Chapter 25

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I sat there still drinking the red wine trying to take in the information. My best friend is expecting a child. How the hell am I supposed to feel about that especially at three in the morning?

“Does Liam know yet?” I asked. She looked hurt. I drank even more of the wine and decided it wasn’t strong enough. Our refrigerator was stocked full of different kinds of alcohol. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels tequila and popped the cork off with my bare hands. I could feel the alcohol in my system because I started to feel a little dizzy.

“I don’t want to tell him because I don’t want him to leave me.” She said. I took a swig of the drink and swallowed. I could feel it as it went down because I burned the back of my throat. “He won’t leave you. If the baby is his he will step forward and take responsibility for yall’s child. Also you don’t need any alcohol if you’re with a child.” I told her taking the glass of wine away from her and drinking it myself. She still looked hurt.

“Ok change the subject I don’t want to think about it right now. What’s going on with you?” she asked.  I took another drink out of the bottle. “I had another nightmare. It was about me and Niall. Some guy kidnapped me and him then put a gun to my head and raped me then he did the same to Niall but when Niall refused he killed him and then I woke up and came out here.” I told her. She put her hands on her head like she was feeling sick. It doesn’t surprise me if she’s pregnant. I hope that the alcohol she drank tonight doesn’t kill the unborn child.

“I feel like sick I think I’m gonna try and go to sleep.” She said. I helped her off the couch and held her hand as she walked to her bed. She sat down on the mattress and then slowly laid herself down.

“Goodnight Rae.”

I closed her curtain and went back to bed too. Niall was still laying bed sound asleep. I could hear his little snore. The comforters were still drawn back from where I got up so I sat down and took my shirt off then my underwear because they were to tight and curled up under the covers and fell back into another peaceful sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I woke up to Niall laying on his back with his arm above his head watching pretty little liars on Netflix. “Good morning love!” he said. I rolled over and put my head on his chest. He smelled like peppermint body wash.

“Good morning baby.”

“Have you been drinking?” Niall asked. Suddenly the headache and memory of what happened last night returned. I nodded. He jokingly hit me softly on the head. To get revenge I tickled his waist and he emitted the loudest squeal I’ve ever heard. I stopped tickling him and we both laughed really really hard. That’s one thing I like about Niall. I can laugh and be myself around him.

“Niall can I ask you something? It’s something that has been disturbing me.” He nodded and as soon as I began to speak, Avery came bursting through the door. Shit I forgot to lock the door.

“JESSE LOOK AT THIS!!” He screamed holding his phone to my face. It was an article about my show last night. “What is it?” Niall asked.

“It’s a review from Jesse’s show last night. Some guy that came thought that it was the best show that he’s ever taking his little girl to see!” Avery said excitedly. “Ryan texted me she said that she didn’t come last night was because she got sick and she had to go to the doctor’s office.”

Great one less thing to worry about. Just the fact that Avery was not depressed anymore made me even happier. He took his phone back and ran out of the room leaving the door wide open. “Avery fermez la port si vous plait. (Close the door please)” I screamed after him. He stopped turned around and shut out door. Niall got up and locked it so what happened last night doesn’t happen again because that was so fucking embarrassing! “You wanted to talk to me about something?” Niall asked. Oh yeah I do need to talk to him.

I rolled over to face him. He wiped my hair out of my eyes. I’m still trying to get used to the blonde in his hair. “Rae is pregnant and Liam is the father but Liam doesn’t know yet. I don’t know exactly how to feel about my best friend having a baby. How do I need to deal with this?” I asked. He did this cute thing with his nose where he crinkles it when he thinks. One of his many lovable features.

“You need to support her just as she supported you when she found out about us. You also need to help her as much as you can because there is a lot of things she won’t be able to do and you need to help her not do those things.”

Niall always gave good advice. “Baby why was the door unlocked?” He asked. Oh goodness why did you have to ask Niall? “I had a nightmare last night and I got up and rae was up too and we talked for a while that’s when I found out about the baby.” I told him. He understood. “I suppose you don’t want to talk about the nightmare do you?” Niall asked. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my left leg across him under the covers. “No baby I don’t because it makes me upset.”

A knock came on the door. “Who is it?” Niall screamed. Someone beated on the door. “ITS ME RAE LET ME IN NOW!! JESS LET ME IN!” I hopped out of my bed completely naked and ran to the door panicing and unlocked it and saw Rae standing there holding her hand that was covered in blood and her face covered in tears. I looked at the front of the bus and saw Liam looking very angry and upset holding a knife.

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