash all over my body and rinsed. I turned the water off and grabbed my towel off the towel rack that was mounted on the wall. When I was completely dry I walked into my room completely naked and found a red pair of boxer briefs in my chest of drawers. I put on a pink tank and skinny leather pants with a rainbow studded belt I got from Hot Topic. I put my tall leather boots and stuffed my phone just in the top of my boot so I had easy access to it. Them I dug through my closet and found a leather jacket that kit in the sleeves but didn't come all the way down to my waist. The I heard the door bell ring. Rae opened the door and hollered for me to come down stairs. I slowly and frantically walked down the stairs to see the man of my dreams Niall James Horan who had Blonde perfectly quiffed hair bright blue eyes and black skinny jeans with a pink crotch. His face was scruffy but unshared. Such a turn on. I was so glad I had met this boy who had transformed into a man within 24 hours.

Thanks to everyone who is reading it means a lot to me!! Please feel free to comment any ideas you have or any recommendations. Also I got lazy and didn't feel like editing do please ignore any mistakes I made. PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!


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